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  • WTF do dogs have to do with "All Good Things Come to an End?"?

    I am speaking, of course, of the popular Nelly Furtado hit pop song. I enjoy the song and the video, and I think it is a cool song. But I cannot figure out for the life of me what she means by "The dogs are barking at the new moon, whistling a new tune, hoping it will come soon, so that they can die..." WTF is that all about??????

    I hope there is some deep meaning to it that someone can explain to me, so my wife can stop making fun of the song (and me) every time I play it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Is my woman crazy?

    All she wants to do is watch "LOST" with me when I'm home in the evening, and I would rather screw around online. Which is more important?

    58 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Full auto or 3-round burst?

    Which is better for your personal weapon and why?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you support our 2nd Amendment Rights?...?

    "The Right to keep and arm bears, shall not be infringed..."

    I mean bears are pretty well-armed already, what with their sharp claws and fangs and all. Grizzlies are naturally better armed than black bears. But neither are a match for a well-placed 200-grain hollowpoint fired from a .300 Winchester Magnum. Don't you think we need to correct this injustice? Shouldn't every responsible citizen own a bear and keep it well armed with the weapon of its choice?

    Serious responses only please...

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to fire a .50 cal machine gun from the hip?

    Think about it. It's a potent round for sure, but also one heavy weapon. So I think it could be done. Before you say the gun is too heavy, know that I can pick up and hold the weapon by myself. So why could'nt you fire it from the hip?

    22 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Have you seenTransformers?

    What do you think? Pretty cool...

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What's the deal with chiggers?

    So I just moved to a wooded area on the U.S. east coast, lately I have been getting all these nasty little bites all over my body. Mostly around my ankles and arms. I am sure they are not mosquitos, and everybody is saying they are "chigger" bites. The bites itch something fierce and seem to last forever. This is my first experience with these little pests. What can I do to treat and prevent this?

    9 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What kind of diapers do you use?

    I like Abena X-plus best, then Molicare Super Plus

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • M240b vs M60 machine gun?

    What's better? Why did the military switch to the M240?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Pray for peace, hope for war?

    Do you think it's screwed up for a professional warfighter to want a fight? Should he change his outlook on life and be peaceful? Or are some people just born for war?

    12 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • How important in life is IQ?

    Consider: Not all highly intelligent people are successful, and not all successful people are highly intelligent. I am referring to a widely accepted meaning of the term "success," to mean the ability to obtain a job, make money, find lasting relationships, communicate, etc.

    Or to put it another way:

    Lots of people who scored high on high IQ tests have basically amounted to nothing in life. Yet, many who may not have been considered the sharpest tools in the proverbial shed, have managed to accomplish important and meaningful things with their lives.

    Still, society tends to place great emphasis on IQ levels. How important do YOU think IQ level is to a person's overall success in life? (Regardless of whether you're a genius or mentally retarded)

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are you weird? And how so?

    It's cool to be different

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with an adult who wants to wear diapers?

    How does this get imprinted onto one's psyche? I have heard abuse as a child or fetishism as possible explanations. Could there be other reasons? And is the desire to wear them reversible? Can anyone elaborate?

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Which is the best kind of diaper for cross-country trips?

    You know, like for a 900-mile trip to see someone in another state? I heard the NASA diapers are the best, but I can't find them for sale anywhere. And don't say Depends either, they aren't so dependable, they leak like a seive. I don't want to have to stop for nothin'!

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • How can you say "There is No God?"?

    I am getting tired of seeing this from people here who say they believe only in science. The blanket statement that "there is no God" completely disregards science, and proclaims incredible arrogance.

    Example: What if I were to state: "There is no continent of Antarctica." Of course it would be easy to prove me wrong, since people have been to Antarctica, seen it, and photographed it. There is empirical evidence to prove that the continent exists.

    Now, what if I were to state: "There is no life beyond our planet." The athiests here would call me an idiot, because I would have to have a detailed knowledge of all the solar systems in all the galaxies in the universe in order to be sure that my statement is true. Of course I do not have this knowledge, and neither do you. So we can only say, I BELIEVE there is no life on any other planets because it is improbable, etc.

    Similarily, how do you KNOW there is no God? No, you BELIEVE that. You do not have all knowledge.

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who made the matter that blew up in the Big Bang?

    You know, that little super-heavy ball of dirt that went KAPOW! And presto, formed galaxies and solar systems, and now billions of years later, here we are. Did the matter that exploded in the Big Bang make itself? Did it come from a different Big Bang billions of years earlier? If so, where did that matter come from? Help me understand.

    11 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Would charcoal underwear eliminate smells?

    I just came up with this idea based off the chem/bio suits impregnated with charcoal, it absorbs the chemicals. So in similar fashion, if they made a pair of undies out of this stuff, could your business in them and it not smell?

    5 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Why does the press keep covering Kanye West's outbursts?

    The guy is a total moron. Who cares if he has a little music talent. Why does anyone care what this idiot says? His latest is that he sincerely believes he should have won best video for his tasteless rip-off of stuntman legend Evel Knievel, for which he was rightly sued by Knievel, because the music video "cost a million dollars and has Pam Anderson in it."

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago