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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

I've been going there 5 years to buy beer, now their asking for i.d. - racism ?

Now, maybe it's not racism as in, against my race.

But something funny is going on, it's a bar & a restaurant called Marrones. I've been going there before I was 21 to buy beer, 1 time a few years later the owner asked me for my i.d. ~ I gave it to her 1 time, and never was asked for my i.d. until 5 years later today.

The same people that have sold me beer, over and over ... damn near everyday, acted as if they didn't recognize me today. ( that made me mad, because how can you sell a person beer everyday, and then draw a blank when I say,

" Don't you remember selling me beer here for years " )

They said,

" The state makes them ask for i.d. or they will get a fine "

Maybe the state came down hard on them, but I'm thinking that for some reason they don't want alot of young black men going in their store, because it's a restaurant too, and everytime we walk in. We look towards the restaurant, what do you think ?

How can I get even, without making a big deal out of it


Thanks everyone, I like all your answers ... I don't have a problem with showing my i.d. ~hahaha

The only reason I was making a big deal out of this, is because ... " I HAD TO WALK TO THE STORE " ~lol

I didn't want to walk all the way home for my i.d. - after just leaving !

Update 2:

Olivia your right, but I can't find another word to describe being hated against, besides a form of racism.

Ok, maybe DISCRIMINATION or BIGOTRY maybe a better word !

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My friend used to work in a liquor store. They never really asked to check ID's unless someone looked underage. Well the local police set up a sting where they sent decoys to several stores and gas stations and the fines were pretty huge. The store that my friend worked in got heavily fined. The manager decided the way to monitor that situation was to place video camera's where you could see whether or not they look at ID's or not, and I guess the manager looks at them everyday to make sure. Perhaps the establishment installed video cameras to make sure their employees follow the law. I guess I would just let it go at that until you see them openly discriminate between you and someone who is white.

    Hope this helps!

  • dawnb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why is it that every time some law changes, someone has to claim racism? State and federal laws changed a number of years ago. Everyone has to ask your age and ID. I am well over the age of question and white but all liquor stores have to ask for my birthdate to put into their computer before I can buy. Restaurants are having to do the same. So step back and take a breath. It's not about you or your silly racist thoughts. It's for everyone. Good grief, are you ever going to get over the fact that you believe everything is against you. Jeez, it isn't already.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why does everyone want to get even? Your logic is flawed. I doubt carding black men or anyone else has much effect on chasing them away, unless they don't have an ID. The law sets speed limits too, just because you get away with driving down the same 25mph zone every day to work at 40mph, wont stop the cop who finally catches you from writing a ticket, and it has nothing to do with race. You are breaking the law. If the same guy was selling you beer for years, why do you think he suddenly turned into a racist? If you look for racism around every corner, you'll suspect everybody and make yourself a racist.

    Lighten up!

  • Zinc
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    NOOOOO! Its NOT racism....I am a white female and I get ID'd a LOT more than I used to....its simply because the gvmt has now started imposing £5000 fines on places caught selling to underage drinkers....a lot of bars have been closed in Nottingham where I live because of this....they bars,pubs and off licences are just being a LOT more careful now. The same is happening with cigarettes now, as well as the age being raised from 16 to 18 before u can smoke. I never used to get ID'd when I was like 15 and 16, now Im 22 going on 23, I get it all the time!!! trust me its not anything racist, its a change in gvmt policy.

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  • john
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Racist hardly, they are doing what they should have been doing all along. Checking I.D. is required by law, most states are really cracking down on this issue. Also there may be a liability issue here as far as their insurance. Because bars are responsible for how much their patrons drink and if they are underage and get into an accident the bar somehow is responsible for letting them drive.

    Chill out

  • 5 years ago

    If the cashier wants to be a Jerk. I'm 28 and a few weeks ago I was asked for ID to buy Permanent Markers. I was 18 before there was even a law that you have to be 18 to buy them. I unfortunately forgot my ID and the guy insisted on being a jerk even tough I could tell him how old I was during every major historical event in my life time. When I went back the next day I complained to the store manager and he said he wouldn't have even carded me for alcohol he apologized for the rude cashier and told me he would handle it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Could be that the law changed. It did here in WA. Now everyone is supposed to have picture ID with them in order to purchase alcohol....everyone....even your 80 year old grandmother. If there happens to be an inspector or the state is running a sting and they see someone not being carded they can either automatically fine the business and cashier or they can check to see if the customer has ID on them. If they don't then levy the fines.

  • 1 decade ago

    When ever you go to the bar just make sure you have your ID with you. It is after all law. I worked at a gas station once, and we were required to card everyone, even old people. The laws the law and there is nothing you can do about it. They either have gotten caught serving underage people, or they knew that the alcohol control people were in town, and wanted to make sure they had their butts covered. I'd almost guarantee you that it wasn't personal. You could always find another establishment to frequent. But who's to say that you wouldn't get carded. The law is the law. It's one of those things we all have to deal with.

    Source(s): I'm a cashier, who has dealt with selling alcohol and cigs, and carding people, and dealing with them getting upset about it.
  • 1 decade ago

    WHOA!! Slow down! Having been a bartender for 10 years I can say with all authority, that you WON'T remember every face as it changes over the years. Sometimes they don't really look much at your face, but the face and the date on your I.D. It is nothing personal or racial, as we forget the faces of white people too. (and brown red yellow and any others I might have left out) Aren't you just "phoning it in" at your job occasionally? Give 'em the benefit of the doubt for the sake of world peace!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahhh...that's the problem. That's the law not racism. If he is the new owner he doesn't want to take chances...all it takes is one time. Maybe as time goes on and he gets to know you he may let you purchase alcohol without ID, but don't count on it. He's not in the wrong he is a law abiding citizen...we need more of them around. You should thank him for asking for your ID, I bet his attitude will change towards the positive and make your shopping experience more pleasurable.

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