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Nikita V asked in SportsCricket · 1 decade ago

Do u think giving Sourav Ganguly out on 87 was a good decision by Tony Hill?

Well, I had closely watched the replays... the Umpire had probably got confused by the convergence of the ball leaving the bat and the bat hitting the ground. What do u have 2 say?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To me it looked not-out

    BUT guess what ?

    Somtimes umpires make mistakes !, if the umpire had give that not-out than it would have been a great decision, we have the benefit of looking at the close-up replay time and after time again. The umpire has one look and he has to make a split second decision almost straight away.

    From first look, everyone must have thought that it was out. There was a clear snick, and the bat was very close to the ball, so if i was a umpire i would have give it out

    Unfortunately umpires are not robots, and Tony Hill gave the wrong decision BUT you cannot blame him it was such a tough decision, and even though it denied Ganguly of a great 100, did it really make a difference in the match ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I am also of the opinion that Ganguly’s dismissal at 87 wasn’t a fair decision. In fact dada was playing superbly, when his innings was brought to an end by another unfortunate decision of the umpire. He surely deserved a century here. You are right, the umpire was probably confused. From the television replay, it didn’t seem to me either that the ball touched Sourav’s bat. It’s strange that dada is becoming the victims of such decisions time and again. I mean, even when he plays well, he is always being prevented from reaching that triple figure mark. Nevertheless, it’s God’s wish, and we can do nothing about it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its really unfortunate for Sourav Ganguly who was heading for the century, but the human errors are part of the game.

    I wish the Indian side to do better at the Kanpur test, because just Ganguly and Pathan will not be able to safe the match.

  • 1 decade ago

    that was a close one and looked out at first glance,

    i don't blame the umpire for that one, it was a bad shot for a person on 87 to play

    regardless of that, benefit of doubt is always given to batsman, so maybe umpire thought he was sure of an edge.

    didn't make much of a difference really,

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  • 1 decade ago

    It was a pathetic decision by the umpire who robbed Ganguly from getting a well deserved century.

  • 1 decade ago

    umpires are only human and are bound to make mistakes

    to the user 2 places above me: whenever you make a mistake do people call you pathetic? leave the blame game home

  • 1 decade ago

    Human senses are imperfect and one can can be excused for such a close error.

    By-the-way sympathy for DADA as he missed a well deserved century.

  • 1 decade ago

    A victim of human error for one more time.

  • 1 decade ago

    decision has been made and if i am not mistaken you can do nothing about it now any so why bother arguing about it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    human error, and part of the game, so leave that.

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