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joyce s asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Did you know if obama agreed to a re vote in Mich. it would happen, why is he stopping it?

You know the preacher who wants the people to have the power. change of players is all you get with this dude


I live in Michigan and it is on the news almost everyday. Obama the uniter and the one to bring change is a LIAR

Update 2:

Don are wrong, all he has to do is agree to a re vote he is stopping millions of peoples votes from being counted. Because Hillary already won here. I LIVE HERE

Update 3:

I guess people do not watch the news, obamanites were telling everyone how not to vote, so it would work against Hillary day after day but it didn't work she still won.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The govenor of Michigan asked all candidates to leave their name on the ballots. Obama took his name off, not Michigan or the voters. The voters did not break the rules, politics did. It is unamerican not to count the votes of Michigan and Florida. He ran tv ads in Florida which were against the rules but nothing was much said about it. Now he doesn't want Florida to count either.

    Bottom line is this. Obama looses either way and he knows it. If votes are counted he looses both states to Hillary. If they don't count he looses both states to McCain. He should be smart and say ok lets let their vote count. I don't know whats going through his mind. He's only hurting himself.

  • Theo N
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Obama has blocked a revote because HRC runs strong in the state and it would mean another loss for him. This is also the reason he withdrew his name from the ballot, because he knew that he would lose the state. Otherwise, why would he have taken his name off in Michigan, and left his name on the ballot in Florida? Obama is playing a very smart game of chess, and unfortunately his dishonesty and manipulations are discounting milllions of voters in two importanta states. He and his supporters will do anything to win the nomination, even if it means losing the general election. I am certain that no democrat candidate can win this election while losing both Michigan and Florida, but Obama doesn't care as long as he "makes history" as the first black nominee.

  • 1 decade ago

    The voters of Florida and Michigan hypothesized that if states other than the same old privileged five, got the chance to voice their opinion before all but one candidate quit, there might be a more fair primary race, the results of which would be more representative of the actual opinions of the voters, of the entire country.

    The Democratic Party was right and they were clearly wrong.

    Since all the candidates except Obama quit after 5 states anyway, they should shut up about fair primary elections, and let Obama have his nomination in peace.

    That is what happened, right?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama wasn't even on the Michigan ballots. Besides you can't change the rules half way through the game. BOTH Hillary and Obama agreed that Michigan and Florida should have their delegates stripped prior to the elections. But now, Hillary is being a sore loser about it.

    Rules are rules, gotta follow them.

    Also, Hillary talks about disenfranchising voters if those two states don't get their delegates. Well, then she later says that the superdelegates should be allowed to undo the choice of the voters at the convention - which is disenfranchising voters. Hillary just wants what is best for her and doesn't care about fairness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its easy for you to say that but in the end we do not know what the terms are.

    I saw that the DNC did not want the re vote. I am sure that Obama is not going to go against them.

    Clinton would because if she looses she does not care if she takes the democratic party down with her.

    No democrat should go against the DNC rules that were laid out and contracts were signed before the election.

    MI broke the rules and now wants to change the rules of the game.

    If you want to get upset you should get upset with your local democrats who made the deal in the first place, not the guy who wants to go by the rules.

    Its always been the way of the Clinton's to change the rules if they don't suit you.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    do no longer call every physique a "socialist" till you be attentive to what that incredibly is. you are able to discover out that it is not any such undesirable component regardless of each little thing. Is it a competent component that the best 5% of the individuals in this country very own extra wealth than the different ninety 5% mixed. Does that sound democratic. It helpful would not say lots for this country whilst that 5% is mad that they might could pay extra taxes and pay for the conflict that they have got been given us into.

  • 1 decade ago

    Michigan cheated and now wants back in the game

    maybe u should have followed the rules instead of trying to do whatever u wanted

    Oh and I am so sure Obama has ultimate say so...yeah right, nice try.


    why is it MOST other states had no problem following the same set of rules Michigan thinks they are above following?

  • 1 decade ago

    I am still mad because the

    DNC took away our vote Fl/Mi like a cop would take a kids bike because his Dad was speeding ,,Because Howard Dean could not do his job of coming up with a date for election with state leaders in FL/Mi ,,It will be a insult is sated If they

  • 1 decade ago

    He is like a chameleon who change colors where his interest is best served, no definite stand. The rookie Senator depends on his handlers and they are making a two-faceted deals to the people. One say one thing and the other put a semblance of the opposite for political positioning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I reside in Michigan and Obama is smart not to agree to a re-vote!!

    All the candidates agreed NOT to campaign in Michigan due to our early election. Hillary snuck behind the back door and put her name on the ballot.

    Her name was the only DEMOCRATIC name that appeared. Edward’s name didn’t appear, Obama's name didn’t one but Hillary.

    She doesn’t deserve those votes. The ONLY reason she wants them now is because she is losing.

    Wake up American. Hillary is a sneaky skank

    Only a chump would agree to a re-do/re-vote in Michigan and Obama is no CHUMP!

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