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Would this poem scare you?

Screaming at the Top of my Mind

I go up straight and I fall down flat...

I’m Bipolar for life... and that is that...

I mostly can stand up proud and tall...

But walk a fine line… until I fall...

I face the face in the mirror each day...

Always wondering if I will still be the same way

When the day is done and sleep evades me...

When only my medications can persuade me...

Who I really am… I do not know...

My true colors I can not show...

The self I am, seems to want to hide

In the depths of my soul... so deep inside...

I am screaming at the top of my mind...

Yet, no one hears my cry...

Of madness and pain...

Of what I am to be insane...

Mania may be the worst of the two

For depression is not always my due…

I can’t live in the middle where I feel at ease…

Only at extremes with my disease.

Bipolar is a disease... a lifelong sentence...

When will come the time I have paid my penance?

Will God grant me some time before my final stand…

Or shall my death come soon… by my own hand?

© BH


The response has been overwhelming and I want to thank you.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    er... no. but i'm not easily scared. but it is however a good poem and a sad one soo yeah

  • 1 decade ago

    I loved this poem so much and thank-you for telling what it's like in the day of your life with bio-polar My son has it and he is 11 and he is going thru hell and he feels no one feels like he does.If i may show him that there are people who suffer too and take meds like you and to just hang in there as he has tried suicide already' but he now knows that's not the answer'[ just like i hope you know this too.Your a great writer keep writing with your pain' as it does help' i do it lots myself...Take care and Cya around here i hope Cami.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesnt scare based on facts and the reason I know that my hubby is bipolar, but in a way yeah because Im scared of death... all in all very good poem about life illness

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why do people who dislike toddlers ever exchange into instructors? I stable instructor is treasure and motives toddlers to bloom, a foul one would reason a infant to hate college and discovering consistently. i do no longer blame you for being worried of Skidmore...and that i'm very happy the Shepherd heard you!

  • Kefka
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    no it's not scary, though i know that what it expresses can be scary for the one going through it. it is beautiful and very in depth, very skillfully written. it describes exactly how the disease affects people with it in a way that very few things can. it is very sad, yet communicates the emotions very well, you are very talented.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 16 year old felt it was intense. I thought it was very honest and full of lessons on mental illness.

    I was not afraid of this poem. It does not scare us, it was informative and courageous

  • Audrey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It is a great poem..sad and scary at the same time..weird too. But its a peom and a good one too.

  • 1 decade ago

    This almost made me cry.

    my brother is/was bipolar.

    and this expresses PERFECTLY how he would describe the things he felt.

  • diva
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Please do not kill yourself. you'r a beautiful soul. i really wanna know more about this condition. since you know about this stuff can you please answer my Q:;_ylt=AnbiT... I too experience similar stuff as well as what i describe in the Q.

    Oh and also i LV to write!

  • 1 decade ago

    bravo for expressing your inner turmoil. I too am bi polar

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