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Lv 56,960 points


Favorite Answers8%

I'm old enough to know better yet young enough to not care. I may not have seen twenty-three journeys around the sun yet but I'm far from the young, naive girl most assume upon first glance. I'm an English major intent on becoming a novelist, but that is far from the extent of my studies. My world, religious, personal, professional, and political views are likely unlike anyone else's, and make me what I am. I am bisexual. I am Pagan/Wiccan. I am a Juggalette. I am all about family, relationships with the people around me, and living the best life I can using those relationships and connections. Love, loyalty, honesty, honor, and respect are the foundations of my daily interactions with everyone especially my friends and family. I don't set out to make people like me, so if you don't that's fine, but I will not change the way I act or my views for you, I will only listen to what you have to say with an open mind and shape myself as I continually learn, grow,

  • What are you doing for Yule (northern hemisphere) or Litha (southern hemisphere) this year?

    Just wondering, for me it starts in just a few minutes, for some of you it already has, for some it's still a bit away, so just curious about your plans

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it that I get a violation for...?

    my good, well thought out questions and answers, but when I'm being a rude a** or blatantly violating the Community Guidelines I don't get any violations, ever?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there any one here who knows of a good new home cleansing ritual?

    Before I start, let me say that I already know to take the answers I get with a grain of salt. I'm not going to ask anyone not to troll, but I am going to say, any attempt to discourage me will simply be ignored, and therefore fruitless, so have fun. Knowing that I'm going to get trolled means that, unfortunately, unless a good source is provided, or what you say sounds very legitimate, there is a good possibility of me passing by some answers given, so if you are legit, and I don't respond to your answer (which I will try to do for all legit answers) I apologize in advance.

    Now, on to business. I'm Pagan/Wiccan, and am moving into a new home with my girl friend, her son (5), and her boy friend. I am curious if anyone has a good cleansing ritual for our new home. I already know of many, but I'm trying to find the right one for us, something somewhat general, nothing deity specific (as each of us adults have our own separate Primary deities) and something which requires little or now tools (as ours are still packed). Something we could get her son involved with, which would be fun for him, would be great too, as I can't seem to find any that we could include him in.

    Thanks in advance for your help,

    )O( Blessed Be )O(

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Spiritually Speaking, what is your least favorite animal?

    mine is the human, does anyone agree with me?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What options are there for a rape victim?

    A friend of mine works at a local amusement park and lives there when she works there. The park has its own police force, which is supposed to be composed of real police officers to protect guests AND employees. She was raped recently, by an international worker the last night that he was supposed to be here. She went to the parks police and they ignored her claim. They told her that she shouldn't make such accusations because she could have gotten him thrown in jail. They also told her that a language barrier resulted in her rape, as if he hadn't been living and working in this country for the past three months and couldn't understand the meaning of the word no. Because of their lack of action, the man who raped her has gone to his home country, and she is left with out any form of justice. My question is this, does she have a lawsuit against the park's police department? Also, is there any hope of having the man who raped her extradited back to the U.S. to be charged and serve time for his crime? If the answer is yes to either of those questions, how would she begin the process?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me a few suggestions for a ritual kit?

    I'm just looking for some basic ideas, I already have most of my kit planned out, but I love getting new suggestions and ideas. I don't need answers telling me that anything I could put in a kit is nothing but a prop... I know this already, but having some physical artifacts helps me and I want an idea of some things that have worked for others that I might be able to include.

    Thank you so much and blessed be.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • i should be happy right now, but i'm not, (details to follow)?

    i don't understand this, things are starting to look up in my life, i'm in school, classes are going well, i'm doing better financially than i used to be, my relationships with the people i love have been going well, i have a wonderful boy friend who i love more than anything, everything has been looking up in my life, i should be happy, but all i want to do is cry, i don't understand why i would be feeling this way, i've been on different antidepressant regimens and none of them seem to help. can anyone help me to understand what's wrong with me?

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • a couple questions to the religion and spirituality regulars?

    what are some of your favorite and least favorite repeat questions?

    a FEW examples (no where near all)

    if we evolved from monkeys why aren't monkeys still turning into humans?

    psychics please help?

    if dinosaurs existed why are they not in the bible?

    can you prove god exists?

    can you prove god doesn't exist?

    also, how many of you play the drinking game for overly repeated questions and moronic questions?

    just curious

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Yule, also known as the Winter Solstice is coming up on Sunday?

    does anyone have any interesting plans for this holiday? How do you celebrate?

    and to those of you who are going to waste your time and mine by simply making fun of me or giving unrelated answers, have fun with it, you won't bother me as much as you do some others...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: why can't you be satisfied that if everyone else is wrong they will just burn in Hell?

    Why do you have to make a such a big deal out of the fact that not everyone agrees with you? If Christianity is indeed the one and only right path why can't you just let us keep being who we are? After all, if you are indeed right everyone who disagrees with you will go to Hell right? If you are not going to be punished for us believing differently why make an issue out of it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where did the idea that science and religion are mutually exclusive come from?

    I ask this as a person who believes in religion (I'm Pagan-Wiccan) and also agrees with scientific findings that can be proven. I believe in many things, and I do not believe that science interferes with my beliefs at all. Science and religion are two unrelated topics in my opinion, science proves how things work together, it proves things about our environment past and present and a few things about the future, religion is a foundation of our morals and beliefs about how things came to be. Science can tell me that evolution took place, my religion tells me that it took place because the universe was set into motion by higher beings (my Gods and Goddesses). My religion cannot be proven, but I have faith in it, science can be proven and I do not need faith to believe the things it tells me, the proof is plain to see.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do i tell him that he's...?

    how do i make my boyfriend see that he's good at what he does in the bedroom and that i'm not just trying to make him feel better about himself? he has a lot of self esteem issues especially when it comes to his abilities, but he's really good at pleasing me and i want him to see that, you know boost his confidence a little bit? is there any way i can do this other than telling him? any advice would be appreciated

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Did you know about the danger you are faced with on a daily basis?

    go to

    and learn more about the Di-hydrogen Monoxide threat, it's everywhere, in our homes, schools, work places, take precaution now!

    (no spoilers please)

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Tecumseh's curse, anyone think it's still possible?

    Bush has a little bit of time left in office, could Tecumseh's curse still be in affect considering this? does anyone believe it is? after all, while Reagan did survive the attempt was still made, and he was injured by it, so could this still happen? thoughts and ideas please

    for information of Tecumseh's curse follow this link

    or do a google search if you don't trust wikipedia, trust me, there's info about it all over the net

    you can also search Curse of Tippecanoe, Presidential Curse, Zero Year Curse, Twenty Year Curse or Twenty Year Presidential Jinx

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • My legs keep shaking and i can't figure out why?

    a little history on me, i'm a 19 year old female who smokes, i have a bee allergy but no other known allergies. i've been up for over twenty four hours and i had a five hour energy drink at about 4 this morning, about two or three hours later i was sitting down and my leg started shaking really badly and painfully, the pain kept getting worse and worse and was almost unbearable, my friend tried to massage it to help me but it only hurt worse and the shaking didn't ease up at all, i tried elevating it and it did eventually stop after 45 minutes to an hour. it was fine again for a few more hours then it started shaking again, not as bad and at first not painfully, now it's been shaking for hours and it's starting to hurt again, but it's not as bad as this morning, the shaking or the pain.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • poem please tell me what you think?


    My mind has been on you

    My heart beats quickly

    My breath stops in my throat

    Every moment thoughts of you

    Fill every inch of me

    As inside I feel the rising heat

    If a moment I could feel

    You inside, body and soul

    Warming me, yet cooling the fire

    For that moment, to be real

    And, for once, to be whole

    And treasure what you may sire

    My heart and body filled

    I can, for once, rest

    With you to stop my bloody tears

    All fear you have killed

    As one heart beats in two chests

    Making a moment last years

    Yet years pass when my eyes close

    You beside with every step

    Never taking eyes from mine

    My heart a black rose

    Blooming for you in a leap

    Now fulfilled, satisfied, alive

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Day of Silence is coming soon and I was wondering?

    This is my first year participating in the Day of Silence (April 25 this year, for anyone who didn't know), and I was wondering what others who are GLBT or allies are planning to do on this important day, and if anyone has any advice on how to handle it. Please serious answers only, and no bashing. Thanks to all who answer.

  • how do i stop hurting? (long story, bear with me)?

    i don't know what to do to stop hurting. i'm 19 years old, a senior in high school. i've been living with my dad for alittle over a year, he and i were very close in the begining. he was recovering from a crack addiction and alcoholism and doing very well, he had a few relapses during that time but they consisted of getting high or drunk once, telling me about it if i didn't already know, appologizing, and then stopping and staying sober for several months. about 2 1/2 weeks ago he and his live-in girlfriend had an arguement and he came to me and said it was about him using behind my back for several months. he told me he would sober back up and things would get better, i didn't believe him this time, about a week later i found a crack pipe in a cigarette pack while he was sleeping. i wrote him a long note telling him i needed to get out of the house to think and i didn't know when i would be back. when i got a hold of him again i told him i didn't think it was healthy ... to be cont.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • cat lovers in wayne county ohio?

    i have three cats that are very wonderful that i can no longer afford to take care of, Pretty Girl, a female fixed long haired cat with very unique coloring and very healthy, Shado, a female short haired cat she's not fixed and is white, gray and black she has sinus and resperatory problems that havent yet responded to any treatments, Baby Boy, a fixed male long haired grey and black tabby and very healthy, they are all very loving and fun cats they have their claws. if anyone would be interested in adopting them please contact me as soon as possible. shado is the most important to get placed because if we have to take her to the humane society they will put her to sleep because they cannot take sick cats, the other two will be able to get placed.

    thank you very much

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago