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Is this a different "spiritual blindness" than that in 2nd. Kings 6th chapter ?

Psalm 146:8

The Lord openeth the eyes of the blind : the Lord raiseth them that are bowed down : the Lord loveth the righteous.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He was speaking of spiritual blindness here. Those who are blind to the truth about Jehovah God and his son Jesus as we can see here in this scripture...Satan causes that blindness if we do not have the right heart condition.

    2 Cor 4:4 If, now, the good news we declare is in fact veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, 4 among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, the blindness spoken of in Psalm 146:8 is a reference to the lack of understanding of the Truth, which the remnant of the Jews would perceive under a new light, according to the promised New Covenant which was made with Israel after the exile in Babylon, according to Jeremiah 31:31-37.

    The blindness referred to in 2 Kings 6:18 was a kind of temporary collective hypnotism that the Prophet Elisha performed on the Aramean Army. When the purpose was achieved, Elisha just removed the spell and the soldiers could see again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The type of blindness being spoken of is the same type mentioned in llCor.4:4.

    When we are born into this world, we are spiritualy blind.

    But, when we are born again, the light of the gospel breaks in to our spiritual darkness and opens our spiritual eyes.

    I am asuming that, based on your question, the LORD has given you spiritual sight?

    Source(s): The King James Bible
  • 5 years ago

    nicely, God is invisible. It additionally says that God is omnipresent, he's everywhere at as quickly as. So, how can everybody see God? yet, we are able to work out manifestations of God, and any time everybody will see God that's a manifestation of this God. The dove descending, a fireplace in a bush, the kind of sunshine and hearth that Ezekiel observed placing on the throne. The Son of guy Jesus Christ is God manifested no longer purely in the flesh, yet additionally as thoroughly human, born of woman and as a Son of Adam, and since the Son of God. There are not any differentiations between Jesus Christ, and the daddy. In Isaiah 9:6 we see that unto us a SON is given, and He would be suggested as ... "eternal Father". Jesus Christ isn't purely the particular photograph of the invisible God, yet he's likewise a lifeless ringer for the daddy. all of us understand this as a results of fact He instructed His disciples "He that sees me, sees the daddy." the daddy is the invisible God, that's that easy. So, Jesus Christ the Son of guy is a manifestation of the daddy. The Holy Spirit is what God is. there is not any differentiation between the daddy and the Holy Spirit. Who begot Jesus? nicely, in accordance to the scriptures it exchange into the Holy Spirit. meaning that the Holy Spirit exchange into Jesus Christ's Father. So, Jesus is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in human type. ok, to wrap this up permit me only say that Jesus is THE call of the invisible God. Jesus is the call of the daddy, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. while Jesus instructions to be baptized in the call(singular demanding) of the daddy, Son, and Holy Spirit, shouldn't we certainly use His call? Acts 2:38 thinks so.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is "spiritual blindness" which is as a result of indolence in accepting other peoples opinion about their Creator without examining the underlying principles if it is true or false. They just accept it and like to call it "Blind faith".

    There is also physical blindness which may be the caused by accident, disease or karma.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Psalm 146:8 God is opening the eyes of the righteous so they may SEE and trust Him. IT refers to His righteous that are bowed down.

    In 2 Kings 6: 8 down. GOd is reminding us that we must continuall pray for spiritual eyesight, and that when others come to attack us that are Gods, God will protect us and take care of us. WE dont have to fear our enemies, as they are in the Hands of God, once we are born again. Gods ppl must continually pray for spiritual eyesight. So that we will see all God wants us to see, and then do all He calls us to do.

    WE must pray also for those that dont see yet, to see.

    The real battle is not of the flesh, but it is a spiritual battle against the rulers of of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    How this battle is won is thru spiritual warfare and if we battle this according to the full word of God, allowing Him to battle for us, as we just stand in faith, beieving He will take care of everything for His ppl, as we continue to pray, speaking truth and living truth, then we will always have the victory in al things. Jesus already gave it to us. But, we must STAND as HE stands to allow Him to give us the victory in all things.

    I pray daily for more spiritual eyesight, spiritual hearing and to have the spiritual speaking, that is the tongue that brings life and not death.

    Only in living and speaking truth and in believing God is truly in control, will we truly see victory in our own lives, and in the spiritual battles going around us daily.

    Its all about FAITH.

    Without faith, we cant please God.

    Faith without works is dead.

    Put your full trust in JEsus today, and know you have the victory already. Being willing to do it His way and not your own.

    Press on brother in Christ,

    Sister Shirley

    Source(s): God, The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible REmember Jesus is Lord.
  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly it is a prophesy.

    It is Hope, the mercy of the Lord is promise here.

    Your view on it is or can be interpreted as you see it. It all depends on your angle of looking it and the reference of quoting.

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