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For my friends of all faiths..what to do about the "Dutch Fitna"..?

The Indonesian Internet companies have blocked the acesss to YouTube and MySpace who were showing the anti-islam film made by Dutch Lawmaker..Geet Wilders.

Isn't this film a deliberate provocative gesture to hurt the sentiments of Muslims.?


1.The movie has been made insuch a way that certain verses from Quran have been used partially and not in the full context.

2.At many places wrong intrepretation has been used.

3.Many suras from Quran have not been used in fullm with result the meaning gets distroted.

And my dear friends.. it seems most of you have no knowledge of Islam. Islam isn't 9/11. It pains me to see most of you who have come with direct support , that you have and are still ignorant about many things and facts.

Also I have found no similar film or publication or other material wherein a muslim has been involved in production of similar materil.

Update 2:

1. It pains me to see most of you here are mostly ignorant about Islam..Islam is not 9/11.

2. Many suras of Quran have been wrongly interpretted and used partially to convey wron meaning.

3.And many scenes have been made up.

This again shows how much ignoratn the western peole are about these thing and what ever is fed to them from media they imbibe it like dry wood.

This man wants to get publicity and has made his day, but.. his wrong deed has created a hatred among the most beautiful species that God created on this earth..Man! And it is very sad.

No God's religion says the things that he has converyed wrongly in his film, and least of all Islam.

I am a muslim and know it that what he has tried to pass aon is not a fact.

God have mercy on him and let us all of all faiths live in peace.

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This has to be one of the most difficult questions I have answered.

    a) It is the concept of free speech against a religion that has a set of rules few Non Muslims can understand.

    Therefore you either allow it or censorship the content.

    b) It is probably not meant to hurt the feelings of all Muslims, but to inform them of views seen by some people and to spark debate.

    It is a pity that he, Wilders, can't sit down and be informed properly.

    Having looked at postings on the web I think he is deliberately trying to provoke things.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, the Muslims react very violently to any criticism about their "Faith" and the Muslim majority in Indonesia, etc; could be provoked, which is why the Governments there have probably, blocked the video.

    Islam, I guess, needs to be bigoted and intolerant, if it's to hold sway over it's members; because, there's no other explanation to why they react so violently to anything that they even consider remotely anti-Islamic.

    The incidents of the Cartoons and the Teacher allowing her student to name a Teddy Bear are glaring examples of the Islamic thought.

    Pity is that they don't seem to realize how they are provoking everybody else to have a lower and lower opinion about them, in the rest of the World.

    Well, it's their funeral.

    They can either grow more modern and up to date with the people around them; or just get isolated and shunned by all of us, because of their barbaric behavior.

    Problem is that it might not be too long before the rest get tired of their antics and retaliate.

    Let's pray that they learn, for their own good.




    There's a link below which they might not have blocked, if you'd like to try it.


    I just noticed your additional posts. Now, I'll grant you that Islam may not be 9/11, as you say; but, can you deny the fact that it was Muslims who did this, in the name of Islam?

    If the Muslims, as a whole, do not support terrorism and only a very small percentage of them are terrorists, please explain to me why can't the majority arrest these culprits and hand them over to the Police?

    Why do Muslims take collections at the Mosques to support these fundamentalists, knowing fully well that they are spent on buying guns and bombs?

    Unfortunately, you will not have an Answer for these questions; because, you know as well as we all do, now, that you people want to gain Dominance in the World even if it's by terrorism.

    I'm sorry, but, unfortunately for all of you, the rest of us are now wise to your ways.

    If you people don't change your ways, then, you'll force us to act and that might not be the best thing for you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Legal definitions are meant to be practical, in a very specific legalese way that's not necessarily literal. A court ruled that discrimination against Jews fell under racial discrimination protections -- not because Judaism is a race, but because anti-Jewish discrimination is functionally similar to racial discrimination. By having one category, all of these groups of people can be protected as new legislation is added. Otherwise there would need to be legislative changes for each group. (This was 19th century, homophobic violence has forced a broader change, and it was a hard fight.) So legally, it's quite simple to afford atheists protection for their beliefs about religion IF and only if it's called a religion. Otherwise, in the U.S., it would be a political nightmare.

  • .....
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I dont see how that film exagerated anything. It should the truth about what Islam is and whats its doing now nd planning for the future. Islam is the cancer of society. Look at the children, taught so young to hate and kill. Islam is truly disgusting and the only thing to do about Fitna is show it to the world. People need to stop being tolerant of this cult. Islam is not tolerant of anyone else and it should not be tolerated or respected.

    I dont see how you can even say Islam is anything but what was shown in the film

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  • 1 decade ago

    Religion of Peace. "Indonesian protesters call for death of Dutch anti-Islam filmmaker," from the CBC:

    Outcry over a Dutch politician's anti-Islam film continued Monday, with hard-line Muslims in Indonesia calling for the man's death.

    A group of about 40 demonstrators from the Islamic Defenders Front gathered outside the Dutch Embassy in Jakarta, some of them carrying placards saying "Kill Geert Wilders," the film's creator.

    "It is a great insult to all Muslims," said the group's spokesman Soleh Mahmud, who admitted he has not seen the film but was outraged nonetheless.

    "The Dutch government must arrest him. Wilders must be killed because he has declared war on Muslims."

    In neighbouring Malaysia, the Foreign Ministry described the film as disrespectful and insensitive, while the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party has sent a note to the Dutch Embassy, saying the movie would "invite vengeance" from Muslims if was not retracted.

    Calls for Dutch boycott

    The party urged Muslims "all over the world" to boycott Dutch products in protest, echoing a similar call by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad this weekend.

    "We hope the protests by Muslims all around the world can be taken as our disapproval against any insult and attempts to deceive the world of the true picture of Islam," the party's youth leader, Salahuddin Ayub, said in a statement.

  • It probably is a rude film, but one can just not watch it I suppose. Anything I think is trash I just don't watch; I wouldn't bother watching that as it seems to state things too harshly, according to the critics. These arty continental films are often trashy and not very interesting anyway.

    Still, I feel it would be a lot more wholesome if muslims were 1000 times more concerned by issues such as Darfur, where a campaign by muslims could end persecution of black muslims by the Sudanese government and its janjaweed militia (100,000s already killed).

  • ?!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    or perhaps it is a journalistic tribute to the truth. the thing is this wilders can write and produce whatever he wants, he has been the target of mulim extremists for a long time and most likely this work of his is the result of what he has experienced and seen. the thing is not all muslims are peaceful, law abiding people and this is not targeting them but those that are extremists and hurting others. it like writing and producing a piece on pedophiles and they are all white males, does than mean then that all white males are pedophiles, of course not. if you aren't who they are depicting in the film then you don't need to worry about it.

    Source(s): check this out
  • 1 decade ago

    its counterproductive to talk about this over and over again..the people who is always been seeking freedom are the same people who r convinced about the general idea of islam is a bad religion and they want it to disappear..cant you all just focus on other things and live all in peace..apart from the fact that Islam is the true religion, let everyone choose the religion that he\she wants

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its really a very excellent thing what he's done. He has done a good job in trying to wake the world up. I hope there will be more, as this film is a 'little' weak; it doesn't TOTALLY expose Islam, while it still does to the extend that a Muslim cant believe his own eyes. I saw it, and I just hated to hear or read the word 'islam'.

    Source(s): Anti-Islam since 9/11.
  • 1 decade ago

    the weird thing about the film it that it only showed verses of the Koran and the attacks carried out in the name of it seemed pretty accurate...until "peaceful" Muslims rise up and counter jihad opinion will continue to be Islam is dangerous for the world...this is more of an internal problem in Islam that most Muslims are too afraid to confront...making Islam guide more by fear than peace...

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