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How desperate has Hillary become when she is has Elton John backing her?


The only difference is the people you mention are American Citizens, Elton John isn't. If the Chinese backed Obama what would you be saying about him, he unamerican.

Update 2:

Cathdew7 none of my rants had anything to do with his sexual orientation. It addressed the fact that he interjected himself into matters of a political nature. However, since you went there what has Hillary done for the gay community, has she sponsored legislature to legalize gay marriages, no. What hs she done , nothing. So stick to the facts, he is an outsider trying to influence our election. And according to Sportmavericks isn't there 50 million gays American to help her raise money.

Update 3:

Gizmo, so what you are saying is that Britain has a vested interested in who becomes president, and they should have a say in our process. Wow, isn't that what the framers fought against. Undue influences from across the waters.

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no idea why people keep saying, "no more desperate than Obama, having Oprah back him." Elton John is not even American!

  • suzy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not as desperate as an Obama supporter asking this question. Elton John is a big celebrity and his endorsement is good for Hillary, why weren't you complaining when Oprah did that for Obama?

    I never realized that not only do Obama supporters have a problem with Hillary supporters but you seem to have a problem with gay people too. Maybe you've been listening to Obama's mentor, Rev. Wright too much. Just goes to show you that an Obama presidency would be exclusive instead of inclusive. I thought that's what this election was supposed to fix.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the Chinese supporting one of our candidates is totally different than a Brit. A lot of people around the world are very interested in this race because the president of the US affects the rest of the world. Look at what Bush has done to the world we live in! He has alienated us

  • 1 decade ago

    Asked the same question when Obama had several entertainers donating. But to answer your question 50,000,000 gays voters in America. Any questions.....

    Obama has made troubling statements about gays, and I can see why Ellen Degeneres is supporting her and others who pay more taxes thatn the average American and is systematically discriminated in America..I am not gay but i thought you should hear it from a neutral person.

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  • 1 decade ago

    maybe you should be asking the same thing when Obama used Oprah as a major race card holder to sway the black race card and also the half of her white audience members to. But how come he cant get any other races like,chinese,Japanese,etc.... americans that is

  • 1 decade ago

    Elton John volunteered and he brought her $2.5M campaign fund. She's not desperate.

    Don't you know that UK media publish balance and fair news than American press? They had exposed many Obama skeletons hidden by local press.

  • 1 decade ago

    Elton John is an icon and legend. his endorsement is HUGE. Hillary also has Barbara Striesand backing her, another icon and legend. Who does Obama have?? oh ya Oprah. icon? sure. legend? probably. but she definitely is not in the same league as Babs and Sir Elton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She is trying to get the young vote but Elton is no longer young, She is desperate.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see where that makes her desperate. I think it makes her smart. A lot of people like Elton John, I'd be willing to bet even you have bought or listened to his music at one time or another, that is if you will admit it.

  • Piper
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don`t understand what the problem is, I like Elton John.

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