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Shawn G asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Does The Army base your Basic Combat Traing Location On Your Current Location Or Your Future MOS?

For example, I live in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Will they send me to a location based on my location (I want to be as far from Ohio as possible actually) or will they base it on my future MOS (Quartermaster/ Food Service Specialist)? Just curious and excited about where I may be going for my basic once this neverending enlistment process is done.


No Paul, actually the school is in Fort Lee Virginia.

These are great answers so far-I wish I could give out a handful of "Best answers"

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on your MOS and on availability...

    Infantry (Basic and AIT Together) or Male: Ft Benning, GA if you are not Infantry you go to a different Basic than the Infantrymen

    Artillery (Basic and AIT Together) or Male: Ft Sill, OK Artillery Soldiers together...

    Armor (Basic and AIT Together) or Male: Ft Knox, KY for now until 2010 Armor Soldiers together

    FT Jackson, SC...Support Troops and Females

    Ft Leonard Wood, MO: Engineer, MP, Chemical (Basic and AIT together), Support Troops and Females...

    I went to FT Dix, NJ, but they closed BCT there down in 92...AIT FT Sam Houston, TX

    EDIT: You will probably go to FT Jackson, SC because it is closer to your AIT at FT Lee...but being a male you could go anywhere where their is a slot open..

    Source(s): Medically Retired Army NCO 91-04
  • 1 decade ago it goes- you are going to be a cook (food specialist). I think your MOS (job) training will be conducted at Fort Lee, VA. I think- not really sure about that one.

    However, your Basic Training can be anywhere. It depends on the day you join and the day the Army has you schedule to begin training and what Basic Training Post has a vacancy at that time.

    As for Infantry training, it is ONLY done at Fort Benning, GA (Columbus). Usually, trainees going through Infantry training will do basic and AIT all at Fort Benning, GA. In either event, the Army's Infantry School is at Fort Benning, GA

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    N O, you will go to the nearest Basic Combat Training Post that is open, because the Posts work on cycles and whichever cycle is open, that will be where you will go. The MOS that you have or will have is good, but you can be stationed anywhere in the world! Good Luck on Your U S Army experience. The MOS makes a very good career possibility for you.

    US ARMY(RETIRED)NCO 1958-1979

    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    A lot of soldiers who are not attending a One Station Unit Training will go to a basic training at one location and then go to their MOS school. For transportation and quartermaster you would go to FT Jackson for AIT but might do BT at Ft Sill, Ft Benning, Ft Leonard Wood. Some AIT bases have no basic training facilities like Ft Bragg and Ft Wachuka.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pretty sure its based on your MOS. I know infantry goes Benning in Georgia, for example. That has nothing to do with where you'll be stationed after AIT however.

    Source(s): I'm headed to Ft. Leonard Wood in a week and a half for OSUT as a combat engineer. I know all the engineers and MP's report there.
  • 1 decade ago

    it all depends on what your job is because thats where they have the schools, u will go to your basic probably at some station that just does basic then you will go to i believe fort jackson to do your food stuff... i know every mp has to go to fort leonardwod for training

    Source(s): Army MP NCO Iraq Vet Former Recruiter "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived." George S. Patton
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is based on where you train for your MOS... Each site is setup specialized for your MOS training... Nothing to do with LOCAL locations...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's on your MOS. Infantry goes through Ft. Benning. My MOS was 88N (Transportation) and I went to Ft. Jackson.

  • Paul W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    First, they will base you wherever there is a slot, but it will probably be Fort Jackson, SC since your school is there.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know about your case, but my friend enlisted and in the Infantry now, but his basic was in Georgia (he's from CT). So I think you could end up anywhere...

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