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VAgirl asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Toddlers first dentist trip.?

My 2 year old is going to the dentist next week. We have been reading books on going to a dentist and talking about dentist. He has 3 teeth now that have come in with odd texture and color-his ped isn't sure if it is from being a premie, high amounts of antibiotic for ear infections during his first year (had tubes put in on first b-day and no more infections), or from a fall at day care last Oct where he went face first into a bench. They got us in fast to see a children's dentist and the first appt is just the initial check and then we will have to go back for treating the teeth. My DH has a phobia about dentist and is not taking my son. I love the dentist (clean, bright, office smells good-odd I know). I am wondering what else I can do to get my son ready for the dentist so he won't have any bad feelings about going since I know this is the first of likely 2 trips to treat his teeth. The place we are going is well recommended and only sees kids so they have puppets to show the kids


how to open wide, they check puppet teeth and let the kids check then check the kids-very good from what I hear. They said for kids under 3 (my son will be 3 in July) or nervous kids a parent can back with them. Should I do that or is it better to let him go alone? Also he is a big fan of littlebear and uses little bear toothpaste. I have a stuffed talking Little Bear for him-I thought of giving it to him along with a new tooth brush and toothpaste so he has a special pal to go with him to the dentist for the first time. We also just started a sticker chart for when he brushes his teeth. Anything else I can do to make it less scarey for him? I just don't want him to be like my DH and scared to death of going.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When my kids were that age and I took them to the dentist I always tried to make the trip an exciting adventure for them. I talked about the dentist and what he or she was going to do to them and never said anything negative about the dentist to them. It sounds like you are taking them to a great place for the dental work.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If the dentist straps him to a chair, do no longer take him to that dentist! it particularly is punctiliously irrelevant. For this type of youthful toddler, they simply learn their teeth, yet they do no longer do very plenty. this is incredibly just to cause them to gentle with the dentist and dental tests. a sturdy dentist for toddlers ought to certainly be gentle with toddlers - it particularly is advisable to get a suggestion from a buddy. And confident, you ought to be waiting to go decrease back to the examination room with the youngster! in the event that they say you could no longer, then do no longer go there! they don't have something to conceal! do no longer wait - yet DO locate yet another dentist. This one would not sound sturdy to me, a minimum of no longer for toddlers! Going to the dentist should not be a frightening experience.

  • 1 decade ago

    good luck

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