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sydneydigsby asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

house training 10 month old rescue dog?

Does anyone have any advice on how to successfully housetrain a 10 month old dog? We rescued her 2 months ago and seem to have made zero progress in the housetraining department. She seems to get that outside is the proper place to go but she is terrified of street noise and people and generally hates to be outdoors. She therefore she never tells us she needs to go outside. Even when we take her every two hours she still has accidents. She drinks tons of water and even when we have tried to limit it (being careful to still give her enough though) it doesn't seem to make a difference. Today she was taken out and wouldn't go and was especially skiddish....then not 5 minutes after being inside she peed all over the floor. She will even go in her crate, as she doesn't seem to have the natural instinct to keep her den clean (probably from living in a dog shelter). We are so frustrated and are running out of ideas. Any advice or really helpful books to reccomed


She is also totally unresponsive to praise or treats when outside. She is so freaked out and after she goes she only wants to get inside. She acts like she can't hear anything we say, is uninterested in being petted and can't be forced to eat a treat (which inside she would go crazy for)

Update 2:

I also wanted to add that even when you catch her mid-pee she won't can't scare her into best she runs away while still peeing.

I appreciate the idea of peeing outside...never hear that one...but I live in the city...I think I might get the cops called on me if I start peeing in front of my apartment!

9 Answers

  • Stark
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think your first step should be to take her to the vet and have them run a Urinalysis so they can check for a medical problem, such as a Urinary Tract Infection. A UTI can cause frequent urination, and inappropriate urination, such as urinating in the crate.

    If she has a UTI, it can then be treated, and hopefully make house training easier. If she doesn't, then you need to maybe talk to an obedience trainer. It sounds like she may have had a bad experience in the past with the outdoors. Maybe she was kept as an outdoor only dog, and her owners abused her. You will need to slowly socialize her to the outdoors, and try to show her that the outdoors is Safe, and that it can also be fun. A dog behaviorist who knows about fearful behaviors would be very helpful to you and your dog.

    Good Luck! Thank you for Rescuing! I hope you find the answers you need!

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): #1 Dog Training Tutor :
  • 1 decade ago

    First with the limitation of water, when she is eating you can have a water bowl filled with water. Other times you can just leave out a few ice cubes- this quenches her thirst but she won't be licking up so much water and fill her bladder.

    With training, and she's outside talk to her in a reassuring voice. Make sure it's alright and pet her calmly. Let her play with a few toys and give her a treat (if the toys don't work) If possible take her to the backyard where it's quieter or if you have a friend near by in a quiet neighborhood ask if you can come over with your dog and have her go in a quieter surrounding.

    Source(s): I got the ice cube idea from a training show on animal planet.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

    A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First I would vet her to rule out diseases making her drink so much then I would have the vet give her a mild sedative she could be on for awhile. Dr. Dodd at Tuft's has written several books on dog behavior issues and has a email and actual clinic. If she was a Petstore dog she will have no instinct to keep clean, mine was 5 yrs old b4 she kept her crate clean. You can also try Rescue Remedy and Benedryl for mild stress and sedation respectively and possibly a longer leash, maybe a Flexi might help. My dog wouldn't go on a 6' leash from fear so when I used a Flexi she was comfy enough to go and I gradually reduced the length until she would potty on a 6' leash. Obed training will give her confidence too. BTW, if she freaks out from say a fire engine going by and you bend over and say It is Ok girl and pet her you are rewarding her behavior. Ignore her freaking out behavior and reward calm behavior. Yawning is a calming signal for dogs too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get Nature's Miracle you can find it at Petco, spray the areas in the house she goes to pee. including her crate. That will stop her from going there completely. It has an enzyme in it.

    You need to lead her outside on a leash and do not let her back in the house until she does go.

    Then praise her for what she did and repeat until she can go outside on her own. My rescue was a timid little thing frightened of everyone and everything it took weeks to get her to go on her own.

    You just have to be patient with her.

    Then get her into dog training, that has calmed our little border terrier much since we got her in January. She needs to know your pack leader and that she doesn't have to worry about things anymore and that nobody is going to harm her.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am going to keep this simple for you because it is simple to do.

    First of all you must and i repeat must shout at her sternly if she squats to go toilet, not afterwards because its too late. You can tell when they need to do because they will start looking around and sniffing the floor so thats the time to put her out.

    Ontop of that yourself or your husband pee outthere yourself so she knows thats where you go, might sound strange but it works.

    As far as the confidence thing goes your always going to have to work on it but shes always going be skittish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its going to take a while but you are going to have to work on her confidence first. once she isnt so scared it will be easier to house train her for now keep her in an easy to clean room with puppy pee pads

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Dogs are usually eager to learn, and the key to success is good communication. Your dog needs to understand how you’d like her to behave and why it’s in her best interest to comply with your wishes.

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