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Cindy W asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Why don't scientists talk about the record ice levels for this year?

I just watched Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch and two captains said, "This is the lowest the ice has come in many, many years!" The episode was called, "A race against the ice." They had to scoop up all of their crab pots before the ice made them disappear for two months.

Seems like the scientists would let us in on this anomolly......

So, where is this global warming?


Right, well I guess this isn't 'peer reviewed science.' lol

Update 2:

And what was an inconvenient truth??? Sciencie FICTION!!!!! I would take a reality show over that garbage any day of the week.

Did you forget the statement, "This is the lowest the ice has come in MANY, MANY YEARS!"

Update 3:

Admit it! Alarming, ranting, raving, attacking corporate America, attacking SUV dealerships and making Gore richer will not bring back your precious global warming.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i saw that same episode today! good point... global warming is a hoax. you cant expect the earths temperature to always remain a perfect constant. it changes overtime and it maybe a tad warmer or colder now than it has been before, and it will be different in a few years!

  • 5 years ago

    You have a few things a bit on the side of incorrect. While it is true that solar storms would provide stray atoms of the top of our atmosphere with just enough energy to escape (and that the magnetic field DOES provide a reduction in the level of such aggression) it is however incorrect to claim that the atmosphere was significantly denser 65 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth. What was higher back then was the % oxygen, and the reason that value has plummeted is probably that a lot of that oxygen has been fixed in chemical compounds that were released by the meteoric impact that killed off the dinosaurs. Moreover, the rate with which we are losing gasses is most likely balanced by the rate at which we are gaining it, though the constant bombardment from asteroids and comet particle that do contain a fair proportion of volatile. And that is without mentioning volcanism, which also releases gasses by the truckload. As far as likening the historical atmospheric pressure with a demonstration that ' global warming is fake", why don't you ponder the fact that, a mere 15000 years ago, there was an ice age, with quite lower global temperature than there is now? How different was the atmospheric pressure then from what it is is now?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The alarmists would have us riding horses again if they could do it!

    Facts are : The global temp has not risen in the last 10 yrs.

    Scientists have determined that the temp was 9 degrees warmer 125,000 yrs ago. (How many SUVs and industries were around then?)

    Also a hurricane scientists released a press statement that says he now doubts the correlation between hurricanes and GW.

    NASA scientists have also said the key to GW is ocean water temps.. and they dont see the water temps rising.

    Bottom line.... we dont need to turn our lives upside down because some people believe Al Gores film is all facts! However there is nothing wrong with everyone conserving energy as much as possible and recycling everything

  • 1 decade ago

    The trouble of climate stabilisation, or even global cooling, is that there isn't an excuse to tax it, short of introducing a tax on people who leave their fridge doors open. There are many scientists in the debate on climate change; and there are respectable scientists on both sides of the debate. The trouble is the ones who get most of the publicity are the ones who receive government funding. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

    "The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006 as well as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are not increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory behind global warming – the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening and it is vital that we find out what or else we may spend hundreds of billions of pounds needlessly." Source: New Statesmen, December 2007

    The article is well worth a read.

    I posted an answer to a related question on Yahoo Answers some time ago, "Can you take the government seriously on carbon emissions?"

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Natural variability will offset any AGW, and GW potential is also misleading. In my perspective one could choose to look at any point of reference and make it a paramount factor. At what point would positive short wave forcing depend on ice thickness? I haven't read or heard from anyone about this. Just the type of ice and surface volume...not density...u got me thinking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I missed that one, but it doesn't surprise me one bit.

    As Baz points out, the global temperatures have not increased at all over the last 7 years, although around 1997-8 weren't we already supposed to be seeing catastrophic warming and 10-20 feet rises in sea levels by now?

    The really 'Inconvenient Truth' is the TRUTH!

    When the facts are inconvenient, they are simply ignored by these lunatics!

    Oh dear, I forgot that some people actually believe that the sea levels are already rising!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, the thing i know is that. it has been prophetise that all the island of the world will desapear. so i guess that this is how it will happen, by the melting of the ice. and another prophecy, they will try to change things around but it will be too late as it has too happen.

    the scientists are maybe very intelligent but unfortunately they lost the sense of being smart too. money is the issue with them, not the peoples.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It must be on vacation for a few months, wish it would come back. Normally at this time of the year we are raking the lawn and right now we have a foot of snow. I will hear the same excuse its global warming causing the cold weather. Frankly its just life and they need to get one, and stop scaring the youth of our country.

  • cookie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Why would they want to jeapordize their AGW funding with facts. Nobody is willing to pay scientists study patterns that the layperson can see with their own eyes unless first they can introduce the perception that it may be a problem.

    Weather has always changed and climate has always changed since the earth cooled down from a large piece of molten rock floating in space.

    Change is constant, we cannot stop it, only adapt, no problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    You haven't heard them talking about the weather? Really?

    Well, what you're missing is the fact that global warming is a proven, measurable, global event. Weather in a particular region will be affected by a number of factors. For example, temperature changes in the water off South America cause storms in some areas, droughts in others.

    What really is being affected is the GLOBAL environment, causing major destructive changes in the regional weather patterns.

    It was in all the papers.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are really out of touch if you missed all of the news from last fall about record low Arctic ice. There was much fuss by the news media.

    The Arctic ice rebounds each winter, but this year less ice formed, and the ice that did form is more thin and fragile than older ice. Scientists are expecting another melt down this summer.

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