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Cannot remember name of novel! Help!!?

I cannot remember the name of a very good book that I had to read in Junior High School.

I don't have much to go on other than the story was about a summer camp for handicapped children.

It is a pretty old book as I am now 37 and I read it in like the 5th or 6th grade! For all I know I know it was a movie but am pretty sure that it was a book.

If I think of any more other than a summer camp for handicapped kids, I'll post more of a description.


YES! That is it! The Acorn People! Thank you so very much!!!

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "The Acorn People" by Ron Jones [1976]

    "The Acorn People by Ron Jones is a story teaching about respecting other people no matter what they look like on the outside. The story is told by a counselor at Camp Wiggin who at first doesn't realize that this camp is for people with disabilities. He feels awkward when they arrive, just like most people would, but then he realizes that they are nice people just like him and that he is doing a good thing. Some of the kids at Camp Wiggin-

    Benny B- He is African American and very small. He suffers from Polio and is in a wheelchair. He is the fastest one in his wheelchair.

    Spider- He has no arms or legs, instead he uses his mouth for everything. He loves to eat.

    Thomas Stewart- He has muscular scleosis. He is 15 or 16 but he only weighs about 35 pounds due to his handicap.

    Arid- He doesn't have a bladder so instead he uses a bag to store his "bodily fluids." He got his nickname from his smell.

    Martin- He is blind but he is them most able-bodied child out of the group."

  • 1 decade ago

    The Acorn People we just taught it to the 7th grade class I work in. Its a true story.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It grew to become into the stunning Bones by Alice Sebold. i grew to become into reading this and had to think of for a 2nd. Hahaha, I actual have those moments too. It receives great complicated, lmao. i'm all like, WHY CANT I undergo in recommendations?! ;)

  • North
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't know that one. Try this site:

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