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Lv 42,638 points

Hot Betty J

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I am a Maine-girl. I am very happy. I like the ususal stuff, camping & hiking, walking & reading. I love being outdoors. Outdoor Photography.

  • I have three close friends that are in a Mortgage crisis with revolving interest rates!?

    Two of them are in foreclosure with no way to save their homes! And the third is depserately TRYING to refinance but keeps getting the run around from his mortgage company who has sold out to other mortgage companies two times since he bought the house a year and a half ago!!!! Has anyone out there gone through this with their mortgages? How did you try to resolve your problems? Just trying to come up with some suggestions for my buddies. I hate to see people lose their homes!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Passing a MARIJUANA Drug test....?

    I have stopped smoking for 12 days before the test and comsumed mass amounts of water and Niacin pills. The last 4 days, I consumed lots of water, cranberry juice and the Niacin pills and the morning of the test I took Ultimate Gold Detox Drink and cranberry juice, water and Niacin pills. Does anyone out there have any idea at all if the Ultimate Gold drink works? I know two people who passed a test using this drink but they had a rapid test right then and there but mine was sent out to a lab and I am still awaiting my results, very nervously!!! I really dont plan on taking up th habit after all of this, so darn stressful, but I played and now I am paying...Any success stories with Ultimate Gold out there?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Drug Screening! I have to submit to one within a week maybe less!!?

    I have smoked right up until today NOT knowing that I would have to submit to a drug test for a job I just accepted! Do those magical drinks actually work, if I quit today and did the drink correctly? Also to the screening companies test for these drinks, pills? I am so screwed!!! HELP!!

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What kind of Hot Sause does T.G.I.F use on their Hot Wings?

    A co-worker is dieting and cannot eat the wings themselves but wants to put the sauce on her own boneless, skinless chicken and bake it. She really loves the sauce. Any ideas what kind it is?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Smoking Pot, who thinks its bad for you?

    Personally, I like it, I'm not a burn-out like all day and night, every day but I do smoke it. Do you?

    37 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • do you date younger men? If so, do you ever feel self concious about it?

    I have and I did feel a wee bit self concious about it. My boyfriend now is only a year younger than me and thats oky with me but when I dated a much younger guy, 7 years younger, I felt a bit funny. I was just wondering how everyone else felt about it. If you dont mind, that is. If you do, dont answer because answers is what i am interested in please. THANKS.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Fat content on back of package of Bacon?

    Fat content on back of package of Bacon, are those values for raw bacon or cooked bacon?

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Another Title of Book Help!?

    The story is one that I read in Jr High School. It went something like this:

    All of the adults in the world came dowm with some kind of virus, plague, whatever, and killed all the adults and left the children to live and fend for them selves.

    In one part of the book, some of the kids, barridaced the school up and had to defend themselves.

    That is all I can remember of the story.

    Any help out there with the little info given?

    Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Cannot remember name of novel! Help!!?

    I cannot remember the name of a very good book that I had to read in Junior High School.

    I don't have much to go on other than the story was about a summer camp for handicapped children.

    It is a pretty old book as I am now 37 and I read it in like the 5th or 6th grade! For all I know I know it was a movie but am pretty sure that it was a book.

    If I think of any more other than a summer camp for handicapped kids, I'll post more of a description.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Where can I find grants for women who want to start a business venture?

    I would like to open a franchise of a very particular kind that is not anywhere in my area now so there would be virtually no competition.

    6 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Yahoo problems?

    Do any of you out there have the same problem with trying to log on to Yahoo but it is down often throughout the day? Or Sometimes I will be logged on and answering and then all of a sudden, Yahoo is bunged up and I have to re-sign in......

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Californication on SHOWTIME?

    Did you love or dislike the ending of Californication? Do you think that Karen will stay with Hank?

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Women's Murder Club on ABC?

    I missed this past friday's (10/19/07) Women's Murder Club episode on ABC. They do NOT offer it for viewing on ABC Episode Player, IS THERE ANY PLACE ELSE TO VIEW THIS MISSED EPISODE? Please help!!!!!

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What is in a Jolly Rancher?

    The Cocktail Jolly Rancher.

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Potato layered with cheese (i believe)?

    This year my fiance and I went to Quebec, Canada and we stayed at the Hilton right downtown Quebec, so anyways one night we ate in the restaurant ther and we was served this delectable potato that was like it was slived into this layers and then layered with some sort of cheese and maybe something else (not sure). When you are looking at the potato, it doesnt look like it was cut at all and layered. NOW I WILL GET TO MY QUESTION!!! Sorry. Does anyone out there know what this could be? I will try to call the hotel restaurant but I was wondering if anyone on here knew. Thank you in advance for those that might know.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Anybody out there from Maine?

    Just wondering who on here is from or was from Maine? If you left why? Hated it here or other? If you are still here, why? Stuck here or love it and cant see yourself anywhere else?

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What is your profession/work?

    I want to know what yo all do for work out there and I want to know if it makes you happy and why. Do you wish you were doing something else?

    15 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Do you have any tattoos that tell a personal story?

    Just wanted to know how many people that have tats, have a story behind the reason for getting it/them or did you just get it/them because you just liked it/them and wanted it/them?

    So what is it/them any why? I have about 12 and some have stories and some do not.

    15 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Women who work out regularly - what do you do to stay in shape?

    What is your regular workout routine? I have been trying to get fit on my own without a personal trainer cuz they are so expensive but I am getting bored with the same old stuff every day, what do you in your workouts that I may be able to incorporate into mine? I walk (fast) every other day (at least) for 4 to 9 miles. I lift free weights on the arms (only graduated from 3 lbs to 5 lbs a few weeks ago) and I do the Bean for crunches/situps. Does anyone out there know of a few more at home workouts that I can spice up my dull routine with? I need help, I get bored easily and am usually a quitter but i have kept this going for 2.5 months now and I DO NOT want to quit, I actually find myself enjoying the walks, I look forward to them. I appreciate any and all suggestions. Thank you.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago