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do you date younger men? If so, do you ever feel self concious about it?

I have and I did feel a wee bit self concious about it. My boyfriend now is only a year younger than me and thats oky with me but when I dated a much younger guy, 7 years younger, I felt a bit funny. I was just wondering how everyone else felt about it. If you dont mind, that is. If you do, dont answer because answers is what i am interested in please. THANKS.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I LOVE to date younger men. In fact, I mostly look for younger men. They have more in common with me and are way more fun. The older guys are boring, have not much personalities, have more baggage and are more tainted. The younger guys are better in bed, they look for excitement, they're thrilled to be seen with you and they're full of zest for life. There's no hassles so much as with older men (ie -- exes and kids, etc.) I'm dating someone now who is only 3 years younger but the youngest was 8 years younger. No one thought anything bad about it and I was never self conscious. In fact, both of us were proud to be seen together. Who cares what people think if you like this guy? Age is just a number, just like people who won't date another race. What's the difference? People are people and as long as he acts mature enough in public, then who cares! Just have fun. I have dated younger men for most of my adult years. I'm 34. It's great. I'm very happy.

    You go COUGAR!! Raaaarrrr....... LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well it depends how old u are, if ur 80 and ur dating a 60 year old then the age gap is hardly noticable, but if ur 35 dating a 15 year old its a bit different isnt it.

    im 18 so i wouldnt go younger at all, maybe a couple of months but thats it, but if i was older i would be quite happy to

    answer mine please;_ylt=AuVdg...

  • 1 decade ago

    My ex was 3 years younger than me. But I never felt guilty. The bad part was sex:( and he was very immature..All the time it was like he is trying to learn something. Finally he left me:)

  • 1 decade ago

    i first time dated someone who was like 4years younger then me..i didnt feel anything like that but he was like quite immature and it made me really pissed. off.on top of all he loved sex and he was controlling i just dump him although this is so crazy but i still do like him :S

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