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Hot Betty J asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Passing a MARIJUANA Drug test....?

I have stopped smoking for 12 days before the test and comsumed mass amounts of water and Niacin pills. The last 4 days, I consumed lots of water, cranberry juice and the Niacin pills and the morning of the test I took Ultimate Gold Detox Drink and cranberry juice, water and Niacin pills. Does anyone out there have any idea at all if the Ultimate Gold drink works? I know two people who passed a test using this drink but they had a rapid test right then and there but mine was sent out to a lab and I am still awaiting my results, very nervously!!! I really dont plan on taking up th habit after all of this, so darn stressful, but I played and now I am paying...Any success stories with Ultimate Gold out there?


oh, NO i didnt learn my lesson Miss. Preacher! I didnt ask for your sermon, If you cant just answer the question, dont give me your personal opinions. THANKS FOR YOUR CLOSED-NARROW MINDED CRAP! I'll be smoking my a@ss off soon! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Update 2:

THANKS SARGE! Thats all I needed to know without a sermon. Appreciate it.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I dont know about the Ultimate Gold but i can vouch for niacin. Niacin is a miracle drug. It saved my *** plenty of times. In fact I keep 2 bottles of water and a bottle of niacin in the car at all times. Trust your niacin and you can blow all you want.

    Source(s): Professional pothead 6+ yrs
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Using Ultimate Gold Detox is a myth. The Ph.D.'s who developed the drug testing system read the same blogs, Internet websites, and publications like High Times that people who are trying to beat the drug test read. As a result, they simply adjust the machines to filter out anything that might "mask" the test. Also, if your sample comes back too weak from drinking so much water it'll be rejected. BOTTOM LINE: If you try to beat the drug test, they'll know. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the one unquestionable truth is the only way to beat the drug test is not to do drugs.

    Source(s): Worked with the Air Force Drug Testing Lab for 3+ years
  • 1 decade ago

    You should be nervous. You shouldn't do drugs. Drug testing companies are getting very smart these days & they can actually report if someone is trying to pull a fast one on them by using these "home remedies".

    I really hope you've learned your lesson. Maybe you'll slip by & if you do, it'll be your one "free pass".

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