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Hot Betty J asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Drug Screening! I have to submit to one within a week maybe less!!?

I have smoked right up until today NOT knowing that I would have to submit to a drug test for a job I just accepted! Do those magical drinks actually work, if I quit today and did the drink correctly? Also to the screening companies test for these drinks, pills? I am so screwed!!! HELP!!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Screening companies won't test for the drinks.. I don't know how well they work.. but the day you are taking the test , drink a lot of water, a lot a lot so your urine is really dilluted. I'd give the drink a try

  • 1 decade ago

    The drinks and pills might alter your pee a little, but yes the companies can detect if you have any of them in your system. You might actually get by, but I highly doubt it.

    You should really consider stopping. If you get fired because of your drug test, the next job you apply for will most likely ask for a drug test as well.

    If they decide to do a hair test, you are completely screwed. Drugs stay in your hair longer than in your body, even if you cut your hair super short, there is enough there to get a positive sample.

    Drugs are bad mmmkay.

    Source(s): I have been working in the medical field for 4 years. I have seen people fail drug tests that were sure they would get away with it, because of the pill and drinks they took.
  • 1 decade ago

    OK relax..I have a friend who smokes every single day. She is required to submit to a urine screening every 6 months for her job. She claims her secret for testing "clean" is not taking those drinks. What she does is drink a gallon of water a day (usually 1 week before the test) She takes AZO (cranberry pill) every day for a week. On the night and day of the test, she will try to drink 1 1/2 gallons of water. Her reasoning behind this is because it "washes" the system out...basically, your urine will be "to diluted" for them to detect anything. The AZO cranberry pilled is usually used for Urinary Tract Infections..I forgot the logic she gave me for taking that..I would guess its for the extra cleansing. She has been doing this for years...successfully.

    good luck

    Source(s): Telling the company that your test came back positive because of eating "poopy seeds" wont work. They wont hire you. You can get AZO at any Walmart, Walgreens, CVS...basically most places sell it.
  • 1 decade ago

    Smoking pot? Or cigarettes? I am assuming pot, and no there is nothing you can really do but stop smoking pot and then apply else where. General rule of thumb when applying for ANY job be prepared to take a drug test.

    good luck

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you were smoking pot, You can blame it on consuming a lot of foods with poppy seeds on then (Like bread) Consuming food with poppy seeds can make you fail a drug test. You could google it & see what comes up.

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