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What is your profession/work?

I want to know what yo all do for work out there and I want to know if it makes you happy and why. Do you wish you were doing something else?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Piano teacher/Studio Musician. It makes me very happy that I get paid for doing what I love. I wouldn't rather be doing anything else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i work at a real estate company right now as a sales secretary. they are paying for me to get my real estate license which i think is awesome. but i am not happy here i would rather be teaching in an elementary school. this stuff is boring and nothing changes, especially with the market now a days, its slow and the office manager isnt the nicest all the time. shes very intimidating and i dont know how to tell her what i feel about the job and what they are offering me when i do get my license which i feel is unfair. so if i could afford to go to college right now i would to be a teacher. i love children. they are so sweet and truly innocent even though sometimes they can be little rascals!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a receptionist at a law firm. I usually like it but today I'm a little upset because they just started this new thing where i have to highlight the names of anyone who is not there at 9:00 on the sign in sheet. Its 9:01 and I have people upset with me. I need a new job. Everyone is on a power trip and everyone thinks they are better than everyone else and I'm getting a little sick of this drama. If everyone could just come on time and stop making stupid excuses and then getting angry with me... I feel like a tattle tale. This is ridicules

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was a Music teacher and I don't miss it. The teachers I worked with were mean, the students were difficult, the administration was my enemy and the parents were either strung out or absent.

    I am a SAHM and I love it. I sometimes feel guilty that I went to college, earned my degree and now I'm not employed, but my babies need me, especially with my husband in Iraq.

    I would like to work in public health education someday.

    Pxnx . . . whatever is proof that education and salary are not always directly proportionate.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am currently a College student and i will be that for many more years.... I waitress for cash currently and i do love it! i meet new and different people everyday...i get an adrenaline rush when i get busy and the money is good enough for me.... i do not plan to do this forever however... I am enrolling in real estate classes over the summer and that will be my side career to get me through college. After college i plan to be somewhere in the medical field!

  • 1 decade ago

    frist why u wanna know well i well answer u i do microchips 4 computers its so cool i win alot of money i am happy i think that if u like ur work then its not work u do what u love and u win money 4 that . i would never change if ur looking 4 a job chosee wisely cause if u dont ur gonna hate the rest of ur life :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a intern engineer for an aerospace company called Orbital Sciences. I am currently still in school and going to graduate with BS in aerospace engineering.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I do is go out way too late at night so that way I don't even remember what the hell it is I'm doing....all I know is...I wish I were doing something/one else

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I LOVE my job here at the VA in Bonham, Texas!! I am a sonographer (ultrasound) for some of the nicest elderly veterans around. I wouldn't do anything different when it comes to work.

    I am blessed.

    Sandy :O)

  • luna
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Im in real estate right now. Im going to law school and I want to own my own business again. I had my own flower shop that is when I was happiest.

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