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Do you have any tattoos that tell a personal story?

Just wanted to know how many people that have tats, have a story behind the reason for getting it/them or did you just get it/them because you just liked it/them and wanted it/them?

So what is it/them any why? I have about 12 and some have stories and some do not.


You dont have to tell me why or your stories, I am just curious, everybody is different and I love hearing all of your storeis and experiences.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Right...The Flames Up My Arm I Got About A Week After I Saved My Sister From A Car Fire....

    The One Dedicatted To My Dad, Is Pretty Self Explainatory...

    Others Just Tell About Me...

  • 1 decade ago

    lil patch, your tattoo and the story behind it is beautiful.

    My most meaningful tattoo is on my left inner wrist. It's very small. It's the infinity symbol with <3 next to it. I'm a bit of a nerd, so I put that little trait in there. Infinate love is something quite rare in my eyes. My grandparents were married when they were 17, and they were together until the day my grandmother died. I've envied them since as far back as I can remember. After 4 years of being head over heels in love, I realized that I have what they had. And this tiny tattoo symbolizes that. This was taken the day I got it done.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the perfect element you as someone can do is seem at your self as a 50 year old. Now are the tattoo's nevertheless interior the right position. As an artist I continuously provide the guy an same spiel about once you get previous the 30 year old mark and the tatt's seem sturdy on my face faze. is this the position you favor to reveal the international what you probably did as a baby ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Aside from my first tattoo, which I will freely admit was a mistake, all of my tattoos have a meaning. It's funny to see people try and figure out a tattoo's meaning sometimes actually. I'm Canadian, through and through. No relatives in the States at all. And I have the state of North Carolina tattooed on the back of my leg. Explaining that one gets a few reactions sometimes :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yup, I've got three. Each one's got its own meaning and story. Its personal though, I think that tatoo's should be personal, people who get them to rebel or make a fashion statement are usually the ones to regret it later on. My oldest tatoo is now 13 years old [done in 1994] and I still love it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My tattoos follow a kind of mythological theme, I've got a griffin, a Pegasus, scorpion fish, Japanese carp, falling sun, the planet Saturn, Japanese dragon, Celtic dragon, seahorse, macaw, perched chameleon, coinclouds, lightning bolts, metors, pentagrams, moon (blue), scroll unrolling, flames, feathers, seventeenth century ship at sail with a mermaid... as a tattooist myself, and simply as an artist, I picked what I liked. The only tattoo that has symboic meaning, is a circle (representing eternity), encasing a triangle (representing the three points of the trinity.) Thanks for the two points!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep. I have 2 tattoos (both are very easily hidden, and only seen when I have bathing suit on).

    One I got after I was diagnosed with lupus and then had skin cancer removed and went through radiation, its a symbol for courage.

    The other one is one that I designed, that I love. It is on a "Growing" vine that shows my growth through life. I have symbols that start with life, daughter, courage, forgiveness, wife, mother and the base is my husbands name. I designed one for my husband that is clean cut, the biggest symbol is my name, and then its sybols make a line that go up and over his shoulder... the end is the army symbol since he is a sgt in the army

  • 1 decade ago

    I have three two of them are just the "girly" ones you get when are younger....a flower on my lower back with one petal coming off for loves me loves not and if you count them all says loves me and then a tiny purple heart under my waistline....but I have the Japanese symbol for "reborn" on my upper thigh on pink and that has strong meaning behind it for me....I was in a very abusive relationship and when I finally got out of it took me along time to heal and get over that pain etc....I know I wanted a tatoo that would symbolise me overcoming the past and I knew I would only get it when I was strong again and able to get one with my life....approximately two years after leaving that abusive relationship I got my tattoo and I love it....I was reborn and started a new life free of pain and abuse and thats what it symbolises. =)

    I am now happily married and have found my soulmate and want to get his name under my japanese symbol in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    2 were kinda just to because i liked them, but they still have a story to me. Like i will forever remember my friend who took me to get my first. and i will always remember the fun my other friend and i had in just deciding to go get one for no reason at all. and my other 2 are my sons names so yea definate meaning there.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's too complicated to explain completely, but the tat on my arm is the what and the why and my ankle is the when. sometime in the future, i'll be adding a "guardian" to my ankle to keep me from going backwards

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