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Are politicians more powerful than God?

Politicians rule and plunder the world while God watches silently.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, in relation to God, politicians are "POWER - FOOLS"

    Source(s): Personal views
  • 1 decade ago

    My friend, politicians may think they are more powerful from God, but they are not- God is not watching silently- He has a plan. He may allow these politicians to rule their own way, but one day, as Jesus promised- He will remove Satan and all the powers of this world- because He ultimately has the authority- God does not forget what men do- He is a just God- but also loving due to the fact that He has given each of us, politicians and all- a chance to give up control, through the shed blood of Christ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, because God rules over the politicians. God made the politicians! Do politicians have special places in which people come and worship them every Sunday? Nobody except for Atheists ever talk badly about God, but there is rarely a conversation at the dinner table that doesn't include insults towards the politicians.

    Politicians may rule and plunder the world, but God could send them to heaven any time He wanted to, while politicians could never do anything to God. God watches silently because He cannot appear on our earth anymore. He watches silently because He is a listener, not a speaker. He listens to our prayers, to our hopes, our dreams.On the other hand, politicians are not listeners. They are speakers.

    No one could ever overpower God. They could try, but they wouldn't be successful. Again, I don't know many who worship politicians, but I know the 1000 and beyond that worship God at churches every Sunday.

    -Claire ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes .In almost all countries . But religious leaders seem to be more powerful than both (the Gods and the politicians).It seems that they both can destroy the world even after their death and much before the God's dooms day!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Can politician call a universe into existence 'Ex Nihilo"? That means "out of nothing" for those of you who are not familar with Latin. God is long suffering and patient with mankind oops;I mean PERSONkind. He wants us all to come to repentence. He is patient as a parent is;but someday He will say "That's it" and all of this will come to an end and He will setup His Kingdom with His Son,the LORD Jesus Christ,ruling it.No, politicians are NOT more powerful than God.

  • 1 decade ago

    history repeats itself! thru out the history we have seen so many civilisations have come and gone there is no guanrantee that the current civilisation will go on forever. Everybody has to suffer or enjoy the results of thier own karma, if somebody is enjoying today that is due to his good karma but that doen't mean he'll be happy forever. those who sin are digging thier own graves. like Ravan, Kamsa etc they were far more powerfull than the present politicians still they met with destruction. it may seem unfair to you but remember like Ravan who had performed severe austerities to please the gods the current politicians must have performed some pious act sometime in thier previous lifes or maybe in this life itself to deserve whatever they are getting.

  • 1 decade ago

    No they aren't god is more powerful because god made everything in this world and politicians would never die on the cross for everyone's life. So politicians are not more powerful than God.

  • 1 decade ago

    The tramp you see on the street corner three blocks down from that supermarket you shop at is more powerful than God.

    Source(s): ~Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    ha ha do not speak like a fool. God is mindful of everything and takes it to account and by him actions are weighed who can say to God such words who can rebuke the most high or question him.did you lay the foundations did you set boundaries who on earth can say to the seas be still and it will obey him ahhh but God is a awesome God.have you not heard that long ago God has planned it that he has ordained it.the mighty will be humbled and the weak honored those who serve the Lord will no be ashamed but those who despise his word will be lightly esteemed

  • Joe N
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Apparently they are.

    There are many things that politicians have done.

    Nobody can prove that God ever did anything.

    Not even make himself exist.

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