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I am a child of God- who is thankful that my birth mom gave me life. I have been very happily married to my husband for almost 27 years. We have 2 precious adopted children. I choose to live my life to please God. Sometimes I fail but I am grateful that I am forgiven. I am thankful for the grace and the strength that God continual gives me as I continue to struggle with chronic pain, and my husband struggles with a disability.

  • how do I change my email address with yahoo answers, without losing my contacts and points?

    I have asked this a couple of times before and was told to edit my profile. that is exactly what I am doing, and it does not complete the process. Thanks for any help that I can receive. I know that I will be losing my sbcglobal email account very soon.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • how do you change your email address on your account , without losing everything on yahoo answers?

    I have asked this in the appropriate section as well, but have got no response. I am having to change internet providers tomorrow, and I am switching to a yahoo email address from a sbcglobal. I do not want to lose all my contacts and points? Since I have been on this site a long time, can someone point me in the right direction. I have went to edit my profile and they are not letting me change my email preference.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how to I put a new email on my account without having to start over?

    I have tried to change my email from sbcglobal to yahoo, and keep my present points and contacts, but when I do it does not work. How do I change the email I am using on yahoo answers, without losing what I have already? thanks

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • what is your definition of the word mother?

    I realize this may cause some controversy- but I feel that I need to ask this question. I always thought that a mother is one that raised you, fed you, taught you, loved you? Am I wrong here? Not to negate the importance of the birth mother in adoption. She is unselfish, and I am very thankful that my birth mom loved me, and the birth moms of my 2 adopted children loved them enough to chose life, when they knew that they could raise us. Even the birth mom of our son, said "you will always be his mother". Please don't take this as criticism of people who don't think adoptive parents are real moms and dads, it just concerns me because it sometimes makes us out to be 2nd rate, and not the real thing.

    17 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • what do you think about this lawsuit?

    There is a lesbian couple that wanted to have a child, so they went to a ob/gyn so one of them could be artificially inseminated. The doctor, due to his Christian beliefs refused to perform the service for them. They went elsewhere. Another doc did the insemination and "they" are pregnant. Now they are suing the first doc for discrimination.

    My thought, this was not a medical emergency, that the doc refused to perform. Do you honestly think, whether you agree with homosexuality or not, that this is just a very frivolous lawsuit? The reason I put this in religious section, not law, or gay section, is because it has to do with the freedom of a Christian doc to stand by his or her beliefs.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what if all Christians never answered a mocker's question?

    do you think that the mocking would continue if we did not come back with a response. Remember when Jesus was sent to His death, He spoke not a word.

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what do you think about this judgings ruling?

    A recent court decision in Canada should send chills down every parent's spine. The ruling is so out of bounds that the news story sounds like a parody -- but it isn't. A Canadian judge ruled that a 12-year-old girl was "excessively" punished when her father told her she could not go on a school camping trip because she had broken rules for use of the Internet.

    As the Globe and Mail [Toronto] reports:

    First, the father banned his 12-year-old daughter from going online after she posted photos of herself on a dating site. Then she allegedly had a row with her stepmother, so the father said his girl couldn't go on a school trip.

    The girl took the matter to the court - and won what lawyers say was an unprecedented judgment.

    Madam Justice Suzanne Tessier of the Quebec Superior Court ruled on Friday that the father couldn't discipline his daughter by barring her from the school trip.

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • should we not protect the unborn baby, but we should protect condors in their eggs?

    I have been thinking about this for awhile, and am interested in your views. IN Calif, there has been a law for a very long time about condors. If a person destroys a condor's egg they are fined a huge amount of money- but if a human has an abortion and destroys the baby, it is called choice. I do not understand how a Condor can be considered more important then a human being. Before anyone goes hysterical on me, I DO NOT like to hear that people destroy condors either.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does true freedom mean to you?

    I feel that true freedom comes from doing what is right- someone said that is perfectly ok for Phelps and his church to picket a funeral of a young man that was killed in the war- that freedom leads to death- when you know the truth it will set you free- what they are doing is putting themselves in a prison that they will never escape from- freedom should be to build others up , not tear them down. What are your thoughts on this?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • can blood pressure medication raise or lower blood sugar?

    My hubby was just put on 2 blood pressure meds and I was wondering if they can mess with your blood sugar.

    11 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • another question about abortion?

    Have you ever seen a ultrasound of an unborn baby? Heart beating, hands and feet and arms moving? What do you call that a cell? Don't think so. Does the woman have 2 hearts, 4 arms , 4 legs, 4 lungs- you get the picture. I am truly interested in someone answering this question after they have seen an ultrasound.

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How many people vote their conscience?

    Do issues that are near to the heart of God, like abortion, stem cell research and other moral issues play a role on how you vote, and especially as a Christian do you think that they should?

    Most of you probably already know my answer, and it is yes, however I am interested in your answers. thanks

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • who encourages you the most in R&S?

    This question stems from all the questions I read about who angers or annoys the most.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • has anyone else found that magnesium helps regulate blood sugar?

    My husband has been Type 2 for about 2 years, and he has been on oral meds, and then the dr. put him on insulin a few months ago, and his blood sugar has been some better. When we went on vacation twice in the last year, we went to a hot mineral spa= and when in the mineral water, his blood sugar was very very good- found out that it is the magnesium in the water- just last week he started taken a powered form of magnesium, with his insulin and his blood sugar has been wonderful. Any one else experience this?

    5 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • can someone help me here?

    This is not really serious or anything, but just REALLY curious- I answered a question a day or so ago and my answer got deleted, because they said it is was not an answer. The question related to Jesus driving the moneychangers out of the temple, and this person said (which by the way, is not a question) that Jesus got mad, not because of the money being exchanged but because of the animals that were used in the sacrifice went after him. My answer was I NEED A SOURCE FOR THIS. can anyone tell me what was wrong with my answer?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this article about free speech?

    Free Speech Has a Price, by Rubel Shelly

    The brilliant founders of the American republic set in place the

    explicit provision for freedom of speech with the First Amendment to

    the United States Constitution. Against the restrictive laws of

    England, they were determined to allow free and unfettered public

    discourse about government, public policy, and the officials in charge

    of the general welfare.

    From that beginning point, we have evolved a shallow concept of free

    speech that is invoked for the most worthless of causes. Pornography,

    religious hucksterism, racist literature, homophobic web sites -- all

    appeal to their freedom of speech to malign, exploit, and dehumanize

    people made in God's image.

    Yet the stark and honest truth is that our freedom of speech has been

    purchased at a very high price. There was not only the blood of early

    patriots but that of their heirs as well. That is a high price to pay!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why is it that my husband's blood sugar level is highest in the morning?

    During the day it is pretty good, with the use of insulin

    14 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago