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Why do so few people give thumbs ups or stars on questions?

Okay here's the deal best to my knowlege.

The first 100 stars you recieve are worth a point a piece.

After that their just basic recognition, but even so everybody likes to be recognised.

Thumbs up or down, I don't think their worth anything but then again theres that recognition factor again.

So here's the deal, why can't we recognise each other and be more suportive of each others answers? Face it , it really sux to put your all into a question and not even recive a single star or on an answer, not even one thumbs up?

Thats why I take the time to star every question and do a thumbs up or down on most answers, I feel that if we all did this

it would enhance the input we get from this section.

So here ya go people, whats your thoughts on this subject?


I chose the wrestling section for this question because this is where I hang out most of the time.

Update 2:

Okay, Okay I said I chose this format cause this is where I mostly Q!A. But if all Y'all want a wrestling question here go's...

* Jeff Hardys gone on suspension for 60 days. Who thinks he'll get a title shot when he gets back and with who at what title? I was just trying to press what I felt was an important point with the people I feel I know and recognise....So'k?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As for your first question, people don't take a lot of time to think "Well, if I give this person a star, his/her question will be more widely recogized." It all comes down to being selfish. It shows that even though it is something as small as starring a question or giving thumbs up on an answer is too much of a hassle to do or care about/think about. While we are answering questions, we think, "Man, I hope I get Best Answer," without even looking at other answers to consider other people's opinions.

    As for your second question, I know nothing about wrestling so I have NO idea. lol

    Source(s): *Starred you. =]
  • 1 decade ago

    I here you talking and I agree 100%. I to star every question I

    answer. My thinking is if I think this question is worth answering then it deserves a star from me. I also give thumbs up to every answer that is not vulgar, durogatory or

    slanderious I feel It is the least I can do for those who took the time to give me a serious answer.

    So heh people wake up giving a star doesn't take away from your points so why not give!

    Source(s): Nuff said
  • Some people read the questions and give everyone who answered a thumbs down matter what the answer...which is really annoying to be honest. i don't let that part bother me. I do love seeing some thumbs up for my good answers. sometimes i don't get any thumbs up but i end up getting best answer instead. i like best answer better lol.

    i thumbs up everyone who is respectful and has a good answer if i agree with it or not.

    i thumbs down the losers who have no respect for anyone or anything.

    i star the questions if i agree with it...and if i think it's a strong question...sometimes i don't entirely agree with that question but i answer and star it anyway. some questions i don't star because i don't think they are strong enough...i forget ... or i don't entirely agree...they may have said something rude or something.

    i agree with you going to star...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Uh well I star a question if I really do find it though provoking and interesting. I thumbs up a question if I really agree with it and thumbs down a person if I really disagree or feel they are being unnecessarily negative or rude. Not every answer I agree or disagree with, they may be just opinions. Not every question is truely that interesting, I may have specific knowledge so I just want to share that.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i agree with you on this i give thumbs up all the time to answers i feel deserve and thumbs down to answers i feel don't deserve it and i give stars to questions that deserve it aswell like this question here =)

  • This is my way of looking at things. If I answer your question, I will star it. As far as thumbs up go, after I answer your question I then go and read what others have said, if I like I give thumbs up, if I dont I dont give it anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Jeff will come back this May. Maybe try get one more change for WWE Championn.

    Source(s): Starred * For your good question!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whats this got 2 do with wrestling?

    Source(s): RKO CHAMP 4 LYF! MVP 4 WHC!
  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Um...what does this have to do with wrestling...i agree with you..but where is the wrestling question

    EDIT::: o ok ...well then..i agree with you


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