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Exercises for toning knees that don't hurt?!?

I don't like how flabby my knees look. I'd like to tone them up but every exercise I try (lunges, squats, etc.) makes them HURT. They swell up and get really warm, and feel like they're "squeaking" when I try to bend them. Does anyone know of any exercises that won't cause me this kind of pain? Soreness i can handle, but this is debilitating.


I'm 28, not overweight, and I have pain in my hips sometimes too. There are a lot of joint problems in my family too...

I'm 5'6" and 130-ish lbs. so losing weight is not really an issue. But the pain makes it really hard to work out, and I'm worried that I'll gain weight in the future if i don't start getting more active. I work in an office and I'm pretty sedentary most of the day (like, ALL of the day, actually).

I eat well, very little junk.

Stairs are NOT my friend. I can barely make it to my door with groceries without that burning pain starting.

You really think it might be a madical condition? Hmmmmm..... maybe if it is, insurance will cover my lipo. lol

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first, you should see a doctor next time your knees or other joints act up. There are blood tests that can check for things such as rheumatoid arthritis, lyme disease, lupus, etc. If your joints get warm and swollen, it could be an autoimmune disease. Rheumatoid arthrities causes destruction to the joints as well as other body tissues and there are medicines that can slow down the process. Some medications can also help you be able to exercise better without all the pain. See a doctor first to find out what the cause is.

    How old are you and how long has this problem been going on?

    Do the knees also get red when swollen?

    Do you have any fevers or flu-like symptoms?

    Are other joints sometimes symptomatic?

    Any skin rashes or unusual spots?

    See a doctor when you get the symptoms so that it will be easier to diagnose. Sometimes they can take a sample of the fluid from your knee if it has a lot of fluid.

    Swimming is a good way to exercise if you have arthritis, but also, walking is good. Lunges, squats,and stairs are very hard on the knees.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so far youre on the right track! If you loose weight then youre knees wont be flabby. The pain part should go away in a couple of days and that squeeking noise is what happenes to me too so I do believe thats normal... lol.

    But yeah good luck on those "flabby knees"

    hope I helped.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you should see a doctor. Those aren't normal reactions to the exercises you are doing.

    I suggest trying cycling or a stair climber. They are both low impact and are great for toning not only your legs but your behind as well.

    But seriously, check out why your knees get hot and swollen before you do permanent damage.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may have's just when your tendons swell up and they cause pain. If you take a week off of working out then you might have more variety in your work outs without your knees hurting

    Oh and lunges and squats help your thigh muscles....i don't htink you can tone your knee....maybe eat healthier.

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  • 1 decade ago

    For toning KNEES?? Try leg extensions they work the best for me i have similar problems actually...try leg curls and leg extensions definitely you will see a big difference but it wont be 100% pain free some pain is good pain tho so dont think that its going to give you problems

  • 1 decade ago

    Those very same exercises bother one of my knees also, I find that exercises in the pool are easier on the knees, less impact and less pain... Hope I've helped.

  • 5 years ago

    More than likely, yes - they are NOT good for your knees, hips, or ankles for that matter - they are too heavy for any good running. Trade them in for a decent pair of running shoes (same thing as walking shoes).

  • 1 decade ago

    um well if you work a muscle in your body that isnt used to be worked your going to get pain either way so suggestion is squats

  • 1 decade ago

    you can just lose weight through non-knee exercise and your knees will look less flabby on their own

    Source(s): my knees always hurt too!
  • 1 decade ago

    Try going up and down stairs.

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