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why does he do that?

I broke up with my boyfriend everytime i see him i feel depressed.....i broke up with him because he seemed so much happier with this other girl..and he got with tht girl the very next day..and he tells everyone tht he loves her way more than he ever loved me..he told everyone i broke up with him because i thought he cheated on me...

now i feel so depressed is there anything i can do to feel better?

and why does he say he loves her way more then he ever loved me to my face and he knows it hurts me


i cant move on...i think i love him

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Revenge....He was pissed you broke up with him and now he made the score even...Your not under his thumb like he thought you would be...If you want to feel better you should avoid him and all these people who believe him.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Just move on to a different guy and be happy! I'm sure he wont like it.. but who cares.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cuz hes a fuking jacka$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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