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I like to know who is a strong Christian?

How many Christians here are really going strong with God, and reed the Word made flesh,for their Spiritual growth. Also who would love to grow even stronger and closer to Jesus Yeshua. This is only for born again believers.


my e-mail is please email me I have a beautiful like nothing you have ever seen talk forum were you can grow strong with us. Anna

Update 2:

wood cutter the Holy Word can not be wrong so James 2:24 You see than that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. Also reed the true word of The King James on a tree that does not produce fruits in John 15 it is cut down and burn. please join my talk forum and we will debate on this issue, thanks.

Update 3:

Thank you shadow for the link I went to see and it was horrible.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I do consider myself a strong Christian, actually. I have always been one who didn't keep quiet when I felt uneasy and, in later years, one who asked the question no-one else was prepared to. Yes, me, I always 'stuck my head in the lion's mouth'!

    This has meant that I have been misunderstood many times, accused of wrong motives, left 'out in the cold' and ostracised and felt the 'left boot of fellowship' whenever I didn't conform, so that I've now finally found my place outside of organised religion - where, no doubt, I belong! And in that I can rest easy because, whenever I ponder why it's happened, the conviction comes back that God did it.

    It's not an easy choice - being 'outside of organised religion' - but then, far less so was 'inside' where there was no true 'fellowship' and there was tremendous pressure to 'be positive'. Now I'm 'on solid ground', living in reality. There's more peace here, and room to grow and be myself (ie. truly how God made me) - and I have grown, because of the increased freedom (so that we who gather can agree and disagree and still be close at the end of it), the true fellowship of transparency I've found and the falling away of the false notions and ways that I collected over the years when I was 'in'. Oh, and Yahoo R&S has helped, too, making me think deeper and engage with the real world of men and their objections to our faith.

    Yes, it seems that you don't grow without a struggle - and without suffering. However, you can't afford to be passive, which is often what much churchgoing drums into us.

    I have to say that, looking back, the fact that I have suffered so much, sadly at the hands of believers and the 'wolves' amongst them (because I never did 'fit into the mold') has in many ways made me stronger. It's forced me to sort out 'the wheat from the chaff' - ie. what God has been really saying.

    However, I really don't know what I'd do without a wonderful husband who always affirms me and never condemns - it would be twice as cold 'out there' as it is now! He has been God's gift to me, when I really did not deserve it and, without him, so much would not have been able to be achieved.

    So, yes, I am strong, though I still often feel much pain at the coldness and indifference both within and outside the Church, for I feel personally what is an affront to my Lord. When someone takes his name in vain, I inwardly flinch - how can I do otherwise?

    Being 'outside' means also that I am constantly thrown on God and seeking more than ever before, to hear guidance from Him on my path in life. No-one else is going to lead me now.

    Knowing the Lord has brought me much disappointment (though I have to say that much suffering would have been there for me, anyway, just because of the character He planted in me) but I would rather experience this and make progress with Him - knowing the purpose of it all - than be at the mercy of this unkind world, in which there is no knowledge of God, neither his love nor mercy.

    Being an unbeliever would have enslaved and destroyed me, but knowing God as I do is making me into a strong and stable person.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I used to listen to Rock, I used to encourage everyone to listen to the whole CD at least twice before they decided if they like it or not... now I say the same thing about the Bible. I have read the Bible through, cover to cover, at least 25 times. I don't say that to brag, but only to point out that I get something new from it EVERY time! I am currently reading Reese's chronological Bible (all the verses in basic chronological order) and it's AWESOME! But my point is that the Bible is not just true, but it's living! I can learn new things from the same verse I just read three months ago!

    Ohh... sorry... I didn't answer your questions. Yes, I believe I am going strong with God & Christ but doubtfully as strong as I should be... I read and pray every morning and feel horrible when I am in a rush and have to cut my time short. I'm not right the rest of the day when that happens. I desire daily to grow stronger and closer to my savior. I also believe that "saved" is not the same as "Christian" and that, if you're going to Heaven, you may as well travel first class. I also believe it is the responsibility of every Christian to introduce others to Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey girl, Good to see you again.

    As you know my husband and I both are very strong Christians, and we will continue to grow and learn even more till Jesus comes again. Absoutely.

    WE hunger for all that God has for us, we pray for it all, and no longer think that is selfish, as God wants us to have it ALL, so we can do ALL that He calls us to do for Him.

    Yes, we need the word, and we do need the Word made flesh. Which is Jesus. THere is non other way than thru Jesus Christ. HE saves, heals and delivers, so that we are no longer broken, without hope. WE are told to be like Jesus, without sin, so that nothing is broken, needing to be fixed. God wants us brought to wholeness, completion, and we can be just that, thru the shed blood of Jesus Christ, thru our now new born again nature and mind of Christ, with His very excellent character, and by the Holy Spirit we now have to empower us to be like Jesus.

    Jesus is the only way, to ALL things.

    God bless you Sister girl.

    Thanks for another wonderful awesome question.


    Sister Shirley

    Source(s): God, the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit REMEMBER JESUS IS LORD.
  • 1 decade ago

    hi anna, I am a strong born again believer and have been studing the Bible for over 35 years and have faith that every word in the king james version is GOD breathed, HOLY men of GOD wrote as the HOLY GHOST came on them and told them what to write down.and I believe in the Gospel of Grace that JESUS gave to paul on the road to damacus and I believe in salvation by GRACE through FAITH without works a FREE gift from GOD through JESUS CHRIST ,...eph.2:8,9,

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  • 1 decade ago

    I understand my frailties far too much. Whether that makes me "stronger" as a Christian, or one that someone might consider weak, I don't know. But, as John Newton once said "When I was young, I was sure of many things; now there are only two things of which I am sure: one is, that I am a miserable sinner; and the other, that Christ is an all-sufficient Saviour."

  • 1 decade ago

    I talk to the Word made flesh every day but I read The Bible.

    I seek to grow from Glory to Glory every day, but like someone else expressed here the more I get to know Jesus and His word the more convicted of my sinfulness i become and the more humbled i am that i am so lucky to know Jesus and that He cares for me despite my sinfulness.

  • 1 decade ago

    To Withstand Evil without becoming what Your Attakers are Takes Firm Belief in Christ. What i am about to show you is Not only Insane it puts a face on Evil! God Bless You!

    Source(s): Web Searches: See Chemtrails on left of webpage
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would love to have a stronger and closer relationship with God, I feel that I am a mediocre Christian at times, and that I let too many things distract me from my walk with God.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going strong for God and will continue to do so until He calls me home.

    I grow stronger and closer to God every day by reading my bible, devotionals and praying.

    God bless you and yours. :-)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i admire stable Christians, ones that are shelter of their faith/theory. yet in asserting that, it does not advise that I desire them to talk many times approximately their faith/ideals (which has occurred alot), nor do i decide for to be persued down the line while i'm attempting to get someplace, somewhat while i'm working (sidewalk preachers). there's a time and place to talk of such issues, and many times some overzealous believers tend to no longer care with regard to the inconvenience that they could reason with regard to speading the word. i do no longer suggestions conversing to my religious acquaintances approximately their faith/ideals, I hear with an openmind, smile once I see what result their faith/theory has on them, yet they teach me the comparable openmindedness and comprehend that I supply to them. Others that i do no longer comprehend who I even have stopped and talked to are the comparable, very openminded, wisdom, and ALL with out feeling like i'm insulting them and are stable in what they suspect. "vulnerable" christians are those that condemn me as we communicate, calling me out to be each and every form of issues, with out even listening. that's a very almost "How DARE you no longer have faith!". those human beings I have not any time for, regardless in the event that they think of they try to do a stable subject. Calling me Immoral and a Whore of devil, says greater approximately them and their ideals than me and a loss of. anyhow, desire this defined somewhat. Take care.

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