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Are all men jerks? Or do I just seem to attract them? What would you do if you were me?

I have a boyfriend that I truly love with all my heart. I would absolutely give him the world....I would literally die for this man. I am currently pregnant with his child.....and 97% of the time we get along beautifully. Its the 3% of the time we dont that is driving me insane. I have bipolar disorder and have gone off my meds because of the pregnancy which are just making things worse.......he blames everything on me and my moods. However, I can be just trying to tell him how I feel about something that is happening in our relationship and he snaps at me and starts telling me that he doesnt have time to hear it and that I am pissing him off. I just dont know what to do........ I love this man and we have been through more together than anyone could ever imagine. I just dont understand why every man that I attract seems to become a jerk......... PLEASE HELP? Is it me? am I being awful because I want us to talk about things that are bothering me??


he isnt always a jerk. He is generally very kind hearted and loving. We are both dealing with a lot right now......and we both have separate issues going on as well. I just think he is feeling overwhelmed. Also, I have bipolar my mood swings are like quadruple that of most pregnant women.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    let me start by saying in a relationship no matter who you are your going to agure yall have two diffrent minds so that makes yall think diffrently and that cuaes disagreements that truns in to a argument. and dont for get that your pregant (mood swings). imma end by saying this dont let a simple disagrement make you lose the man that god put on this earth just for you


  • 1 decade ago

    If he loves you and appreciates the relationship just as much as you do, he should give you some slack and chill out and stop being a complete asshole and understand the changes yuo are having right now. Pregnancy is not an easy thing and it makes it very hard when someone is not there 100% Tell him not everything is about him and now there is 3 of you so start being a man and talk about it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's probably just scared about what's going to happen. A lot of stuff is changing for the both of you because you're having a baby. He needs to know though about how to handle it when you're not in a good mood or vice versa. when you're pregnant you'll go through a lot of mood changes so he needs to know that. And it's completely fine if you want to talk about stuff to him...maybe ask him if there;s anything bothering him too so that way you can work on things together. You just need to talk it thorugh and make sure that both of you are listening to each either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wanna say its just the hormones talking! But, its not all ur fault! If he cant simply talk things out with u then maybe he needs some counseling... Or he could just be extremely nervous with the whole being a "daddy", if its his first. Either way he should be supportive and take stress away from u at this time, No one needs to be ignored. He should listen to u and try to help work things out. If he keeps it up, try taking a mini vacation from him, don't leave him-- just take some "u" time to just relax, trust me u'll thank me for saying that. I had a stressful pregnancy too. almost the same situation. Good luck sweetie, take care of that lil' bundle of joy! :)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think there are a lot of sweet, honest guys that want to find a nice girl. (This was me for a long time till I met my gf.)

    Your situation is the flipside of another common question on here: Why do all the pretty girls go for the jerks? Which I don't think is completely true, but anyway... I don't get how a girl can recognize that a guy is a jerk and still "love him with all her heart." (I mean, if I realize that a girl i like is really a b *tch, that's a good reason for me not to love her. You love somebody mainly for their personality, character, values and how they treat you, right?)

    So I think you shoulda gone for the sweet honest guy from the beginning, but he was probably not "cool" (or "hot") enough for you, right? Sorry to be harsh, but this sounds like your own fault. I'm sorry it worked out like this for you. But don't blame this on all men supposedly being jerks. K?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not you that is probably making him upset. It might be the fact that he is stressing over having a kid. Maybe he might not be ready to be a father yet, and he's worrying if he will be a good one. It's not right for him to snap at you, but you can't just assume that you're the problem. You should sit him down and ask him what's wrong with him, and tell him you'll understand. good luck:)

  • 1 decade ago

    aww first of all i pray that u have a nice cute baby hopefully May god bless u ameen ,was he happy when u got pregnant? maybe when he sees he isnt so happy men r jerks when they see wife and gf :| fat plus in pregancny ur mood and hormones r disturbed and its kinda natural just be patient and take care of urself and baby try to be polite and explain to him what ur going thru and work things out for future all the best :)

  • 1 decade ago

    i kno that some guys can be jerks... so its not u

    some guys just pms like girls

    give him some space. maybe hes having some problems in life

    ask about him instead of talking about yourself

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