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  • Need help choosing one of these names?!?

    I am 25 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. It will be my 2nd daughter, and I have chosen four names that I feel are absolutely beautiful. I would love to have opinions from all of you on which you like the best. Here is the list:

    Ashlyn Jayde

    Brianna Elizabeth

    Krystiana Noelle

    Kylee Noelle

    Please give me your opinions! Thanks

    24 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Ultra Sound Scan at 14 weeks 5 days??

    Well, I went to the OB on June 16th...I was 11 weeks 4 days pregnant.... The doctor finally found the babies heartbeat, which made me really relieved. Then, out of the blue he asked if I had an ultrasound done yet. I told him NO and he said well, you will at your next appointment. They scheduled my appointment for July and I will be 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I know they found the heartbeat higher up than they expected too...... Would this warrant an ultrasound? Do you think they are looking for something specific or is it just routine? I have gone to them for all of my pregnancies and have never had an ultrasound before 20 weeks before unless there was a problem. Do you think they could think there are more than one? Should I be concerned? What are the chances of my finding out the sex of the baby? I am not sure if I will get any more ultrasound scans......

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • fetal heartbeat??

    Ok, so I am 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I have an OB appointment this evening at 4:45 pm. The last time I was at the office they told me that my uterus was just a little larger than they would have expected for my gestation. I know that could mean nothing, it could mean you are farther along than you think, or it could mean a multiple pregnancy. However, I am there any chance that they will be able to find my baby's heartbeat with the doppler device today?? I am so scared that something is going to happen......and if I could just hear the heartbeat I think it would make me relax a lot! Anyway, please let me know what you there a chance I will be able to hear the baby's heartbeat yet? The midwife told me last time that they would try!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Maternal heart rates during pregnancy??

    Ok, not sure how to explain this. I started feeling dizzy and ill, so I stood up to go to the bathroom. I became so dizzy I fell. My resting heart rate is 124 bpm. Should I be worried? What could be causing this. My normal heart rate is around 70-80 before pregnancy. Not sure what is has been since. My BP was 118/88 a little high diastolic but perfectly normal systolic. Cannot find any info on this. PLEASE HELP!! What could cause this?? Should I be worried? What should I do? Oh, and I am in my 8th week of pregnancy!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Hungry in the middle of the night?, I have horrible morning sickness 24/7. I was only having it at night, and then it went to all night and all day. I couldnt even take a shower without becoming nauseated. I am still having problems with the nausea......but some of the vomitting has subsided. Not all of it, but I can eat at certain times now. So, here is my question. I am waking up in the middle of the night starving to death......seems to be one of the only times I can keep food down right now. Is it bad for me to be eating in the middle of the night? I know this causes more severe weight gain...... So, I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this. I would appreciate any answers. Also, I have a lot of problems eating early during the day. I find that I am never hungry before 1 or 2 pm....but then when I do eat it just makes me violently ill. What should I do?? Anyone else pregnant experience this?? I am due 1-02-09 with my fourth child!!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far along are you? (a ? for fun)?

    Was just wondering for fun how far along everyone is and what is your due date? Also what are you hoping for/or having?

    I am in my 8th week of pregnancy an my due date is January 02, 2009. I joke with my boyfriend telling him I want the first NEW YEAR BABY!! Oh, and I am hoping for a girl, but will love having either!!

    41 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Morning Sickness??

    Ok, I have had three babies previously... I know I should remember this, but I dont really. I am 7 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. I have had nausea and vomiting since before I found out I was pregnant. However, it was mild and generally only happened in the evening. Now, its like I move and I am so sick I cant leave the bathroom. I vomit for hours on end. I am nauseated all day and all night. I know yesterday I didnt leave the bathroom for 4 hours. When I wasnt throwing up I felt too weak to move. Has anyone else had morning sickness this bad? Is there something wrong with me? When did it start for everyone and how long did it last?? Any ideas on what I can do to make it better........?? I cant sleep.....I am always up and down sick.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is this everyone is talking about??

    I keep reading questions where people are talking about a fetal pole. I am not sure I have ever heard of this. I have had three children and am pregnant with my fourth. What is a fetal pole?? Can anyone tell me?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this may cause?

    I had a hemoglobin iron test yesterday and it was 16.9g/dl. Normal levels for a pregnant woman is 11-12g/dl. I was just wondering if anyone knows what may cause this and what harm it can do from being so high? I am 6 weeks pregnant and dont want to cause harm to my unborn baby or to myself. My prenatal vitamins have iron in them and I am afraid that this will cause my iron levels to raise even more. Also, I have heard from some people that high iron levels will cause preeclampsia. Is this true?? Please help!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is this normal? Or should I be worried???

    Yesterday, I went to my first actual prenatal appointment. They did all the routine stuff I guess. I had blood drawn, urinalysis, internal exam with pap, uterine check, etc. After the appointmet I went grocery shopping with my children. I had some mild cramping, just a dull achy kinda cramp. Nothing I havent had off and on since before I found out I was pregnant. I asked my midwife about it and she told me it was normal and gets worse with each pregnancy. (YAY!) Anyway, when I returned home I had a couple spots of blood on my panties. I am not bleeding now, nor have I had any spotting except those two spots on my panties. Should I be worried? Is this something that is normal and caused by the internal exam and pap? Please HELP

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What happens at the first appointment?

    ok, I found out 2 weeks ago that I am pregnant. Today is my first OB appointment. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. I have three other children and should know this, but I honestly cannot remember. What is going to happen at this visit today? The babies dad is going to be there with me as well as my younger two children because I dont have a sitter. I know they will make me pee in a cup.....that happens at every visit there, but what else are they going to do??

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know?

    I am curious. Does anyone know when the cervix actually closes after conception. I have been told that it is sometime between 6 and 8 weeks pregnant. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant. My boyfriend says that during sex he can feel the cervix and mine has already begun to change. I was just wondering what if anything anyone knows about this. I would appreciate any help! Thanks! :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When does it stop? someone please help!!?

    Ok, I am almost 6 weeks pregnant and I have been having period-like cramps, only not as severe, since before I found out I was pregnant. I am also constantly up and down throughout the night needing to go to the bathroom or vomiting...... When will this stuff begin to go away? Will it ever go away? Has anyone else had cramps like this before in early pregnancy?? Should I be worried?? Please HELP!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Do the benefits outweigh the risks? What would you do??

    I am pregnant and I also have BiPolar disorder. I was diagnosed in January after trying to commit suicide in November and getting out of the hospital right before Christmas. I have since been on lithium, seroquel, and zoloft. Lithium has been known to cause severe heart defects in fetuses and also thyroid defects. Seroquel has been known to cause defects in pregnant animals but they dont have enough research from humans. I went to see my Psychiatrist because I have gone off my meds and wanted something safer. He told me to go back on them that the benefits to me outweigh the risks. I dont believe that the benefits outweigh what it could do to my unborn baby. Do you think I am right or wrong? What would you do? PLEASE HELP by giving me your opinions.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do the benefits outweigh the risks? What would you do?

    I am pregnant and I also have BiPolar disorder. I was diagnosed in January after trying to commit suicide in November and getting out of the hospital right before Christmas. I have since been on lithium, seroquel, and zoloft. Lithium has been known to cause severe heart defects in fetuses and also thyroid defects. Seroquel has been known to cause defects in pregnant animals but they dont have enough research from humans. I went to see my Psychiatrist because I have gone off my meds and wanted something safer. He told me to go back on them that the benefits to me outweigh the risks. I dont believe that the benefits outweigh what it could do to my unborn baby. Do you think I am right or wrong? What would you do? PLEASE HELP by giving me your opinions.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cramping in Early this normal??

    I am currently beginning my 5th week of pregnancy. I am having period type cramps, but not as severe as during my actual period. Should I be concerned?? Is this normal? What are some of the reasons this would occur?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cramping in Early this normal??

    I am currently beginning my 5th week of pregnancy. I am having period type cramps, but not as severe as during my actual period. Should I be concerned?? Is this normal? What are some of the reasons this would occur?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your boyfriend slept with someone else??

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 8 months and we just found out that we are expecting a child together. Today he told me that he slept with his ex last night. I am so hurt and I dont know what to do........I love this man more than anything in the world. He is truly my soul mate. I would die for him..... I dont know how I am going to handle this. Please help me. What would you do if you were me? Would you let it go and just hope it doesnt happen again??? Or would you tell him you are done with him and raise your child on your own? I already have other children who dont know their father. I was expecting this one to be different.

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What can I do to make him realize he is going to lose me if things dont change? I need advice NOW!?

    My boyfriend and I are incredibly happy when we are together. We get along fabulously....he truly is my very best friend. I couldnt imagine a better friend. We are currently expecting our first child together.... However, here is the hang up I am having: He is still living in a home with his ex. She is financially and emotionally unstable and he is having problems leaving there because she has his child. Everytime he packs his things to leave.....she finds something else to mess up or fall apart so he cannot. I understand his need to help this woman and his child. However, I cannot stand the fact that he feels as though he needs to live there to do this. I want him to leave that house. I have been very very patient while he has been trying to teach her money management for the last few months. However, I am beginning to lose my patience, which I have very little of to begin with. What am I supposed to do? Do I sit by and wait? Do I tell him I am done with him? HELP!!!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are all men jerks? Or do I just seem to attract them? What would you do if you were me?

    I have a boyfriend that I truly love with all my heart. I would absolutely give him the world....I would literally die for this man. I am currently pregnant with his child.....and 97% of the time we get along beautifully. Its the 3% of the time we dont that is driving me insane. I have bipolar disorder and have gone off my meds because of the pregnancy which are just making things worse.......he blames everything on me and my moods. However, I can be just trying to tell him how I feel about something that is happening in our relationship and he snaps at me and starts telling me that he doesnt have time to hear it and that I am pissing him off. I just dont know what to do........ I love this man and we have been through more together than anyone could ever imagine. I just dont understand why every man that I attract seems to become a jerk......... PLEASE HELP? Is it me? am I being awful because I want us to talk about things that are bothering me??

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago