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Do you think the stimilus check will help boost the economy? How are you spending yours?

George W. was quoted this morning stating "This money is going to allow Americans to offset the high prices we're seeing at the gas pump, at the grocery store, and will also give our economy a boost to help us pull out of this economic slowdown,"

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a tooth that needs a crown... $840.00....

    Easy come, easy go. I guess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is the truth about the stimulus checks- they will not help the economy- they are political tools, nothing more. Bush proposed the stimulus after Clinton and Obama started yapping about their own proposals- the difference is that under Bush's plan at least some of the money IS going to where it can help stimulate the economy and that is to businesses. Businesses create jobs and products both of which are requirements of a sound economy- keep shafting them with some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and the economy will NOT get better and OUR jobs will keep going overseas-

    I will spend my little penny on pre-existing debt- no help to the economy and only good for me in the short term. What I, and millions of others, need is good, stable jobs and until the democrats stop villifying businesses, we will NOT have those jobs

    Double bunger up there is a fool- if you made 2200 and paid in taxes you would get it back this year. You remind me of other poor people (I am one) who insist they pay taxes when they dont. I had about $600 taken out in taxes last year but actually paid none- WHY? Because I got almost $3000 back in earned income and child tax credit among other things which means I recieved $2400 that BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE- poor people, especially those with kids- PAY NO TAXES and that is a fact that some of you goofy people cannot take away

  • 1 decade ago

    Stimulus checks are a Keynesian economics farce straight out of the Democratic playbook.

    Think about it rationally. How is taxing one person, thus reducing the amount they spend, and giving it to someone else to spend in any way going to improve the economy?? If I take money from one of my bank accounts and put it into my wife's does that make us richer?

    It did not work in 2001, and it will not work now.

    If our politicians wanted to see real improvement in the economy, they would take measures to boost productivity, risk taking, and investment. For starters, they could further reduce capital gains rates, cut corporate tax rates, and eliminate the double dipping dividend taxes.

    Of course, too many people in this country have been brainwashed by the populist propaganda machine to ever let that happen, so we will continue to lose our edge as the world's economic leader.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, $600 (1,200 I believe with my hubby) is not going to help much with the high price of gas, grocery stores, clothing and everything else that is effected by the price of gas.

    Yes, it will help, and don't' get me wrong, I am glad to get the check, but I don't think this 1x check is going to get out us of this slowdown.

    I am not going to blow the money, I'm putting in my savings - emergency fund.

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  • Boston
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I doubt the stimulus checks will have a significant effect on the economy. I'm spending mine on a Hawaiian vacation.

  • jenny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No it is worth less then a band-aid, just tossing a bone to the dog as far as the economy is concerned. But a small help to each person. Gov. wasted money sending out notices when

    it was all over the news many times!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm going to stimulate the Las Vegas economy at the Flamingo.

  • MSU69
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First fill up my gas tank in my car and get gas to mow the yard by time get my check gas will be 6.00-8.00 gal. Go to store and get few groceries and have enough to by six pack of beer. Knowing Bush they will stop payment on the checks.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I do not. In fact, I view this check more as a bribe than an tax rebate, or stimulus check. A stimulus check would be $600 a month.. That way people can spend it paying for mortgages to avoid foreclosure, buying groceries to feed their family. Or how about this, they can finally afford health care insurance. When this administration handed out millions of our tax dollars in corporate bailouts. I am more insulted by this so-called stimulus check than grateful.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mine will go toward a 640 dollar U-Haul bill I'm lookin at to move up to Washington state.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This whole thing is a scam.

    First off, people in true and dire need will not get any checks. In fact, the IRS is very busy hounding very poor people. I've been unemployed for three years, made just 2,200 last year, and I HAD to pay 156 in taxes... and I get no refund of any sort, let alone that 600 dollar bribe.

    This was a Bush trick to get the stupidest Americans (his true base) to see him in his last year as some sort of good guy.

    He is not, has never been a good guy.

    He will still stand in front of a tribunal someday... maybe he can give the judges 600 dollars.

    Bush is scum and the Americans who adore him are bottom feeders.

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