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Will you accept my grumpiness?

I am learning to "lighten up" and have just learned that if I can get up each morning with a smile things can go much better during my day. Do you count your blessings? How do you remain positive in this troubled world? I have found that remembering the negative "past" serves for nothing. Today is now and tomorrow beckons, so proceed with a smile and hope.


Wow! Everyone of you guys have come through with encouragement and inspiring words for me to build upon. That's what makes this group so special. You know what? I am not alone anymore!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Barbara C. here and I can fully appreciate where you are coming from as I have just gone through a similar situation.It took me 2 yrs. to get over a very devastating ordeal that involved 20 funerals in a 7 wk timewhich my only brother Larry was the last.Wasn't the same without him so now I feel like it's my turn to also lighten up and I literally mean lighten up. I really can't go into it a bit

    deeper as this isthe first person in along time that I have told.I think that I can respect what you said about the negative past and it really does only reflect us back to serve as nothing.I thank-you for the inspiration.

    barbara c

    Source(s): self
  • 1 decade ago

    I will accept you just the way you long as you aren't abusive. I'm grateful for every day I get up and get to do normal things. In another era, I'd be dead already. The only way I use the negative past is to make sure I don't do the same things over again. Otherwise, I let it go. Sure took me a long time to get to that point, though. Nice question!

  • 1 decade ago

    If this is what you call "grumpiness" , yes ! You could not be more correct . Starting each day with a smile can only bring happy thoughts . I do count my blessings all the time . And I thank God .

  • 1 decade ago

    It is hard for me to handle grumpiness. If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, learn how to deal with it. It is kind of like the Serenity Prayer. My Dad died of cancer, my husband commited suicide and so did my Mother. I have no family, but I know there are people worse off than me. I try to always smile and say I am "wonderful" when someone asks how I am doing.And, I thank God every day for what I have.So, yes I count my blessings.

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  • dora
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I do count my blessings and like you, have found that dwelling on the negative is not productive. It isn't easy to focus on the positive, but I try to stay friends with other people who are trying to maintain positive influences in their lives, too. One of Susie's jokes or someone's funny comments can brighten your day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I remain positive in spite of troubles because being grumpy only adds to them and does nothing to change them.

    You are right to let the past go.

    Life really IS a box of chocolates. Enjoy!

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is entitled to their grumpiness now & then. Hey, we're only human. I like your theory on the past & not dwelling on the negative aspect of it. It's easy to dwell on the negatives if we let ourselves, but what's past, is past. If we dwell on the past, we'll miss today. I count my blessings each & every day & that's what keeps me thinking positive. Life is full of peaks & vallies & I've experienced many of both. The vallies make us stronger, knowing that we can look forward to the peaks.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I can't possibly manage a smile until after two or so cups of coffee! Then my Chasey wakes up and climbs in my lap and we cuddle and talk for about a half hour. Until the baby wakes up and the first thing out of her mouth every single day is "eat"..

    My first smile and first gooy moment is reserved for my baby boy! Second one is for my baby girl...and I count my blessings that they're with me and they're ok...

    Life could be worse!


  • 1 decade ago

    You are so right! Dwelling on past negatives just causes me to have to live through them again, doesn't erase them, and puts me in a depressed mood. And so I choose not to do that. I greet my husband with a cheerful good morning everyday, whether I mean it or not, and it helps to get us both off on an upbeat start to our day.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been struggling too.. not so much with being grumpy, but at least counting my blessings, and not getting sucked in by others negativity!

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