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Kid friendly spots at Baltimore Inner Harbor?

My parents, hubby, 2 year old, and I will be going to see Thomas the Train in Baltimore this weekend. We are going to be leaving the train station in the early eveing and want to get dinner at the near by Inner Harbor before our drive home. I am trying to find a spot for dinner that is not fast food, but will be ok with a toddler who is reved up from a day of adventures. Any suggestions from other parent's? It is also my hubby's birthday this weekend so we want to do something fun but not someplace that will be bent out of shape if my son is tired and cranky (not that I let him go wild in public-just given the day I have no clue if he will be tired and calm or over excited). Thanks!!!


Thanks for the tips! I always hate it when you go into a place and then realize they aren't really a kid place and you start getting the look from other tables. My hubby and my dad would likely love the ESPN spot plus a lot of action to occupy the little one. But then again-crab cakes:-) that is the best part of going to the harbor! We might have to head back this summer and see the aqaurium--I love it there but it might be too much to squeeze in on this trip. Thanks again!

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