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anita asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Story of Ekluvya?

What is the purpose or the message behind the story of Ekluvya in Mahabharat?


I know the story of Ekluvya but I don't understand the meaning behind it. It has to be more deeper than guru bhakti

Thks for the comments but I need a more deeper understanding

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the epic Mahābhārata, Ekalavya (Sanskrit: एकलव्य, ékalavya) is a young prince of the Nishadha tribes, and a member of a low caste, who nevertheless aspires to study archery in the gurukul of Dronacharya. After being rejected by Drona, Ekalavya embarks upon a program of self-study in the presence of a clay image of Drona. He achieves a level of skill equal to that of Arjuna, Drona's favorite and most accomplished pupil. Fearful that Ekalavya will excel him, Arjuna begs Drona to take action. Drona goes to Ekalavya and demands that Ekalavya turn over his right thumb as a teacher's fee. The loyal Ekalavya cripples himself, and thereby ruins his prospects as an archer, by severing his thumb and giving it to Drona.

    Drona's rejection of Ekalavya

    In the Mahabharatha,[1] Ekalavya is introduced as a young prince of the lowly Nishadha tribes. Ekalavya was born to Devashrava (brother of Vasudeva, who was father of Krishna)[2] and was raised by Hiranyadhanus, the leader (King) of the Nishadhas, who was a commander in the army of Jarasandha (the king of Magadha).[3]

    Desirous of learning advanced skills of archery, he seeks the tutelage of Drona, the legendary weaponsmaster of and instructor of Arjuna and his brothers. Drona, however, rejects Ekalavya on account of the prince's humble origins.

    Ekalavya's self-training in the forest

    Ekalavya is undeterred and goes off into the forest where he fashions a clay image of Drona. Worshipping the statue as his preceptor, he begins a disciplined program of self-study. As a result, Ekalavya becomes an archer of exceptional prowess, superior even to Drona's best pupil, Arjuna. One day while Ekalavya is practicing, he hears a dog barking. Before the dog can shut up or get out of the way, Ekalavya fires seven arrows in rapid succession to fill the dog's mouth without injuring it. The Pandava princes come upon the "stuffed" dog, and wonder who could have pulled off such a feat of archery. Searching the forest, they find a dark-skinned man dressed all in black, his body besmeared with filth and his hair in matted locks. It is Ekalavya, who introduces himself to them as a pupil of Drona.

    [edit] Ekalavya's dakshina

    Arjuna fears that Ekalavya may have eclipsed him in skill with the bow. As a result, Arjuna complains to his teacher Drona, reminding Drona of his promise that he would allow no other pupil to be the equal of Arjuna. Drona acknowledges Arjuna's claim, and goes with the princes to seek out Ekalavya. He finds Ekalavya, as always, diligently practicing archery. Seeing Drona, Ekalavya prostrates himself and clasps the teacher's hands, awaiting his order.

    Drona asks Ekalavya for a dakshina or deed of gratitude that a student owes his teacher upon the completion of his training. Ekalavya replies that there is nothing he would not give his teacher. Drona cruelly asks for Ekalavya's right thumb, knowing that its loss will hamper Ekalavya's ability to pursue archery. Ekalavya, however, cheerfully and without hesitation severs his thumb and hands it to Drona. For his part, Arjuna is relieved to find that the crippled Ekalavya can no longer shoot with his former skill and facility.

    Why did Drona request that Ekalavya cripple himself? Was Drona justified in making such a request? The Mahābhārata is clear that Drona acted in order to protect Arjuna's status as the greatest archer. However, the Mahābhārata does not answer the question whether Drona was ultimately justified. The story thus leaves room for interpretation and moral speculation. As a result, a variety of answers have been proposed to these questions.

    According to some, Drona wanted to hamper Ekalavya's archery skills because he feared that Ekalavya would use them against Drona's employer, the King of Hastinapur[3] (Ekalavya's father worked for Jarasandh, who was an adversary of the Hastinapur kingdom).

    Others have alleged that Ekalavya learned all the archery skills by secretly observing the training sessions of Dronacharya. When Dronacharaya found out, he visited Ekalavya to verify his suspicions. Although Drona could have demanded an even greater punishment under the laws in effect at that time, he asked only for Ekalavya's right thumb, thus making useless the archery skills which he had learned secretly.

    Others still have said that Dronacharya demanded Ekalavya's thumb because the latter was not a Kshatriya, and in those days only Kshatriyas were supposed to get a military education.


    Later, Ekalavya worked as a confidant of King Jarasandh. At the time of Rukmini's Swayamvar, he acted as the messenger between Shishupala and Rukmini's father Bhishmaka, at Jarasandh's behest.[3] Bhishmaka decides that Rukmini should marry Shishupala, but instead Rukmini elopes with Krishna. Ekalavya is later killed by Krishna, who hurls a rock against him, in a conflict against Jarasandh's army[3][4]

    Relevance in Modern India

    In Indian mythology, Eklavya occupies an important place as someone who exemplifies the nature of Guru-shishya tradition of teaching in India, showing extreme reverence for his guru. The Eklavya institute for Educational research and Innovative action,[5] is an institution dedicated to educational research in India, headquartered at Bhopal. A 2007 Hindi movie, Eklavya: The Royal Guard, places the story of Eklavya in a modern context.


    ^ The Mahābhārata, Book 1: Adi Parva, Sambhava Parva: section CXXXIV


    ^ a b c d A. D. Athawale. Vastav Darshan of Mahabharat. Continental Book Service, Pune, 1970

    ^ Dowson, John (1820-1881). A classical dictionary of Hindu mythology and religion, geography, history, and literature. London: Trübner, 1879 [Reprint, London: Routledge, 1979]. Also available at Encyclopedia for Epics of Ancient India

    ^, "EKLAVYA"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The story shows the gurukulam type of education and its importance.In those days,pupils gave so much respect towards their guru and the guru also treated them well.It is the true GuruBhakthi.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ekluvya was a brilliunt student, but he was not rich, he wants to study in gurukul where dron was guru, but when ekluvya told to guru dron for study he had refused his praposal and said i m just teaching to king's son, called YUVRAJ, so ekluvya became sad but he was great, he made a portrate of guru dron, and had thought that this portrate is live and he himself got the lessons, which he wanted to learn from dron, one day dron and his " shishya" went to forest for hunting, dron asked ARJUN to hunt a perticular animal but he could not at that time Ekluvya came and hunt that animal, so every people got surprized, so drn asked who taught you such a beautiful knowledge, at that time Ekluvya told him how he imagine that dron himself teaching him, but dron was not a good man, he had decided that only Arjun must be a great yoddha, so he asked for GURUDAKSHINA to ekluvya, at that time he demend ekluvya's right thumg of his hand, and at the same time Ekluvya cutdown his right thumb and gave to dron as guru dakshina. so this is Ekluvya's great story. it shows great gurubhakti of Ekluvya, and kuniti of guru Dron.

  • 1 decade ago


    the story doesn't really show the ideal behaviour of the guru, does it??

    n yes, u already got the best answer...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think u already got the best answer

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