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On a scale of 1 to 10, how painful is getting your wisdom teeth pulled??? DON'T TRY TO BE TOUGH AND LIE....


and how long does it take to recover?

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    had mine pulled 2 weeks ago, they put me to sleep to take them out, I felt no pain, until the next day, and the meds they gave me took care of the pain. I only took the meds for one day, then didnt need them. it takes about a week(maybe a little more) to heal up to the point where you can eat everything again

  • zephir
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    if 1 and not painful and 10 was very painful,

    it was 728 for me.

    a normal person required 1 shot of local anesthetic. I took 7, and it didn't make the smallest change, they couldn't give more due to liability concerns. They said anymore and i could OD on the drug, causing much more problems.

    I had 6 perfect teeth pulled, and it was s grueling, excruciating process. Once the anesthetic wore off, no non-prescription drug can keep the pain from driving me insane. Even prescription drugs didn't do anything at all. I pounded my head into the wall until It started to bleed, then cut myself with a knife trying to keep my attention away from the mouth.

    The pain was absolutely unbearable and the additional injury to my arms and head didn't do much either. It cost 900 dollars to repair all the drywall and doors i broke with my skull.

    seriously, I will not go thru that again, unless i was in the Netherlands, where i can take much more powerful drugs like LSD or Marijuana to keep the pain away. And morphine and Codeine so I can be asleep afterwards when the swelling happens.

    The pain wasn't the only problem. I also lost several times the blood other people lose during the pulling, they said my blood was coming out like a fountain. They had some gels to stop blood flow, but they didn't work too well. too much blood. The vacuum they used couldn't handle the blood flow along with saliva and other fluids (it was small), so some of it overflowed into my body.

    It was a very bloody and extremely painful operation for about 5 hours. I lost alot of blood too. They were using pliers to remove my teeth.

    Source(s): my nerves are misplaced in my body, regular drugs do not work as well to quell the pain since my nerves aren't were they're supposed to be.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a crybaby and afraid so I opted for anesthetics and be knocked out for the procedure. This way when I came to it was over. I had big wads of gauze stuffed into the back of my jaws and bled briefly, I also took codeine for pain and slept most of it off. It was a bit painful afterwards, about 7 but the codeine really helped. I was on a liquid diet for a week and could only drink from a spoon or the side of the cup, no straws because of the suction which could dislodge any clots. (yuck) After a week I slowly started eating again but started with soft foods. It healed nicely and I have no problems. The good thing is I won't have to worry about my wisdom teeth suddenly aching while on a trip or something.

    It'll be ok, ask if you can get the anesthesia, it was through an IV in my hand. Believe me, it was easy this way.

    Source(s): Personal experience.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    in the time of surgical treatment no discomfort, as you're below GA. how many the teeth are being bumped off ? Is it top or decrease ? How previous are you ? Do you have anyother scientific subjects ? How deep are they ? Horizonal or vertical impactions ? classification a, b or c ? there are various small aspects. regularly the decrease ones take a splash longer to heal than the top, if a much bigger incision is made and extra bone is bumped off. i might wager that it would take approximately 2 weeks so you may be delicate in case you're removing all 4. On a scale of a million -10 (10 being extra painful) I week 6 and lowering II week 3 and lowering some painkillers may be useful you to to shrink the above discomfort and is additionally much less ! each and all the final and Merry Christmas !!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I was 18 when I had all 4 pulled. I asked to be knocked out so I wouldn't have to be awake for that! After I went home, surprisingly I had very little pain. The only pain I felt was when I changed the gauze in my mouth but once I bit down on a new pad, the pain went away. I say this is surprising because I am usually the biggest baby when it comes to the slightest pain! I think it only took me a few days to recover....then again that was 20 years ago so it's hard to remember for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    We all tolerate pain in different ways...what hurts me a lot ,does not hurt you.As far as wisdom teeth go, it also depends on if they are infected,impacted or growing in the wrong direction.I was told mine would be not an easy task so I was numbed a lot and I used nitrous oxide(laughing gas),so I really was flying high and did not feel the pain. Afterwards,I did use a few prescribed pain pills for a couple days and then ibuprofen after that. I have also heard of people being put to sleep. Really,a discussion with your dentist is the best answer as each case is different. GOOD LUCK!!!

    Source(s): EXPERIENCE
  • ginnrc
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I had all four of mine pulled two at a time on each side. The first time it didn't hurt to have the top one pulled but it did with the bottom one because the tooth had turned some and was impacted. Then I waited a few years later to have the other two pulled and it didn't hurt to have them pulled but I was sore for a few days and I didn't have any sweeling both time. I would rate the first time an 8 and the second time a five.

  • 1 decade ago

    It really depends. I know people who have been totally fine. I was sore for about a week and a half, but pain meds made most of it ok.

    It's usually fine unless you get a dry socket, which I believe is when it heals with open space left inside your gum. I think it's uncommon though.

    The process itself is super easy if you're on nitrous or an IV.

    For the surgery itself I say a 0, the week after about a 3 or 4.

  • 1 decade ago

    I never had my wisdom teeth pulled but I had six teeth pulled for Braces when I was younger and it doesnt hurt during because they usally put you under. and after the extraction you are usally on some kind of pain management so yes it does hurt. scale 1-10 I would give it an 8

  • 1 decade ago

    It was only a six to get it pulled, but the after math was unpleasant for me. That was a 9 on the overall uncomfortable scale

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