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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

If I simply tell someone else about Jesus Christ, is that forcing my religion?

Cause if that is the case then everything is forced upon us. All I do is inform you about his life & how accepting him will guarantee you into heaven. if you choose not to, then that's on you, I've shared now it's on you. You are now responsible for what you know. So would you look at that as forcing my religion (which by the way isn't a religion but a relationship) cause if you do then I would think that your very much intolerable of Christians.


So your saying, if I was walking in the mall & decided to ask someone if they knew who Jesus Christ is, then if they say no, ask them if I can have a little bit of their time, they say no, they walk away I walk away no ones offended, hurt, or anything of that nature, THATS FORCING?


Update 2:

Just because the rule at a school is to keep religion out doesn't make what I asked someone forceful. Forcing happens AFTER someone has said NO & I continue but if that person says NO & I go about my business, there was NO forcing applied.

Update 3:

"That in and of itself may be a big turn-off to a lot of people."

You will be amazed on how many people want to talk about Jesus Christ but afraid to.

Me & couple of my church family were in the mall & we decided to pray @ 6 pm on the dot. We found a little place in the mall where we can stand & pray & not in front of everyone. While we were praying, you can see people standing by our circle for a couple of seconds with their head down praying along with us. You just never know unless you do so. Merely asking is the LEAST. & in no way shape or form will i continue to force you or bash after you have said "no thank you". I just find it funny how people view & understand the word "force" or the phrase "forcing your beliefs".

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    See, this is the kind of attitude I like to see from religious people. The understanding that you have a religious calling to share your faith with others, and that if they're not interested, to move on.

    If more religious people took on your attitude, there would be a lot less fighting about religion going on in the world.

    Sharing your faith with someone and moving on if they say "no" or giving them more information if they say "yes", that's not "forcing", that's just doing your religious duty.

    "Forcing" someone is, as you said, if you were to continue after the person once they've made it clear they weren't interested, or worse, started calling them names and condemning them to hell. People who do this are the ones who really tick me off and don't endear me to their religion because of it.

    You sound like a really nice guy who's strong in his faith, but understands the rights of others. I'm glad to see someone who gets it on this forum, amongst all the fighting and nastiness I see on a daily basis. Thanks! :)

  • star72
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think truth is manifest and if a person wants to know the truth about any subject they will seek it out. On the same token, everyone has their own personal truth and it very well could be that people are satisfied and therefore would not feel the need to be preached at by you or anyone else. I would not categorize what you do as force, far from it. Force indicates non-compliance on the part of the people to whom you are speaking. They have the right to listen to you or walk away, so force is not the issue. I would however say its somewhat self-righteous of you to walk up to complete strangers and strike up a conversation about such a personal matter. That in and of itself may be a big turn-off to a lot of people.

  • jaicee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If it's a natural part of the conversation, I think it's terrific to be able to discuss and share our faith, experiences, and the teachings we follow with friends. As long as it is reciprocal. If you want to, say, make a presentation, something longer and more formal, I'd appreciate your asking first and allowing me to say no without throwing away the friendship or being afraid of my rejection. Of course, I'd reciprocate.

    The most important thing is to care and be considerate of the other person's feelings and response to what we say. If they take it in fine; if they don't we have to be respectful and not let it become a barrier.

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible tells us go and spread the good news,Jesus says if you are ashamed of me I will be ashamed of you before my father,If you work with the holy spirit he will guide you on who you should witness to ,because in my experience when I listen the God has already soften that person heart and he is willing to listen,I know you are on fire for Jesus what did Jesus say if they will not receive you then wipe the dust from your feet.I think the best way we can show our faith in Jesus is by the way we act Love covers a multitude of sin

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it is forcing your religion we have a lot of gullible folk out there.

    I am atheist but I dont go knocking on doors telling people religion is all BS.

    You are correct on one point, I am certainly ' intolerant' to all religions,

    Believe me when I tell you I have no real wish to burst your little religious bubble, it would be like kicking a little kitten.

    Just think about this, I could knock spots of your religion , up to the point where all you have left is your 'faith'! You will understand it is all fabrication but you will still have your faith in the 'fact' that yours is the only 'true' religion, out of thousands of other 'true' religions!

    Fancy me knocking on your door a couple of evenings a week to prove my point????

    "Christianty is not a religion"!!! Thats the best one I have heard in a long time.

    Dont knock on my door, I would consider that to be forcing your religion upon me, dont even mention it to me in my local bar, it could be a health hazard!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you were at a school and walked up to a fellow student and asked if they knew Jesus, they could report you and you would be suspended or expelled. So, you can talk to people and if the topic comes up, okay but if you walk up to someone and just ask if they know Jesus, you are forcing.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think what you are talking about is considered force.

    However, if you came to my country, and slayed many of my people, and then took over occupation, and forced people to follow at the mercy of the sword, THEN it is forcing.

    The Philippines (which is now predominantly Catholic) was conquered by Spain using force.

    One merely telling us about God is not forceful.:)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    No, I witness because of the fact i'm confident that, with out the gospel, men are doomed to an eternity with out God. I do it because of the fact I care. and that i by no skill rigidity. as quickly as I evangelize i'm very polite. continuously initiate with "Sir,(or mam) could I also have a 2nd of a while?", and have my Bible seen so my intentions are undeniable.

  • Preaching is something that should give the free will to the listener.

    Some christians just preach without using any idea about how Christ won his disciples.

  • 1 decade ago

    We call that proselytizing in our house. I have heard it more times than I can count and really never need to again. That is why for me it would be forcing.

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