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Why does the NWT translate Romans 10:13 as: "For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved" ?

The New World Translation (NWT) translates Romans 10: 13 as "For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved", yet based on my research, the name of God in the thousands of Greek NT manuscripts we have available today is rendered as either Theos (God) or Kurios (Lord)?

From what I've been able to gather, all literal translations from the original Greek agree that Romans 10:13 should read: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" as the KJV renders it. Why is "Jehovah" forced into the text where it is not possible for it to ever appear in the Greek?



In all of the Greek manuscripts we have, "Kurios" (Lord) or "Theos" (God) is used—Never Jehovah—not even when quoting the OT!"

Update 2:

Any idea why Rev Kip has got 5 "thumbs down" ?


Update 3:


Why would the GREEK NT contain HEBREW words ???

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are 100% on target. The Watchtower teaches that Jehovah is God’s true name but that "Superstitious Jewish Scribes removed it from the Bible". They make the claim that their New World Translation has "faithfully restored" it to the OT & inserted it in the NT "where it made sense to do so". These are direct quotes from their literature. Now, they have gone a step further in forcing the name into Romans 10:13, thereby, making the use of the name as essential to salvation.

    Here is the TRUTH about the matter:

    * OT Scribes used the Hebrew consonants YHWH. Later these were combined with the vowels from “Adonai” (Lord). The result was “Yahowah”, later translated “Jehovah”—A Man-Made Term!

    * As the word has Hebrew origins, it cannot be forced into the Greek NT. You are absolutely correct in stating that In all of the Greek manuscripts we have, “Kurios” (Lord) or “Theos” (God) is used—Never Jehovah—not even when quoting the OT. Absolutely! This is irrevocable FACT.

    However, I will state that I do not have a problem with the name itself. I will even use it when conversing with JWs, as they prefer it. What I do take huge issue with, however, is how the WT uses it to skew theology! This verse is a perfect case in point, as they have won many converts to their cause by claiming that the only way one can be saved is to use the name. Not only is this complete heresy but it completely legalistic as well. Do you REALLY think that God is going to determine your fate by whether or not you call Him by Jehovah, Elohim, Adonai, etc.? Completely and patently ridiculous!

    EDIT: First of all, the WT is assuming that it is correct to translate Joel 2:32 to include "Jehovah" in the first place. Yet The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia states under the heading for Tetragrammaton: "Term generally used to designate the Divine Name (YHVH) traditionally not pronounced by Jews and formerly misread Jehovah by Christians". See, that?? MISREAD. From a Jewish source!

    Yes, we will concede that Paul is directly quoting from Joel. However, this only proves that Yehweh and Jesus are one in the same, as the whole of the NT testifies that it is by the name of JESUS that we are saved. The WT proves the diety of Christ all of the time in such arguments yet staunchly refuses to admit it!

    Jolie: "Remarkable" you say? That is fascinating when not ONE NWT "translator" could speak, read, nor write a lick of Hebrew or Kurios Greek. In fact, the leader of the "translation" team was completely made a fool of in a court of law when he could not read a passage from Genesis that any 1st semester Hebrew student could easily have read. Proof in the pudding.

    Jason W: You are right on target--and from what I have heard, you actually used to be a JW. Praise God that you have now come to realize the true source of your salvation!

  • 5 years ago

    If you still believe that Jesus was not a body manifestation of the very creator God, the word that formed the worlds made flesh, then you are still bound in a lack of revelation which is the central denial of the NWT rewrite; and the JW belief system. For it is not and was not the faith of the Apostles nor the plan of the only living God. God has laid aside all other names to set forth the Lord Jesus Christ; that at his name all things in earth below and heaven above should and will bow. For the first 300 years, until false doctrine defeated the true church; Christians were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord being his name under the title of Father; Jesus being his name under the title of Son; and Christ or Messiah being his name under the title of the Holy Ghost. Then as now, Jesus lives in his children; who are the believers and the true church in this ending hour.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Because the JWs forced the name Jehovah into the new testament wherever it fit, and condemned Christians for not including it. Out of curiosity I visited the JW website once, and I encourage you to as well, because it shows what they try to pass it off as. Basically it said that Chrisitians are wrong for not including "Jehovah" in the New Testament, and they put it where it's not. But NWT is not a Christian bible. Don't be deceived by wha they pass it off as, but that "bible" promotes paganism. Check out some big verses like the beginning of the book of John, and just see the lower case "g"s you'll see in Gods name. NWT John 1 reads, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." See that, "a god". As if there's more than one.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    What is the name of the Lord? Lord is a title, so I ask you, what is the "name" of the Lord you are making reference to. Example: what is the name of the president? president is a title, would you say his name is president? No his name Mr. Obama, The name of the Lord you are making reference to is Jehovah.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    The true name of the Son of God is "Savior/Yasha. But the people who controled religion saw his name as blasphme toward their jelous God "I am, who I am." For I am was their savior but, only for war? He never healed any except he allowed a king an extra 15 years to live. All people who caught diseases were banned from their camps, he never healed any of them and he gave Elijah and Elisha powers to heal but he never had any care for his children when they caught a disease like leprosey.

    Whats happening is the name Jesus is becomming powerful and sinners cant pronounce the name like they use to so they use the name christ or lord and now they are taken what Jesus gave people and crediting their God the LORD?

    SO maybe we are in the last days where the LORD said his name will be the only name?

    And those days are going to be terrible for all those who chose to worship YHWH instead of Jesus. They will see their God whom they have chosen because it was to hard to follow Jesus.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    An article by George Howard in the March 1978 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review set forth this thesis that YHWH appeared in the New Testament and that "the removal of the Tetragrammaton from the New Testament and its replacement with the surrogates kyrios and theos blurred the original distinction between the Lord God and the Lord Christ." His position was included in his article in the Anchor Bible Dictionary, where he stated: "There is some evidence that the Tetragrammaton, the Divine Name, Yahweh, appeared in some or all of the OT quotations in the NT when the NT documents were first penned."

  • VMO
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Many great scholars recognize the fact that Tetragrammaton was in fact replaced with "Kurios" in later Greek Manuscripts. If you claim that this hasn't taken place, then why did Matthew use Tetragrammaton when he originally wrote Matthew in Hebrew? Knowing that Paul quotes Joel, its obvious who Paul was referring to in this verse, and thats Jehovah God.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The watchtower chose to make a dishonest translation of the greek word. The fact that they can find others who did the same, is not justification at all.

    I like what a Jewish friend said, "If we don't know the name of God, no one does".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I told all my friends that my mother would pick them up from work, as long as they call her to do so, would they call her phone number and upon her answering, say Mother please pick me up?

    No, mother is a title. They would use her name.

    Logic tells us that if we have a close relationship with God, we would use his name when we speak about him or pray to him.

    We KNOW his name is YHWH. Due to the fact that no one knows which vowels should be put there. Jehovah is the closest English translation of those 4 consonants.

    Source(s): Sound logic
  • In their religion, they call God by what they consider His name.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hebrewnamesversion:32.It will happen that whoever will call on the name of the LORD shall be saved; For in Mount Tziyon and in Yerushalayim there will be those who escape, As the LORD has said, And among the remnant, those whom the LORD calls.

    Complete Jewish bible:32.At that time, whoever calls on the name of ADONAI will be saved. For in Mount Tziyon and Yerushalayim there will be those who escape, as ADONAI has promised; among the survivors will be those whom ADONAI has called.

    Source(s): How about since we are in the Hebrew scriptures lets stick to the Hebrew translation of Joel 2:32.
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