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KJV Bible is Perfect.?

Why is it when i say i believe there is only one correct translation to Gods word .....that peoples minds go to the KJV (before i say it) and they start to fight against it?


If God is perfect.....then isnt his word?

Which word it the perfect word of God?

Can only be one.......not several.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible, the Scriptures of the Old Testament and the New Testament, preserved for us in the Masoretic text (Old Testament) Textus Receptus (New Testament) and in the King James Bible, is verbally and plenarily inspired of God. It is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and altogether authentic, accurate and authoritative Word of God, therefore the supreme and final authority in all things.

    "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:20-21

    "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22:18-19

    "The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." Psalms 12:6-7

    "Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth." John 17:17

    To the people who argue that we don't have God's Word--His "Pure Word". Ponder this, Jesus created the earth and all that's in it around 3975 BC. It's been almost 7,000 years since then and you are still claiming that God has not done what He promised. On side of your mouth you "claim" to believe God is who He say He is; yet, on the other side of your mouth you claim that He's not. "Oh, He can make the heavens and the earth but He's unable to give us or keep His Word pure for us to read it." On top of this, we are expecting return of Jesus any moment now to take us up in the air (the saved) with Him.

    First and foremost:

    Are we so naive that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of these translations?

    "The seed is the word of God. Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word..." Luke 8:11-12

    ASV, RSV, NASB, NEB, REB, TEV, GNB, NRSV, NASBU, NCV, NET, NIV, TNIV, NKJV, NWT, ICV, RV, AB, JB, NAB, NJB, MLB, NIRV, CEV, plus translations by Montgomery, Young, Weymouth, Goodspeed, Moffatt, Williams, Stern, Barclay, Rotherham, Taylor, Ledyard, Norlie, Kerdrick, Smith, Harwood, Mace, Boothroyd, Fenton, Moulton, Ballentine, Clarke, Courtney, Darby, Noyes, Ainslie, Sharpe, Wilson, Spurrell, Bartlett, Weekes, Lloyd, Worrell, Spencer, Craddock, Green, Beck, Knox, Lamsa, Tomanek, Phillips, Wuest, and a hundred more.

    "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." 1 Corinthians 14:33

    "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:" John 10:10

    Do you "really" believe God is who He say He is? IF so, why do you argue a point made by men verse quoting the Bible to back up your beliefs? What a contradiction! Do you EVER pay ANY attention to what you are saying? Is He God to you or not?

    Why do people believe that the King James Bible is not God's prefect Word?

    "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God." Matthew 22:29

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The KJV is the closest and most accurate translation to the 'textus receptus'. The other translations, including th newer ones, have deleted or changed words and verses, which changes the entire meaning of the bible. When changes are made such as wording and deletions, it alters the true meaning of God's word and thus, many translations that do such are off the mark and inaccurate. The KJV is the closest; the best translation above all others.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is one of the wars between man that trys to get in God's way . God's Word is perfect . God's Word is Truth , no matter how or where It is said . God's Word is God's Word , and The Holy Spirit will lead us to know what is or is not The Truth . God can and does speak in many ways , but always to Our hearts. so , if it's the KJV or the NKJV or the NIV or even just a song, God's Truth will not be hid and His children will Know His Voice. People try to hard to limit God on how and through what He speaks , but in the end God's Will Be Done and His Word Will be and Is Perfect.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Neither the KJV or the NIV are quite stable translations of the Bible. they are the two translations from different translations and the two have dissimilar places the place they variety from the oldest scrolls and manuscripts available. the single section that they are the two heavily compromised is in that they have the two had God's call bumped off and have replaced it with capitalized titles which includes GOD, LORD.. This substitute into devil's impression inflicting this so as that persons might now no longer comprehend who their God substitute into and for this reason does not have the capacity to do a number of the flaws commanded interior the Bible. God's very own call substitute into initially interior the Bible over seven thousand cases. the unique KJV nonetheless has it @ Psalms eighty 3:18, however the greater modern KJV has thoroughly bumped off it as has the NIV. There are plenty greater advantageous translations available then the two of those, yet as has been spoke of, the KJV is here to stay. human beings desire custom over actuality and accuracy. i might say that the altered text textile interior the Bible translations, being for the main section intentional on the element of the translator for the point of growing to be the Bible adjust to their schedule and/or adulterated doctrine have in basic terms had constrained achievement. many human beings embody the two the altered translations and the apostate doctrines that delivered them approximately. regardless of if, the God that created the international and inspired the Bible to be initially written has additionally preserved his word so as that sufficiently previous scrolls & manujscripts exist so as that there is a translation available, translated quickly from the unique Hebrew and Greek to favorite languages this is precise. God's very own call has no longer been removed from this translation, nor have passages been altered to cause them to 'look' to backup apostate doctrine and practices that got here into Christianity after the 1st century.

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  • Wally
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    After reading the preface in the NKJV concerning the King James Translation, one would wonder why Thomas Nelson publishers would even consider it possible to improve upon this translation. Here is what is said in the preface of the NKJV concerning the King James Bible.

    “The King James translators were committed to producing an English Bible that would be a precise translation, and by no means a paraphrase or a broadly approximate rendering. On the one hand, the scholars were almost as familiar with the original languages of the Bible as with their native English. On the other hand, their reverence for the Divine Author and His Word assured a translation of the Scriptures in which only a principle of utmost accuracy could be accepted.”

    The next paragraph continues by substantiating the previous one:

    “In 1786, Catholic scholar Alexander Geddes said of the King James Bible, ‘If accuracy and strictest attention to the letter of the text be supposed to constitute an excellent version, this is of all versions THE MOST EXCELLENT.”

    Thomas Nelson Publishers acknowledge the translators of the KJT as producing a translation that is “precise”, with the “utmost accuracy.” The Catholic scholar states that the KJT is the most excellent of all versions. Then WHY the New KJV? Remember, if you can fool the publisher into thinking that something new is better, it generates MONEY in your bank account.

    If the Christian is sincere and wants God Word in English, the finest translation to be had by bringing the Hebrew and Greek, word for word, into the English, is the King James Translation of the Bible.

    “Add thou not unto his words, least he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:6). “It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.” (Psalm 118:9).

  • Molly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Having been here for almost 400 years, been the #1 bestseller since its first printing, and bing responsible for billions being saved from hellfire I believe is a resounding endorsement from God, Himself.

    Yes, the KJV is the perfect, infallible, inspired Word of God.

    That's pretty obvious, considering...

    Source(s): **MS**
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, this is a two-parter, at least, in my opinion.

    >>First: The Word of God is just that, irrevocable absolute and shines through no matter what mankind has subjected it to, be it alteration, edit, retranslation, etc etc.

    >>Second: I LOVE my KJV and won't part nor be parted from it.

    I also own, read and have studied out of over 7 other 'versions' of the Bible, including an Aramaic version. I've also studied other 'older' religions' texts insofar as HolySpirit has moved me.

    Ya know what, when it gets down to God's Truth: THEY ALL SAY THE SAME THING. When it comes to how mankind wants to 'use' the Bible in regards to controlling the masses, well then, there is HUGE debate, war, hatred, confusion, misery, separation, etc. Do you think that's of God or has anything to do with 'the correct' Bible??? That is of the baser human nature that is of [not in - as true God's people are in the world but not of the world] the world of separation- thinking, greed, jealousy, envy, fear, power-mongering, blasphemy, etc - regardless of what 'version' is being read & quoted.

    Personally this is about God speaking to each one of us for us alone - not to bash each other over the heads with. That is EXACTLY what Jesus taught about - obedience to God by LOVE IN ACTION - not dissention and warring over which human is right and which human is wrong. That's for God to judge, not us. I've got my own opinions about how others practice their various 'faiths', but I pretty much keep them to myself until I become OmniscientOmnipotentOmnipresent [lol]. And until then, equality prevails and sovereign dominion free will choice prevails. And the Word of God will out in all cases.

    Words fail me here, and while it's entirely possible I've ignited some to push the thumbs down button, I really could care less about that - because I really really really love all of you regardless of what you hold within the 'secret' places of your hearts - I'm doing as instructed, loving God with ALL of me, loving myself and then others the same way. Now go off and be at war over that if you need to.

    But thanks for the Q :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The King James Bible, like all versions of the Bible, has some theological bias and some misintrepetations. As a guide to really understanding salvation it is probably the best version out there. I use several versions when I study to gain a better understanding of what the scripture actually says.

    For instance, Galatians 5:12. What Paul is wishing for here is that those who trouble the new converts would go castrate themselves. Different versions of the Bible will give you a fuller sense of the verse than the KJV does.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all, the original language can only be considered to be the word of God, not any translation. Second of all many christian scholars consider the KJV to have "grave defects", according to the RSV (Revised Standard Version). Christian scholars only consider aramaic and hebrew to be the original languages. Greek is not an original language because Jesus did not speak Greek, nor English for that matter. So the inspired word of God is in the original language, and you guys boast of having over 24,000 original manuscripts

    ...which no two are identical. So how can the translations be correct with any version?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since we no longer speak the original Aramaic and Greek we need the Bibble to be translated. We also no longer soeak the same English as King James. A modern translation is much desired.

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