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1991 Acura Legend power windows wont work?

The driver door window will work, and the power sunroof will work. All other windows will not work no matter what switch is tried. Relay tests out fine. Wiring is intact. Im stumped, any help would be greatly appreciated

4 Answers

  • bobweb
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If everything was working one day and they all stopped working the next day, then your in good shape when you find the power problem. But if they stopped working one by one over a period of months, then you've got a lot of work to do to fix them all. You really need an electrical schematic showing how power goes through the driver's door to get to all the others if that's the case. Try an manual or the motors and chiltons manuals at your local public library. Recheck all the fuses of course, but the problem may be a bad connection right at the main fuse box wiring.

  • 1 decade ago

    Power window motors are powered by the switches-all switches except the master switch are straight-thru switches-when the master switch sends power and ground to the individual switch, then the window motor should work. A basic test light is needed to check the system. Remove the door panel at the window that doesn't work, disconnect the window motor pigtail(2 wires and connect the test light to the pigtail to the vehicle. Cycling the switch should light the test light. If not, remove the location-specific switch, hook the test light up to the wires from the master switch, and then cycle the master switch. if it lights up then, replace the door switch. if it still doesn't light,, then diagnostics on the powers and grounds needs to be performed. If the test light lights up when connected to the window motor pigtail, reconnect it to the motor and while holding the switch down, tap on the motor. If may work, indicating an open in the motor windings.

    Source(s): ASE Mastertech
  • 1 decade ago

    Replace the window switch on the drivers door. The one that controls all the windows. I guarantee that's your problem.

    Source(s): Been there - Done that
  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like the motor for your windows has either died, or came disconnected on your door is a plate over the window keys, that plate will pop off and you can check the wires.if they are connected, then chances are it is the motor. you can get one at a junkyard reasonably cheap. it will cost a bit to get it new.

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