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Favorite Answers32%

ASE Mastertech, professional technician for 30 years. Still in the repair business as a service manager in a Shop in Florida. Avid flats fisherman/wade fishing as much as possible on the west side of Tampa Bay.

  • Are there any driver issues when installing Windows 7 on a Dell Vostro 1000 originally loaded with Vista?

    My Vista crashed when allowing an update, installed windows XP temporarily, would like to install Windows 7. Have used the Windows compatibility checker, it said a custom install would be required. My computer person is unsure if there are going to be any Broadcom driver issues, whatever that means.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • "How to become President"?

    A few years ago, I happened upon a PBS show moderated by , I believe, a very young Dick Cavat involving a discussion on all the hoops that need to be jumped through to nominated and elected president. It had a bunch of old political powerhouses on it-I seem to recall there being a supreme court justice, senators or representitives, etc. I would like a copy, but don't know the original title to ask for. Anyone know where to look for it?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • 302 Moved The document has moved here. I Get the previous message when accessing any browser. What does this m?

    I click on any browser-Mozilla, Road Runner, or Internet Explorer, and I get the following message"-302 Moved . The document has moved here" with "here" highlighted in blue. I click on it, and the system THEN goes to the browser homepages. I did a system restore before this happened as I accessed a website that was a known attack site. What does this mean? Have I been hacked?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • How to de-wrinkle an Austrialian oilskin duster?

    My oilskin duster broke its hanger, and unbeknown to me, had been lying in the bottom of the closet for months. Cold weather is approaching, and I'd like to get the wrinkles out of it so I can wear it. Any ideas? The care instructions say to only wash it with cold water and wipe it dry(which I did), but the wrinkles are still there. I hung it in the sun for several days, no change. I'm thinking maybe clip a lead line to the bottom of it to help straighten it out? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Cannot copy a photo from mem card to pc?

    I recently scanned a photo on my Kodak Easyshare printer and had it put onto the camera memory card (It was a paper photo taken by someone else.) I wanted to transfer it to my Face book profile from the memory card, but I keep getting the message that its not formatted correctly and the PC can't recognize it. This is after I pull it up, do the cropping I want, and then try to do anything else with it. I'm pretty much PC illiterate, so any advise would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • 2 basis PC questions-I think!?

    Please bear with me, I am pretty much PC-illiterate. First off, there is constantly a window popping up that says there are script errors-what causes this and how do I stop it.

    Second-I received a paper photo from a friend I want to put onto Face-book. I scanned it on a Kodak Easyshare printer/scanner onto the memory card from my camera-which I thought was a good idea. But the window that states that the picture can't be saved (I had to crop it) because there is a "problem with the picture's file properties" pops up-I can't do anythig with the photo-copy or paste. I tried doing the things the help box stated for that, but can't get anywhere, and unfortunately I'm sure its ME doing something wrong, but can't figure out what.

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • propeller pitch?

    Is there any way for a layman to find out the pitch on a boat prop?

    1 AnswerFishing1 decade ago
  • Basic doctrines?

    I am looking for a church home, and have been exposed to Baptists, Catholics, and now the evangelical Lutherans. Is there a website that explains the differences in these and other religions without going too deep?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Its driving me NUTS! What was that thing painted on the Patriot's field?

    It was grey, kinda looked like a pipe wrench with flames coming out of the jaws. Something to do with Gillette, it being Gillette field?

    14 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • I need the website for the main Leatherman manufacterer?

    would like to either A) find /oain repair parts or B)get the address to send it in for repairs

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago