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How are Criminals and Liberals alike?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Criminals and Liberals both believe that they can have something for nothing.

    They both believe it is justified to steal another man's possessions.

    They both either use the laws to their own benefits, or ignore the law when it seems more suitable to do so.

    They both have either no morals, or what morals they have are completely twisted.

    They both seem to gain satisfaction by getting the 'upper hand' on someone else.

    Wait a minute!

    Doesn't that actually describe ALL politicians?

  • 1 decade ago

    We all commit crimes, it's depends on personal definition and if anybody knows and cares to do something about it.

    Perception is reality and reality is perception.

    We create our own reality as defined by our experiences which gives us the confidence and motivation to make a choice.

    Motivated by the choice we've established our perceived reality and create our values and expectations.

    With those values and expectations we perceive right and wrong.

    When a value is breached and threatens our perceived reality it becomes a wrong, because we perceive it as a threat, we react to maintain and secure our value and prolong the expectation because it makes us right.

    It's okay to feel that way, we all do it. We want to feel safe and happy.

    Pleasure over pain, that's our biological prerogative.

    Hence that's why we have the four F's:

    F-Number 1 - Feed.

    F-Number 2 - Fight.

    F-Number 3 - Flight.

    F-Number 4 - Fornicate. (My favorite).

    These are essential for human survival.

    We benefit from our actions and are perceived as selfish when it doesn't benefit others.

    Now pertaining to crime I believe there are criminal acts and not criminals because criminal acts benefit the people who commit them and are perceived as selfish because the act does not benefit the community and the individuals who share the same values and expectations.

    And hence we have laws that reflect the values and expectations.

    In case you were not aware: Liberalism in its classical sense meant liberterianism which means the rights of the individual and not the collective.

    Liberalism changed during The Great Depression because people were starving and expected government to do something.

    It became known as Reform Liberalism or Social Liberalism where we could have a mixed economy with capitalist and socialist ideals or principles.

    Source(s): History, political philosophy, psychology, Buddhism, life experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cliff hit the nail on the head.. and spiderman did define it well.

    Liberal politicians sole aim is to legalize taking from one party through the use of threat of government authority to buy votes from a second class of people. Wealth re-distribution is pure Marxism. It was initiated in the early part of the century with the passage of the 16th amendment, now it assume that anything government does can be forced on us through this coercion.

    I believe fully we need to move to the Fair Tax to provide true equity.. The reason politicians refuse to adopt it is because it would remove the class warfare rhetoric and place the control of taxation squarely in the hands of people. if you don't spend money on new items you don't pay taxes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They steal! They take money from hard working successful people and give it to the lazy irresponsible people. And like criminals, they can justify this in their own minds.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Screw you

  • 1 decade ago

    Call them cons or libs, most politicians are criminals, period.

  • 1 decade ago

    Criminals are law-breakers. Liberals are social reformers that legally, by working within the system try to reform laws. So they are not alike.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are one in the same

  • 6 years ago

    they have no regard for anyone beside themselves

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