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I looked in the mirror today and I can't see myself!? Am I a vampire?!?

Details: What can I do about this? I'm very scared and this has never happened to me before. How am I going to fix my hair and check if there's something in my teeth?!?!

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You sure someone didn't just move the mirror on you?

    ROAM around the house and see if it's somewhere else. ;)

  • 5 years ago

    I just had the same experience and i know I'm a real vampire because i now can't see myself in mirrors, my canine teeth extend down long into fangs whenever i see something red or meaty and I get thirsty for human blood alot but i quenches my thirst for blood by drinking a red drink, actually drinking blood from a humans neck or eating any kind of meat with the blood juices still on and around it. So my answer to your question is: "YES" you are a vampire and soon you will be craving human blood just like me but don't worry i will help you control and quench your thirst for blood, i got you. Anyway hope that answers your question and have a good day.

  • 1 decade ago

    On my understanding u feel like theres something wrong with your dress and hygiene and hair dont worry it can all be fix and organized simply by going to a hair salon but if your worried about your teeth then dont pay to much about unless u believe that your teeth isnt in proper order try to go to the dentist.

  • Thalia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, its called steam!

    Turn the shower off and wait awhile and then your image will return.

    But if you really are a vampire, you will eventually get a band of she-vampire minions who will tidy your hair and clean your teeth. Who needs a mirror when you've got servant beauticians?

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  • 1 decade ago

    ha, ha, ha, ha, not laughing with you; if it makes you happy you can be anything--even queen Elizabeth if that makes you happy but it appears you are and extrinsic type personality so "yes you are a good looking vampire with a touch of narcissism and a bit of anxiety disorder that becomes evident when you are about to leave your place of employment and has a need to reach out and give people a chance to laugh just before the weekend but that has developed this behavior due to childhood issues that have gone unexplored but would generate much if only you open yourself up and disclose incidents that have marked you through your adulthood; not judging just practicing my assessment of your hidden self.

    Source(s): me, a future psychologist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No.It does not mean you are a vampire.A vampire is a blood drinking demons that posesses a dead human body.Are you a demon?Even vampires can cast a reflection.A dead body.

  • Mike
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    lol i love this guy

    you'll be alright BCM(Blessed chesee maker)

    if you really are a vampire , i'll be willing to be turned lol

    thousand years + of life beats the average human 80 years : )

  • Acorn
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    sans: Check to make sure your eyes are open.

    Sometimes when I can't see myself in the mirror, that's the 1st thing I do.

  • 7 years ago

    try runing going outside if you sparkle gayly your a vampire and if it hurts your a vampire

    try poking holy watter get a cross and if it burns your a vampire try runing or flying or geting your fangs out


    Source(s): You might be a vampire ):
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you were looking directly into your own eyes, historically described as the window to the soul.

    Its quite ok since souls dont exist.

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