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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureCultures & GroupsSenior Citizens · 1 decade ago

Home security systems?

Well, it happened. . . someone almost broke into my home this morning. Fortunately I was home and scared the critter off. Three people in my block have gotten home security systems lately. Actually, I wish I could move! But, I think I'll be here for awhile. So, I'm looking for a home security system. ADT is popular in my area. Do you have any to recommend?

16 Answers

  • gggggg
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A dog and a gun will put a burgler on the run

    mister ed has a good point

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Self Defence Training
  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that news. I heard the ADT is one of the very best Home Security Systems a person could buy. Do some research on the computer to see what system is highly reccommended. If you can, buy some "Beware of Dog" signs, & place them in two of your windows, even though you don't have a dog. If I was going to break into a house (which I'd never do) a sign like that would scare me away.

  • Jim W
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Home security is mostly a matter of knowing who has been in and near your property in the recent past. Over half of the home intrusions are by someone who was in the home within 4 weeks of the incident. Many others are by young people that happen in the early afternoon, Make your home more difficult to enter than your neighbors. Solid doors, locked windows with rose bushes below each, or cactus plants. All large glass doors should secured with a wood drop bar in the track, Have nothing worth the trouble easy for the thieves to get at. Keep all valuables secured and out of sight. Money, guns and coin collections are top priorities of thieves, Electronics and art work are much harder to turn into money. Hope this helps. I'm no big fan of burglar alarm systems, most are installed and monitored by inexperienced personnel, who don't know what it's like to beat the police to a live alarm and have to face down a rookie cop who drew down on you when you are trying to secure the premises.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have Apx Alarms. I used to have SSA, but I like the control panel Apx offered. If the alarm goes off, the security company can listen through the control panel and if they hear anything strange, they can get the police here a lot faster. The other systems call on the phone if the system goes off and if you don't answer the phone or if you give the wrong password they call the police. I feel a little more secure with Apx being able to monitor through the control panel. Plus their outside sign is solar powered, so it lights up at night. The other good thing about Apx is that I have a control panel in my bedroom so I can turn off or on the system from upstairs if I forget.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will NOT recommend a system but I will recommend a methodolgy.

    I think home security systems, and many business security systems to be a total failure. Why? Read on.

    You arrive at the shop only to be met by the fact that your front door has been ripped from the hinges and your office has been ransacked and many valuable tools and material have beed stolen.

    As you attempt to recover from the initial shock the phone rings and a voice says, "Hello, Mr. Businessman, My name is Steve from ADT and I am calling to advise you that we received a burgler alarm at you place of business. Is everything allright?


    I DON'T need to pay several hundred dollars instalation fee PLUS a monthly monitoring fee only to have some dork call me at work to tell me something I can PLAINLY see has happened.

    IF you want to have some alarm protection may I suggest that you set it up as a "Watch Dog" methodology as opposed to a "Nosey Neighbor" type system. "Hi neighbor, I see you been broken in to. Did they TAKE anything?"

    Now, IF you had your system designed as a "watch dog" system, it would function as a good watch doog functions and advise you of someone APPROACHING the perimeter of your house. Remember this simple axiom, NO ONE can get INTO your house until they get NEXT to your house. And NO ONE can get NEXT to your house without getting CLOSE to your house.

    Of WHAT value is an alarm system that only tells you that someone just busted down your front door when you are in the middle of a deep sleep. Hells Bells, you already KNOW that by the crashing and breaking noise they made.

    What you need is a "Watch Dog" system to tell you when suspicious people are ANYWHERE on your property perimeter. This will give you the time to reacte intelligently and get out the 44 cal Magnum, the double barreled shotgun, and the Flash and Bang grenades.

    Once you SEE the intruder (and since you have a "Watch Dog" system you will be able tosee HIM long before he even SUSPECTS that you are on to him) you can blast away at him at your liesure. When the threating element has been eliminated, put your weapons up, go back to bed, and leave a morning aleart call with the police station that there is someone down on your property.

    Just like the ADT call, they will be able to come out and deal with the crime issue in a managed fashion. Afterall, ain't that how the police and ADT handle the situation NOW. They don't PROTECT anything, they just come out and "MANAGE" the aftermath of the crime.

    Get a grip on your personal security. It's called the element of surprise.Find out WHEN the bad guys will be showing up. Only then can you EFFECTIVELY do anything it. Afterall, ain't that how the boogeyman works, by surprise?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hear ADT is pretty good but I use MDP and that seems to work pretty good in these parts. It is very evident that I use MDP as my security out here and most folks compliment me on my system. In fact MDP even keeps visitors inside of their pickups when they drive up out front. Yep, MDP works pretty good. I have had ,My Dog Prince, for about four years now and I have had no problems. Well, MDP did get cross ways with a skunk one night this past winter and he wanted to sleep up on the porch and I had to give my system a tomato juice bath so I could use it.

    Source(s): Texan
  • DR W
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to hear of your break-in. I don't know where you live, but if you install a system, make sure that someone locally will respond. If you don't have storm doors that lock, consider investing in them. Replace half panel glass entry doors with fanlight doors to provide light but security. Make sure that you have deadbolt locks of about three inches. These measures may be as effective as deterrents as an alarm system, because if they want to break into your house bad enough, they will.

  • 1 decade ago

    My dog is the best home security I've ever had. My sister uses ADT and has been very happy with it. I'm sorry to hear about the break in. It must been very frightening.

  • 1 decade ago

    Home Security System?

    Well once the alarm sounds , the burgler has just set a new track and field record?

    By the time police responding, criminal in another county.

  • CurlyQ
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A dog is the best security system there is. That, and going and coming at all different hours, not the same time everyday.

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