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if obama the front runner why is he losing so many states?

31 Answers

  • jdw
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He is out of touch with the working class. He won't even visit the states where they are at, and they sure as heck can't afford to go visit him in Washington DC.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very instructive how hateful the Obama supporters are in responding to this question, isn't it? They don't like the weakness of their candidate to be pointed out. With the exception of N. Carolina, Barry Hussein won all of these contests--many were caucuses, not primaries-- some 3 months ago. He hasn't been doing so well since his nutbar preached was exposed. Obama couldn't answer why he spent 20 years with a radical, pro-Palestinian, America hating racist. Prior to that, he was a complete unknown who the media had succeeded making into the second coming of the messiah! Once his character and judgement were exposed, he began to lose the all important white vote. Should more truth come out about this truly ignorant Marxist, he'll be left with only two constituencies--blacks and far left whites. It won't be enough and the United States will have dodged a very dangerous bullet.

  • 1 decade ago

    There have been eleven contest since the Wright issue was brought up with Obama winning 4, Mississippi, North Carolina, Vermont and Wyoming. Now if we look at contests since he made his comments regarding rural America, out of 5 Obama has only won in NC! More importantly is the fact since the Wright issue Clinton leads in the popular vote count by over 346k and that's after losing in NC by 227k plus and losing Mississippi by over 106k votes!

  • JLK
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We knew last week that Hillary would win West Virginia big and that she will probably win in Kentucky. However, in order for her to claim the Democratic Nomination she would have to win each of the next five primaries by the way she did in West Virginia, as well as, gain 80% of the unpledged super delegates. If she is able to achieve that task then good for her, but it's almost too late.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if he wasn't losing in at least some states, he wouldn't be "the front runner", he'd already be "the nominee".

    How's that for a guess?

  • Fossil
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    With everything that's been said and done, I don't believe Obama would not have this kind of lead if the primaries all had to be done over. I don't care for either democrat but the vitriol in their race has alienated quite a few voters who may have originally supported either Hillary or Obama.

    I hope they continue to denigrate one another in the media all the way through the DNC in Denver this summer so all of the disillusioned democrats can jump ship and vote for McCain in November.

    McCain was not my first choice but he is far more capable and competent than either of these two democratic candidates.

    Vote McCain!

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yeah I think you need a nap. Obama has 32 states, Clinton has 16 states. Do I need to be more clear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it is a close race, can't people get that concept. Both candidates have a lot of supporters. Obama has a slight edge more and so he is in the front and will probably stay there. That does not mean that Hillary's supporters will go away - they will still support her.

    It also doesn't mean they will vote for McSame is Obama gets the nomination.

    And by "losing so many states" I hope you realize he has lost far fewer states than Clinton has. How does losing 31 states make Hillary more "electable"?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's won twice as many states as the Clintons.

    Billiary sure is clever, but it doesn't take much to fool fools. She actually has her supporters looking at her like she's winning and has a chance to beat Omama. It's sad.

    Are you Hilliary supporters being fooled enough to send her some cash, though?

    If you knew she was losing you'd be a fool to send her a dime.

    That's why she needs you duped into believing she's winning.

  • Buggs
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    She won the important states needed to win the Election in November. I think thats what counts.


  • 1 decade ago

    Do the math. Obama has won more states than Clinton, has more delegates and a lead in the popular vote.

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