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Lv 4
MBC asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 1 decade ago

Without British support, could Israel have become a reality?

Did the early zionists have any contingency plans in the case of lack of support from the British at the beginning or middle of the planned creation of the state of Israel?

By what means could they have created the state without British help from the beginning?

For whomever wants to respond that the Jews fought off the Arabs alone in 1948, I am speaking of the period well before that, going all the way back into the 1880's and the first major waves of immigration up until 1947.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello Muslim by choice,

    Actually the British Mandate was opposed to the rise of a Jewish State.

    I believe this is the information you are looking for. There is way too much to write as an answer, lol, so I simply provided you with the links. I hope they will help you:


    Britain's treachery, France's revenge - Haaretz - Israel News

    This was the horrible prison where the British held captive the Jewish resistance to British rule.

    The Acre Prison Break

    If I can further assist you, you know where to reach me.

    Ma'a el salama/peace/shalom


    Ms. Miche ; })

  • 1 decade ago

    The Holocaust created many Jewish refugees, none of the major powers wanted these refugees so Britain decided to allow some to immigrate to Palestine, however, not just a few came. Britain tried to turn away many Jewish refugees looking to steal the land of the Palestinians but Jewish terrorist groups such as the Stern gang attacked British troops in Palestine and killed unarmed Palestinian men women and children who tried to stay in there homes. Britain did not want further conflict after WW2 and so withdrew leaving the Jews to continue to steal all the land they could. The Arab nations would have defeated Israel VERY early on and given the land back to the rightful owners had America not armed Israel to the tooth. So it is Britains fault for allowing ANY Jewish refugees into Palestine and Americas fault for supporting Israel and not allowing the Arabs to correct Britains mistake. It seems, however, that no amount of stolen land will satasfy Israel as they continue to steal more land under the guise of 'settlements' which are a prime example of Isaeli imperialism.

    Israel does not want peace, they want more land.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    What is wrong with bringing your own territory back under your control? Russia gave out those passports just so they could intervene militarily. I think they have been planning something like this for a while. It is all a ploy to stop Georgia from joining NATO and having a "threat" at their door step. Did Great Britain step in when the Union took back their territory from the Confederates? Russia is just trying to flex it's muscles and show the world it's power is returning. but if there were to be a war neither side would win, because in a last ditch effort to not lose I am sure one side would launch nukes. It would probably be Russia, because we would steam roll over them.

  • 1 decade ago

    well i dont agree about your first claim.

    British policy was not so consistent about supporting jews, and jewish country. although it gave Balfour's statement in 1917, there were many actions who were against israeli immigration. for example there were palestine immigration denied camps in cyprus because Britain wanted to limit jewish immigration. even some Holocaust survivers were immigration denied and were forced to returned to germany in the ship Exodus.

    another comment: Britain didn't control palestine before the end of WWI. it was under ottoman regime.

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  • Louy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The British support and the savage acts of killings and massacres committed against unarmed civilians where the reason for creating a terrorist nation called Israel on Palestinian Land and on Palestine.

    Ben Gurion made it very clear when he said "without the massacre the Israeli gangs committed in Dair Yassin, killing 245 women and children, Israel would never been created"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My personal belief is that Israel would have been restored as a nation even if Britain helped or not. Jewish Scriptures ask if a nation can be born in a day, indicating Israels' re-birth. Based on this, I believe their destiny would be fulfilled one way or another.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is probably less - the Ottoman Turks encouraged early settlement of Palestine from the 1880's until World War I. British support for a Jewish state only became a reality when they realized the advantages this would give them during WWI in fighting the Ottoman Empire. It was for another 30 years that the British would actually help the creation of the state with their military abandonment of Palestine after WWII.

    Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Considering it was the UK who was trying to keep Jews out of the British Mandate and Israel declared independence from the UK which embarrassed the British government, I would say no, rather it was the Israelis determination for independence that did it, just like the Americans who fought for independence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No,it's nonsense to imagine so. It is a stand-in for a british colonial administration. They simply sub-contracted with the jews,and the U.S. picked it all up in the '60's under LBJ.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. It was a foregone conclusion that under Ottoman rule zionists would only be permitted to purchase small parcels of land. Under British rule they were permitted unlimited immigration until 1937 and unlimited land purchases. The arrangements were made prior to the beginning of the British Mandate,back in 1916-17. Without British support they could not have developed the necessary demographic base. It is unlikely that any other European nation operating the Mandate for Palestine would have agreed to cooperate with zionist objectives and barring such cooperation they could not have been achieved. Furthermore,Protestant British culture had long since developed a strange preoccupation,essentially borne of religious nostalgia,with the idea of European jews "returning" to what was obviously assumed to be their Biblical homeland,Protestants being entirely unaware of the degree to which European jews were descended from individuals who became Jewish only in the religious sense,and via conversion. It was assumed that all or at least most jews were descendants of the ancient Hebrews. This was no doubt at least partially true with respect to Sephardic jews but certainly not the Ashkenazi,who constituted the bulk of zionism.

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