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Do you think Turkey should be allowed to join the EU despite their occupation of Cyprus?

Do you think that Turkey should become a member of the EU, even though they are occupying the north of Cyprus - an EU country. The 'Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus' is not recognised officially by another country in the world, other than Turkey. I don't think it would be sending out the right message to allow a country into the EU, when it is illegally occupying another EU country. It would completely go against one of the EU's main intentions, which is to encourage peace in Europe. What do you think?


Whoa... This has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. Islam is as good a religion as any and only an uneducated person would argue otherwise... Probably about 40% of my friends are Muslim. I'm speaking in relation to the occupation of Cyprus.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you guarantie Greeks will not kill much more Turkish child and woman, and then TuArmy will leave there to Cyprus citisens..

    The only fault of these children is being an army officers son and doughter.. (Major Nihat Ilhan was on duty that night and Greeks went to his house then murdered his wife anf-d 4 children.. Now his house is managed as a museum.. Museum of Barbarism. North Nicosia.)

    None of countries desire additional 40000 soliders to nourish..

    To all people: Turkey isn't belong neither Europe nor Middle East.. Do you think every single person İn Turkey wants to join EU..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The legal issue is totally the other way around. Cyprus, if still is what it claims to be, that is Republic of Cyprus created by the treaties of 1959 and 1960, cannot join any organization that Greece and Turkey are not both members at the same time.

    Other legality is that Turkey, with the same arrangements, has the right to protect Turks in the island. If Greeks had not mass murdered Turks in the island, Turkish Army woudn't have bothered with the trip.

    Just another legality, is that countries with border problems could not enter the EU. Do you have a better candidate than the administration that is labeled as Cyprus, that still considers areas out of its borders at its own, as a coutry with border problems?

    EU has to first kick Cyprus out, before anybody could even considers questioning the Turkish situation.

    And that is why the EU leaders, still do deal with Turkey. Because they know that poking too much on this issue is a legal boomerang.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hello, Well they shouldn't join, Cause Turkey doesn't need EU, EU needs Turkey, Turkey has the population with young and eager work power and Islam is not that culture, just you guys keep watching TV and become freaks of lies in media that tells you and think that Muslims are guys suicide bombs to go heaven (wtf?) Turks won't sell their hard earned houses to people go Europe, maybe they will go to Amsterdam to smoke some weed, maybe will go to Germany to see their relatives. No more since Turkey has lots of economic oppurtinities. Eager to find new sectors that needs to be worked on. By the Way, Turkey is a secular build Republic and have borders in Europe and Asia. edit: Turkey have European borders, can't be called non-European country Cyprus doesn't have any border with europe why is it in EU? Oh, politics... sometimes they are riddicilous.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hah, a Greek threw a stone in the well and all the Englishve flocked there to get the stone out. Everyone has their own reasons. Greeks complain about Cyprus (do any of you know how Cyprus issue started? Did you know that Turkey was a garantor state and occupation was legal? Did u know that Turkey could only occupy the island if/when Greeks of the island attempt to breach the mutually agreed constitution and/or start killing around-and both happened-? Turkey MAY only be wrong for staying there. Occupation was legal). English complain that their possessions would be taken over by Ukranians or they would be Islamized. Fuuuuuuuuunnny... For God's sake for all those years -even centuries- you exploited hundreds of nations and as a result became somewhat rich. U used them for your own good caused them to be poor and unhealthy and now u twaddle about how bad foreigners are. It's payback time. Not that I want Turkey in EU but if somehow we manage to get in, I hope all the Kurds flock there. It's what hypocricy deserves.

    About joining EU, I think Europe has to shove its EU in its most appropriate place. As a Turk I'm against it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There can be no EU country which might question territorial integrity and independence of another EU member.

    I don't know if it's included in EU constitution or not, how ever I think it's obvious that it's a must.

    No one should deny rights of Cypriot Turks, but Turkey "interfered" (and continues to do so) in internal affairs of another country.

    So yes, I agree with you, the nature of European Union doesn't allow this.

  • 1 decade ago

    No..Turkey souldnt be allowed to join Eu,not just coz of Cyprus,but coz of their non democratic nation and culture.

    Im with you about the religion,it shouldnt be a reason for a country not join in EU.

  • Budge
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We all heard your question but what reaction did you expect? There is of course nothing wrong with Islam when followed in the correct manner but if Turkey is allowed to join the EU we will increase the number of nutters who have their own interpretation of their faith coming into Britain with impunity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, Turkey should and deserve to enter EU, I think Greece don't deserve their membership thou. The guy above me said all. Support to Turkey from your friends of Republic of Macedonia

    Source(s): Macedonia FOREVER
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For as long as Turkey occupies illegally another country it can not join the European Union.

    For me, that's the first reason, the other people here have their own reasons, I respect them and I totally agree with them.

    O agwnas synexizete.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No i bloody don't. There is only one country the Turks will head for and that is ' soft touch' Britain. If they are allowed to join it will only be a matter of decades until Britain will be an Islamic republic. I know New Labour are backing them to join, but lets face it, they have backed everyone to join over the last 10 years, resulting in millions heading straight to Britain. Now doubt, it won't bother the politicians with a second or fifth home in the Bahamas where they can go to get away from it all when the time comes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Greece occupied half of Macedonia after the Balkan Wars, but that didn't stop them from entering EU... Turkey has every right to enter same as any other country in Europe... i wish them all the best

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