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Within the last 2 days I am hearing adverts on my laptop.?
No visuals just the music and voices (ordinary ads for insurance/holidays). They come on every 5 minutes or so regardless of whether I am doing emails or gaming. Had a look on task manager and nothing showing there so baffled.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years agoCrumble topping failure?
I can normally cook anything from basic to fancy through to gourmet but I'm beggared if I can get a dessert crumble to work.
I chill the butter - rub it in by hand and use light demerara sugar. All I get is a hot dust with no texture or crunch.
Can anyone help please?
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years agoSuggestions for varieties of bush tomatoes please?
I have a small garden and hence only a small greenhouse. Last year the tomatoes (standard cordon varieties) did very well but were hitting the roof before the plants were ready for pinching the growing tips out. I thought I might try the less tall bush varieties this year but note that most of those are bred for outdoor growing. As I live in the north of England we struggle with that. Can anyone suggest any bush toms that would do ok in the greenhouse. Many thanks.
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years agoCan I transfer Windows from 1 laptop to another?
I have a good quality laptop with a version of Windows in it that is corrupt thanks to a so called mobile computer mechanic who put in an unauthorised version after replacing the hard drive. I have a very bad Samsung lappy that I don't want and was wondering if I could transfer its Windows (came with the machine when I bought it) into the other. If so how and would I need some sort of activation code?
4 AnswersSoftware7 years agoTomatoes dropping off the vine?
Like most people I have had a good summer for crops in the garden. However, for the first time this year I have had a go at tomatoes in a greenhouse we put up last Spring but they have not done too well. The vines themselves have been healthy enough and plenty of toms have set but when still green and about the size of a golf ball a lot of them just fell to the floor. There was no sign of any disease and indeed many of them them that we picked up ripened on the windowsill and were delicious. But given that around a third of the unripe toms have fallen off 4 plants I realise I must be doing something wrong. They have been well watered and regularly fed. Any suggestions please?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoLaptop not shutting down since installing BT home hub?
Got BT broadband installed about 10 days ago. In addition to a load of other problems with it I find that my laptop will not obey the shut down command. It gets as far as showing the Windows blue screen with the timer and the message "shutting down" and then it just stays on that. I cant get back and so have to switch off using the power off button. Can anyone advise me what is going on. It doesn't obey the sleep command either.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoWhy do my parents pay twice as much for water rates then me despite paying the same amount of Council Tax?
I understand that Water Rates are based on rateable value which was set pre 1990's and can no longer be changed. However, it seems grossly unfair that my mum and dad live in a flat worth less than £100k and they almost pay twice as much in water rates as we do in a bunglalow with a slightly higher value. Both properties are Band B Council Tax but in different council areas. My annual bill is £249 and theirs £488. The water companies website seems to suggest there is nothing you can do about it (except have a water meter fitted though the usage calculator says that would cost more). Does anyone know if parents are stuck with it or is there something they might try?
7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years agoAnyone else found Tesco's "How did we do" site a complete waste of time?
I kept seeing the invitation on the bottom of the till receipt to give Tesco feedback on your shopping trip (How did we do?). Last week I went to the website regarding an item that I hadn't bought appearing on my bill and I also told them that I had noticed that quite a few of the prices had gone up way out of proportion to the current rate of inflation. One brand of wine had gone up by 12.5% overnight and another by 33% over the last 10 months. I also flagged up the extortionate price of a tin of red kidney beans at 75p compared to an equally good product from Aldi costing just 21p. For good measure I also included the fact that my wife had not received any Clubcard reward vouchers since the beginning of 2012.
I got a phone call the following day telling me to take my receipt to the store and get a refund for the item that I had been charged for but didn't buy, that my comments re prices would be passed to the store manager (Why him? He doesn't set the prices - Tesco head office do that) and that I should contact the club card department directly.
So - back to the store with the receipt where I was told that I must have purchased the mystery item on my bill or it could not have possibly have got on there. I was advised to check my goods against my receipt before leaving the store in future. No refund. Obviously no feedback from the store manager on prices and why should I have to chase the Clubcard people again - having brought the problem to their attention they should be chasing me to resolve it. How did they do? - Badly. It is a fob off service with no one wanting to "own the issue" and provide good customer service. I would be grateful if anyone out there who has had a similar experience could post a reply and if there are a few I can have another grizzle at Tesco. Thanks
6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years agoGrowing vegetables in a garden with poor light?
Just moved and a pal and I are going to remodel our small garden ready for next year. Even the best part of it (about half) only gets full sun from late morning onwards so we are going to make that into the veg patch. A small part of that will be laid to a hard standing for a little greenhouse for toms, peppers and tender herbs etc which will leave a reasonable amount of space for other veg. Can anyone advise me what outdoor veggies do well without full sun please and maybe what to avoid.
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoWhy can't I open any PDF files?
I imaged a few hard copy documents this morning and saved to PDF files for sending out to clients. No problems at all - I scanned, renamed, moved to an appropriate folder and then emailed. I took a break and came back to find that I cannot open any PDF files at all. I simply get a message stating that an error has occurred and "access denied" which seems a bit strange - this is a home lap top and not a network machine. I have Adobe X loaded at the moment. Can anyone suggest a solution please.
5 AnswersSoftware9 years agoDoes a combi boiler need a room thermostat fitted?
Just moved into a house with a new combi boiler. I have read the instruction manual and this refers to use of the wall thermostat IF FITTED. There is a wall thermostat in the hall but it looks like an old one and a power test shows it is dead - no power to it. However, all the radiators have individual thermostats fitted so could it be that the wall one is redundant and not required,
9 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years agoSpatchcocked Partridge?
Saw a programme on tv a few days ago and after a game shoot the country house chef produced spatchcocked partridge. I think it is a brilliant idea for the BBQ and should keep the beasties quite tender. However, I was not keen on the marinade which included chillies. I love chillies but am a traditionalist when it comes to game. Can anyone offer a really good oil based marinade for this method of cooking please?
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years agoWhere are we up to with the Asparagus season?
Anyone getting English asparagus yet? I don't mean that trimmed and over packaged stuff from Tesco and other supermarkets (paying more for the plastic than the product). Normally the season starts in May but the farmers have been getting it out earlier with the warm weather but nothing up here yet (north west). Short season for this jewel of vegetable so I do not want to miss a minute of it.
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agoWhat is the best and cheapest Ecig with ejuice refills?
I have been using Skycig since new years day and have not had a real cigarette since. However, the Skycig is expensive for refills and is very inconsistant in quality. I want a kit that allows you to refill your own cartridges with ejuice at a reasonable price. Can anyone guide me please? I know that there are loads of sites on the web but they assume that you know what you need - I dont so please do not simply direct me to a website - thanks
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years agoWhat is the best and cheapest Ecig with ejuice refills?
I have been using Skycig since new years day and have not had a real cigarette since. However, the Skycig is expensive for refills and is very inconsistant in quality. I want a kit that allows you to refill your own cartridges with ejuice at a reasonable price. Can anyone guide me please? I know that there are loads of sites on the web but they assume that you know what you need - I dont so please do not simply direct me to a website - thanks
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases9 years agoAfter removing programmes (usually games I am sometimes left with desk top shortcut icons that will not delete?
I get a message saying that "this is no longer located in C:\Users\Public Desktop. Verify the items location and try again". Trouble is I can't find the location. Any tips on how to remove please?
5 AnswersSoftware9 years ago