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Why are motorcycle questioners so stupid?

It seems they can hardly speak or write English. Is it genetic? Did all the English text books get burned in a massive right-wing book burning? Or did 2-cycle fumes melt their cerebral cortex?

A glance at the questions they ask shows that something serious is going on. I don't know about you all, but if I were you I would be VERY AFRAID. I think the Alien Nation is showing its weak spot. We could save Planet Earth by printing up large quantitites of English texts, by putting them online, and broadcasting them at subliminal wavelengths. Then their brains wold unconsciously absorb it all, and we would revert to intelligently written questions once again.

Riders of the world: UNITE! Let's show them a proper English sentence CAN be written. How about it?

One came dream...


lovely answers so far. i especially like the redneck slam. erudite.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can forgive the chaps from other countries, where English is only taught in school, and it is not technical grade. Having lived/traveled in several European countries, this is very understandable. How would you do in their country?

    BUT! we have many almost unreadable, clear as mud question from good old USA. This is a reflection on all of us, and our school system, Having raised 2 families, 20 years apart, I can see how the schools have changed. If you are fortunate enough to live in an area with Advanced Placement schools, your kids do get a good education, if they learn it or not is up to you, them , the TV set, and games. (All your responsibility). Does the shoe fit? Do your kids do all homework? How many ours a week on video games?

    do you support the school system? These are serious problems, which will take years to cure, after we get started. I have often heard that precious few nations have maintained a high level of development for over 200 years. We are following that path. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, leaders look only at what will fatten their pockets.

    This is a very good question, the answer is very difficult, and will take a MAJOR awakening and change to correct. I just hope we are able to do it.


    Source(s): Lot of life, lot of miles, lot of countries, lot of cities, and I looked at it all.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree and concour bajaj pulsar 2000 rupee durkah durkah your just jealous because the best bike in India is the Honda hero 1cc mega super bike.

    Seriously though they are just guys like us from a different country who are into bikes. I'd rather see a question asking whats the best bike available for 50,000 Rupees than some f**k stain asking how to soup up his 1981 Toyota Corolla 'Rolla' Believe it or not there are people out there who don't speak english as their first language (only several billion or so)

    Source(s): Look at a map hillbilly Bring on the thumbs down :-)
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Frank I see you can only manage 4% best answers. A little less for your questions I think. (only joking) us (as in an inclusive not a country) bikers are a bit dense. Although I do have an MA in English from Cambridge I would assume that I don't come up to your standards.

    What about picking on Subaru drivers?

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not just motorcycle riders. Look around. The English language is becoming a lost art. It won't be long before normal writing is going to look like Middle English looks to us today.

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  • Andy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's not just motorcycle questions. What's really sad is the fact that there's a spell check. I'm amazed at some of the questions and answers. Is it really possible that some people are that clueless? It boggles the mind. I think as a species we're doomed.

  • slim
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Bet you're a real blast at parties with that "I'm Better then you" personality..

    Too bad we all aren't as smart as you...

    Sitting there alone? Can't even get the dog to play with you? Neighbors and friends won't come over anymore?

    Must be fun to be as superior as you.

    Source(s): oh I ride a Harley
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Same reason some of them don't read Yahoo's Terms of Service regarding RANTING. That's just a guess!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have some reading material which may help with your statement. See the link below.

  • Dave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes there are some very strange questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know what you mean , check out the stupid question this idiot asked.;_ylt=At0pA...

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