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jody c asked in SportsMotorcycle Racing · 1 decade ago

qualifying le mans?

what a qualifying session by edwards! can he bag a victory i dont think so ,i can see vale, casey and dani battling it out to the end in what is hopefully another superb day of racing with vale coming out victorious what do you regulars think?


i know dani is on pole but for me edwards session far more impressive

Update 2:

hey there dingo after fordetting on 2 weekends to put my tips in i have to remember every weekend now to make sure i at least get a top 10 in the tipping league im under megamassiv i have gone for a rossi win this weekend with dani for a placing. fingers crossed

4 Answers

  • Dingo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey Jody

    He certainly looked good (Edwards) but then those Yammi's have been great this season, am surprised that neither Rossi or Lorenzo are on the front row!

    I do think Pedrosa has got his game face on today - so have tipped him for a win.

    Source(s): ************************* edit ************************ hey Jody - you really called those tips this week! I have forgotten myself before - so don't think I'll be near the top of the table this year!
  • proc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hi Jody C, I would really like Colin to be up there during the race. but i think we might get a repeat of China. Dani was Quick all weekend and has a good race pace. BUT this is the home of Michelin and Bridgestone have a weapon in the guise of Valentino this year, and on a track that's all about Braking stability. You have to think He should have the advantage, then there is Stoner who clicked at the end too. the Michelin boys should know this track well enough to compete, But the Bridgestones ability to work from the off may make all the difference. should be a great race though. I'm going for Rossi over Stoner, assuming they get past Dani.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Vale has played the slow card this weekend.

    I think he he has the the rubber and the talent [ as if anybody would say different ] to pull of a another first place.

    My figure is : remember Assen 07 , remember China 08 ?

    Never wright the Doctor off. !!!

  • 1 decade ago

    edwards is an excellent rider, but i think he has lost is nerve for the race a bit, during qualifying when he has clear track ahead, and only the clock to beat there are'nt many faster, but come race day it's a bit different.......<^><...

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