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raynelley asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

What to do when the Doctors blow you off?

Ok so before anyone tells me to go to the doctor I have.

I am a USMC wife and so I am limited to the doctors that I can see. I do not get to choose my doc they choose one for me and if I am unhappy I call and they choose another. So thus begins the problem I have seen more docs than I can count on one hand in the past 2.5 years whether because they deployed, got a new duty station, quit or because I was unsatisfied with the care. When we go home on leave I get to see my regular Doc who has been treating me since I was a kid. In Jan he put me on blood thinners do to a suspected PME he requested I remain on them for 6 months. So the doc here can not seem to get me to a level where my blood is as then as he would like it. He has played with my dose for 5 months. On April 13 I started a period and seriously have not stopped bleeding since. I called the doc 3 weeks in and he said it was fine and did not even do an exam. I was not ok with this and called tricare to switch doctors.


I changed and the new doc can not get me in even after I have had major bleeding passed a clot that was scary looking and informed them I am on blood thinners. His nurse will not even speak with me. So I called the advice nurse and was sent to see a Nurse Practitioner in another office who spent the entire appointment scolding me for not seeing my Primary care Doc even after I explained I could not get in. She found a bacterial infection in my vagina and did not explain any further just put me on more antibiotics. Did not seem too concerned about the bleeding because it had nearly stopped yesterday. Well today I am bleeding really bad again and I do not know where to turn. I am scared soemthing is really wrong. Does anyone have any advice? Have you been through something similiar and found a way to make them listen?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep calling and saying what is wrong until your doctor finally gives in!!

  • Kir S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've dealt with doctors giving me the runaround, as has my mom. You ever hear the term "the squeaky wheel gets the grease?" Go to the doctor's office (appointment or not) and demand to see the doctor. Be prepared to sit there until they fit you in, but they will find time. You can also go to the ER. And when you finally do see the doctor, demand answers. Be very polite about it, but be firm. Tell them you're not leaving until they explain what is going on. The doctor is getting paid to treat you. My situation was with gallbladder pain that they kept telling me was just indigestion. I finally had a proper test that came back abnormal, so I went to my primary to get a surgeon referral. They stuck me with a nurse practitioner who told me that she had no such results, that I was lying because I was too young for gallbladder problems, and refused to give me the referral. I went to a different doctor who found the results, and noticed that on other tests I had abnormal things that the nurse said were nothing but actually needed their own treatment. I was fortunate that I could go to whatever doctor I wanted, but it took me seeing 6 different doctors before someone would listen to me. Unfortunately, doctors get very busy and don't take the time that is required to really listen to you. One thing that can help is to get the first appointment in the morning or the first one after lunch. The later the appointment, they further behind the doctor is, and the more likely he is to rush through your appointment. Also, come prepared with questions so that they have specific information to give you. Know what you want to ask, be concise with your questions, and don't let them leave until your questions are answered. If they give you a prescription, ask what it is and what it is supposed to treat. If you don't understand why they're treating you with something, ask WHY? Don't let it go. Demand answers, and if you don't get them, demand another doctor. I know it sucks to have to see so many doctors, but sometimes that's what it takes.

  • 1 decade ago

    The next time you go to any of them, tell them that you know this is something, and you want them to help you now. If you are unhappy with the care you get, tell them, "Okay, then will you please write in my chart that you have failed to spend the time and energy to find the proper diagnosis and treatment for me, and please sign and date it. I would like a copy of this statement before I leave as well." Sitting up straight and making your presence known is also good. Humans react to body language, so make yours strong. If they still don't listen up, then stay in your exam room until you feel you have gotten the proper treatment.

    You can also go in prepared, to show them you're serious about finding an effective treatment.

    Good Luck!

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