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  • Can they still pay him on an hourly basis?

    My husband started working for his employer almost 2 years ago. When he hired on his offer stated that he was a salaried employee and should be making around 33k a year. His paycheck stub states that he is salary non-exempt and should make 1260.00 a pay period. However he never makes this much. As I understand it salary means that you have a set pay. This is also what the FLSA website states. This company does not pay him the salary that they promised or even that they state he should be getting on his pay stub. He is also a National Guardsman and he was in training for 2 months last winter. For this they docked him 1 day of vacation stating that he had not earned it. I do not know what to do here? Who do we contact? What course of action do we take next?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • What do I do if local law enforcement will not help me stop a stalker?

    What do I do if the county I reside in keeps dropping the ball? My sister has had many issues with the father of her children. He will not let her and her children be, he refuses to sign custody papers and generally terrorizes them. She has had to turn to staying with family, hiding her vehicle and is now afraid to walk out her door alone. She has had 2 Orders of Protection issued, the first was not served until 2 days before it's expiration and the second she let expire on the advice of her lawyer because in a criminal trespass case he was ordered a year no contact with her. He has been showing up at her house and over the weekend when we called the police we were informed that the no contact order that was handed down at his August 24, court date was never served to the county jail and there for they could not act on it. The officer that told us that also told us that we should call them if we saw him driving by as we are all aware that he is driving on a revoked license and no insurance. This afternoon our mother called the police station and informed him that she knew for a fact that he would be driving and where and what time (we are very desperate to get him where he can not hurt my sister or her children). This officer basically informed her that even if he pulled him over he would not arrest him but just issue a ticket that our family was trying to "black ball" this man. We are all at our wits end the county/city keeps dropping the ball and the following, stalking, and threats continue to get worse. The issue is this is not his first go around with our county. His last relationship ended this same way. He tried to run my sister off the road while her children were in the car she drove straight to the police station and the cop let him go with a warning. From there he followed her and she had to dial 911 again he was let off with a warning. Then he vandalized her car on private property this is where the criminal trespass charges came from. While awaiting his court date she had to call the authorities again for following her and trying to cause her to have an accident with the kids in the car. He was pulled over and let go (even though he had no license or insurance). The County just keeps letting him get away with this and we are afraid for her and her children's safety. What do we do?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Why am I smelling things that do not actually exist?

    For the past month or two just out of nowhere I will smell a really strong bleach odor. Sometimes at night it is cigarette smoke it is strong and distinct. No one in my house smokes and lots of times I am alone when the smoke smell starts. Today I began smelling paint it has came and went for the last 12 hours but it is strong and my husband cannot smell it. When the smell is bleach it is super strong some times to the point it burns my nose and makes me physically ill. No one else can ever smell these odors and it happens in places other than just my home. There have been days that I have not been able to ride in my truck because I get in and the bleach smell is so strong I can't take it. This is starting to hinder my life, like I am up right now do to the paint smell. Please help! What could this be?

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • why is my cat peeing in my bed?

    We just moved and we brought our out door cat inside because we are in a new town and no longer in the country. She has now urinated on our bed 3 times once while I was in it (on me) once while my husband was in it (next to him but on my side of the bed) and today no one was in it still though on my side of the bed. She has a clean litter box. I do not know what else to do. I am very frustrated but do not want to have to get rid of her. I am afraid it is coming to that point though. Please help! Real advice only please.

    4 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Can a current/prior USMC Staff NCO or Officer answer please?

    My Husband has been a Marine now for 13 years, for the past 7 years he has been a Sgt. He has been passed over 6 times now (for reasons that the Corps would not share with him) and as you know that means he will be forced out when his EAS comes around. They put in for him to have an extension in November and he deployed in January with still no word on the extension. In March he was denied the extension. This meant he would be unable to serve the entire deployment and would be sent home at the half way point. In the mean time back at home I had been trying to get surgery scheduled for myself. I could not schedule this surgery with out knowing his home coming date. So he explained to his Msgt what was going on and that my surgery date depended on his homecoming. So we were told he would return in may. I postponed my surgery until the end of June beginning of july knowing he would have to spend close to a month on base before terminal leave began. Well when the 2 week mark came around we were informed that the may date had now been moved to June It was still early enough that my surgery would be ok. Also at this time we knew that we needed to find a place to stay for the few weeks we would have to be near base. So my DH asked Msgt if that was going to be a good date and he assured him it was. On this we put the money down on a place and I began counting the days till I would see my husband again. Well we are now 2 weeks out from our June date and we have now been told that our June date was never really given to us. My husband was basically told that he made up that date to tell me. I find it very strange that he would make up a date and then let me spend $1100.00 on a place to stay. This has now not only put us out the money but me out a surgery that I need because by the time we get home and I spend the time on antibiotics and the few preop things that have to wait till a few days before surgery I will not have time to get my surgery and then have my post ops before my husbands EAS and the end of our insurance. I have seen my husbands mental state change in the past few days as well as my own along with my health. We are both at our wits end and are not sure what to do next. Please if anyone has suggestions let me know.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Was it really cheating? How do I trust him again?

    Ok so I set my brother in law up with this girl I worked with, and found out she was dishonest and pretty much crazy. So one night my husband says, "If i wasn't married". I took offense to that and I told him so. So then I notice he has started carrying his phone with him which is unusual for him, and I catch him sending a text on Thanksgiving. When I ask who it was too he refuses to tell me. Later he confesses that it was her and gets very angry when I say I am uncomfortable with it, to the point that he walks out. When I confront her I find that at that moment she is also talking to him. She finds nothing wrong with her actions and infact says it is my just dessert for calling her a psycho *itch. My husband finally cooled down and told me they had only been talking about the army. Knowing the kind of person she is I had my doubts so I checked his phone the next morning and found she had sent him pictures of herself in her underwear. Again I confronted him I asked him to delete them and her from our lives. Though he promised to delete the pics he refused to stop talking to her and blamed me for asking him to make changes and not changing myself. He also blamed me because I had, "snooped". He now will not even let me see his phone and keeps it on vibrate in the pocket of his jeans at all times, in the past he has run around in his undwear all weekend and at night after work but now refuses to be out of bed with out his jeans on. When I tell him she is out to cause problems he stands up for her saying, "No she isn't I told her it would not cause any My Mistake again". He deploys in 6 weeks and I do not want him going to Iraq and being gone so long when I still feel like this. I have asked for counseling in the past and he absolutely refuses. Help!

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I make him understand?

    My Husband is addicted to porn, it is a serious addiction to the point that it rules his life. He refuses to be honest about it when i ask what he was doing he makes up a lie about it. Then when I tell him it has to stop he says, "I'm trying to deal with it, but you asking me all the time doesn't help." So I suggest getting counseling and he refuses that. I can not take this much longer, I love him so much but I just can't share him with porn and deal with his lies. I feel like my feelings don't matter, like my marriage is in trouble. I'm scared and I don't know what to do.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Crafts for Fundraiser?

    My husband and I are trying to raise money in order to adopt a child. We are looking to sell some crafty things but need something that is inexpensive to make but will sell and ship well. He already makes candles and I bake but we are looking for another sort of product too. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • What to do when the Doctors blow you off?

    Ok so before anyone tells me to go to the doctor I have.

    I am a USMC wife and so I am limited to the doctors that I can see. I do not get to choose my doc they choose one for me and if I am unhappy I call and they choose another. So thus begins the problem I have seen more docs than I can count on one hand in the past 2.5 years whether because they deployed, got a new duty station, quit or because I was unsatisfied with the care. When we go home on leave I get to see my regular Doc who has been treating me since I was a kid. In Jan he put me on blood thinners do to a suspected PME he requested I remain on them for 6 months. So the doc here can not seem to get me to a level where my blood is as then as he would like it. He has played with my dose for 5 months. On April 13 I started a period and seriously have not stopped bleeding since. I called the doc 3 weeks in and he said it was fine and did not even do an exam. I was not ok with this and called tricare to switch doctors.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Driving for celebrities?

    My Mom is an OTR Trucker and is interested in Driving the Riggs for NASCAR racing Teams or other such Celebrities. Does any one know how she could get information on applying for such jobs?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • food for a meeting?

    My husband and I are taking parenting classes required for our adoption. The participants take turns bringing food to each meeting. We only get a fifteen minute break but are permitted to eat during the class. Most of us have at least an hour drive to get to the class that begins at 6:30 pm so there is no time to have dinner. So what I need are some suggestions of things that are more like finger food than a sit down meal but are still filling enough for those of us who have worked all day and not had a chance to eat before the class. Keep in mind this food has to travel the hour to the class and be able to sit with out heat or refrigeration for 2-3 hours. It also needs to be easy to eat while still participating in the class. Please give me sensible suggestions.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is this toy?

    When we were kids My parents used to buy us this toy it was a bunch of little plastic beads that you would put together on a peg board and then melt in the oven to form a picture. I can not remember the name of this toy but they have made a new one called Aqua dots if you want to look at that to see exactly what I am talking about. Can some one anyone tell me the name of the one from My generation?

    4 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • Carb Free Foods?

    I was put on a 40 carbs or less a day diet. Is there anyone out there who can suggest some foods that are Carb free. If I do not find some Carb free foods soon I am going to lose it. Meat and cheese is not enough to live on.

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Obtaining a back ground Check from another state?

    Ok so the time has come where my husband and I have decided to adopt a child. In the process of doing so we must obtain a criminal background check from every county in which we have lived for the past 5 years. I am finding it very hard to find the telephone numbers for a circuit clerk in Queens County, NY and also in Honolulu County, HI. Is there anyone out there who may have a telephone directory with either of these numbers in it? If you do would you please post them for me? I would be very grateful as I am getting very frustrated with not being able to find the number I need.

    5 AnswersAdoption1 decade ago
  • Unusual sandwiches?

    I have decided that we are going to start having sadwiches more often. I need some unusual but tasty recipes for Sandwiches. Please be specific on the types of bread cheese and meats used in your sandwiches. We are open to cooked meats and also Deli meats Sometimes even meatless sandwiches are ok. Please put in all the ideas you have.

    16 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Something quick and easy for dinner?

    I work all day as Cashier in the commissary on the base where my husband is stationed so I am standing for hours. When I make it home I do not feel like standing in front of the stove. Does any one have any ideas for weekly menus that are really quick and simple. I am thinking 5 ingredients tops and something that can be whipped up in like 30 minutes. Keep in mind that my husband is a little picky and does not eat any kind of fish. He also will not eat bone in chicken.

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • A career that can move with me?

    My husband is in the Military so we move a lot. However we still need a second income. I want to get a certificate or a degree in something that is going to be able to move with me where ever we may go. I was looking into phlebotomy but few colleges offer just a phlebotomy course any longer. The programs it has been incorporated in are 3 and 4 year programs. By the time we get to a new duty station and the new semester rolls around for me to start classes I usually only have 2 and a half years left and these are not courses I could complete online. Does any one have any ideas on a career path that may be a good fit for someone with my life style?

    9 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Fleas!!!! How rid of them from my house and Kittens?

    My kittens are 6 weeks old and the Mommy and Daddy Cats are a year. I want something that is safe but effective, for both them and my home. Do you have any suggestions?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Traveling with cats?

    I have 4 small Kittens (just over a month old) and 2 adult cats. We will be taking a trip back home (from North Carolina to Illinois) in a few days and we need to take all of the cats with us. I wanted to know if any tips on traveling such a distance with so many animals especially the kittens. Do you have any pointers? We have 2 pet carriers One large and one just big enough for one cat.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do I get my month old Kittens to eat?

    I know that at a month old you’re supposed to begin weaning Kittens. My Kittens are now a month and 2 days old and though they will take like 2 laps of "Kitten milk" from a bowl they will not take anymore. I was told to soak kitten chow in the "Kitten Milk" and make it into a paste and give it to them however they are not interested at all. Mama Cat has started spending less and less time with them only feeding them maybe once a day. I do not have a spot that I can leave them out on the floor with food and even if I were to do that Mama Cat eats the Drenched Kitten chow before the Kittens show any interest. Can someone please give me some ideas?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago