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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

When will Obama learn the meaning of the word appeasement?

It is a scary thought that so many voters do not know the meaning of the word appeasement. Obama wants to talk to our terrorist enemies. Jimmy Carter just came back a few weeks ago after talking to HAMAS. Can someone tell me what did Carters trip accommplish? We already know what the terrorists want. They want to kill all of us. Why do so many people believe that you can talk diplomacy with barbarians? The only language the terrorists speak is the sound of bombs, guns and missles going off.

Let's open up a can of whoop *** on them in such a brutal way as the world has never seen before.

If Nevile Chamberlain in the early 1930's had his way by talking to Hitler, the whole world would be speaking German right now. Thank goodness wiser heads prevailed and Winston Churchill took over. Thats all I can say


talking is appeasement. Talking means negoiating with your enemy. Whats the point in that? The terrorists made there objectives clear on 911. We need to turn the sands of the desert into glass NOW!

Update 2:

Did China, Russia, Libya or any of the other countries attack us on 911? No, Al Quaeda did. Therefore, talking to those countries was not appeasement. Carter talked to HAMAS and accomplished nothing. HAMAS is terrorist group and always has been, to deny that fact makes the person who is doing the denying look like the worlds biggest idiot.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Carter is still trying to make up for bungling the Iranian embassy situation in the 1970s. He tried appeasment then and it took Regan to bring our people out of that terrorist captivity. Only strength is respected in that part of the world. All the Camp David peace agreements Carter made talking to the enemy were completly ignored by the enemy after signing. And the fool is still over there trying to appease and negate the authority of the current US government. Shameful and dumb.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know nothing. Let the people with brains handle foreign policy. If you want to stand by this nonsense you should be mad at GWB. He has negotiated a deal with the Sunni Insurgents who attacked us in Iraq. He has negotiated a deal with Pakistan, where OLB lives with impunity in the tribal areas. He negotiated a deal with N. Korea. If people like you were in charge during the cold war countless millions would be dead. Comparing these terrorist weakling to the the juggernaut of Nazi Germary is an insult to everybody who fought against the Nazis.

    This cracks me up:

    "He tried appeasment then and it took Regan to bring our people out of that terrorist captivity."


    LOOK IT UP!!!!!

    More funny delusions from this crowd:

    "Did China, Russia, Libya or any of the other countries attack us on 911? "

    Did Iran, or Iraq attack use on 9/11? No. It was a relatively small group of extremist whack jobs in Al Qaeda. They reside in the tribal area of our ally Pakistan now. Bush's appeasement prevents us from bringing them to justice.

  • 5 years ago

    Oh please I can see you now. With a microscope. Reading the article looking for something to complain about. Get real! "Contribute" something that makes sense. The girls are Not their father you silly little rabbit! No politics involved here ~~ walking a dog~~ omg. and let's not start talking about 'lying'~~ because you see ~~ if they were anyone else's daughters, you'd grin estatically, clap your hands, jump for joy,and proclaim joyfully, that : they were telling "little white lies" rather than flat out "Lies" ~~ ~~if you know what I mean, and I am sure you. So let's move on. Life is short. There are may things that need to be accomplished ~~ besides who will walk a dog. walk a dog. omg With the recession descending down on nearly the entire world, with a mysterious so-called swine flu skirting across the nation affecting who knows who else in the future,~~ and~ you are worried about who walks a dog. how pathetic. Grow Up !! Please. So just Please please shush~~and stop trying to convince everyone that your kids never lied because you bought them up better. Yeah right! If they are grown, ask them if they ever lied to you. They'll laugh in your err err face.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Part of the problem is WHO you are talking with - Hamas started out as a terrorist organization, now they've morphed somewhat into a quasi-political entity....but since their beliefs still are the same, ie destroy Israel...can you sincerely believe that ANY talking will change their minds? No.

    As far as the talks with China, North Korea, Libya, Russia, etc....they're all with, well, uh, "legitimate" nations and leaders, whether by force or farce, they are in control. And if they're big enough to cause trouble, you still have to deal with them, like you do with any bully. Refusing to do so is unrealistic. But specifically going to talk to a group who's origins are terrorist, is a gray area - Hamas now is in POLITICAL, as well as physical, control of the Gaza, yet their beliefs preclude the possibility of any likely change in their hatred of I think it's pointless to deal with them. True, they are in control, but until you can find a way to overcome them on a power basis, they won't change. So, to paraphrase the Borg, " Talking is futile - you will be humiliated" - Go, Jimmy! LOL.

    And Obama? He's making it "sound good" for his party. I"m sure he won't give away anything...but I still refuse to vote for anyone when communist, muslim, and terrorist controlled countries like you as a candidate. That says SOMETHING right there. They know our political system as well as we do, and any endorsement by THEIR kind is enough to make me vote OPPOSITE of what they want.

    - The Gremlin Guy - conservative

    Source(s): MOO - My Own Opinion
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  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe you should learn the meaning of the word appeasement.

    Appeasement is not talking with an enemy... it is giving in to an enemy's demands in order to avoid armed conflict.

    What Neville Chamberlain did in 1938 when meeting with Hitler in Munich was allow Hitler to keep Czechoslovakia... that's why Chamberlain is called an appeaser.

    Chamberlain mistakenly believed that giving Hitler Czechoslovakia would make Hitler happy and curb his desire for war, or further invasion. Obviously, Hitler was a power-hungry, megalomaniac tyrant... and nothing would have curbed his desire for more...

  • 1 decade ago

    Appeasment: def

    1. to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king.

    2. to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage: The fruit appeased his hunger.

    3. to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.

    Neville Chamberlain, gave up Czechoslovakia to Germany, that is appeasement.

    No where has Obama said that he would bow down and give up anything to our enemies.

    I guess Nixon was an appeaser when he spoke with Chairman Mao Tse Tung of China

    Bush is also an appeaser since he sent envoys to talk to Mumar Gaddafi

    Oh yeah Kennedy was an appeaser when he spoke with Kruschev during the cuban missile crisis. BTW, did we give up anything to Cuba or Russia? Are the missiles still there? no

  • Diplomacy requires a trade,you give some and they give some.

    The Terrorists will only talk if it's in their best interests,otherwise they're just buying time.

    The only way to get meaningfull negotiations is to beat some sense into them and keep beating them until they crawl on their knees,begging.

  • 1 decade ago

    Carter tried to negotiate with the very terrorist that now rule Iran, when they stormed our Embassy and took hostages. The hostages remained for years, one even died in captivity. It didn't work then, it won't work now. The President of Iran is one of those that stormed our Embassy in the 70's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ummmm, I think YOU need to learn what the word appeasment means.

    Clue: It does not mean talking to groups you disagree with.

    Now, go get a Webster's, New American, whatever, and look up the word. Or perhaps give Kevin James a call and see if he's figured it out for you yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Was it appeasement when Bush sent Sen. Biden to talk with Khadify in Libya? Was it appeasement when we talked with North Korea? Was it appeasement when Nixon talked with China? Was it appeasement when we talked with Russia while their missles were aimed at us and Europe?

    Call it appeasement if you want, but all those countries responded to dialogue better than they responded to force and rhetoric.

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